The Karma Crucible NFT

HEEEELP Ok so I bought this and I blame fomo. I already missed out on Sanctum so now I have this at the ready for when I’m ready myself but I can’t download the song :sob:

Can someone please share it?

I tried the links I got after buying and the minting and I tried the link I received via email but I always end up with the option of downloading the whole web page. I swear I have right clicked all over the place and page but no luck. I have the image safely in Phantom wallet but the song escapes me.

All these roads:



lead not to Rome but here

In reference to the last image, when u get that U listen to the entire audio. When it is finished u right click (on the black part of the page) and choose … save as…and it will save the MP3


I followed your instructions and it still just offers to let me download the page. Another kind forum member is willing to send the song my way so I’m good :pray:

Thank you

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iPhone right? Use desktop for download.

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I did use desktop. I don’t know what I am doing wrong :crazy_face: I have the song now but would be nice to be able to download them all by myself

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I mean desktop pc, laptop or mac.

Nothing. iPhone cannot download embedded files like this one.

I also meant desktop pc :sweat_smile: Old computer, Windows 10
(sorry everyone for hogging the thread)

Then you can try different browser.

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Ok, embarrassing. I use Vivaldi usually. No luck. Tried Firefox and no luck. IE? No. Opera did the trick. Thank you.

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what do you mean? I always download the fields with my iPhone. There is something wrong with the files like this?

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No, nothing wrong with files. Just, iPhone cannot download some link types.
Like embedded ones. Safari playing them instead of downloading.


Ah I understand. Thanks for explaining! @otm

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wonder if all the bad karma got burned if it will process the remaining “good” karma too for liberation.

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I have so many questions about this NFT and would really be helpful if someone who know can help me get answers to all of my questions.

what I am really trying to understand is that our planetary placements in the vedic chart is as per our karma especially all the previous life karma from all our lifetimes, so using this should help us with that imo, so after it burns or dismisses that, then what, what really happens.

For example, let’s say, I am going through some issues, like as per my chart, it says that I will not have love in my life, and I will mostly be dealing with karmic partners and after a lot of struggle I will come across the person I will settle down with, so does that mean that this will remove those karmic people and lessons and directly glide me to my destination or let’s say it in my chart that I am going to suffer with a lot of things due to my past karma, so does this NFT cancel out all the bad karma?

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I think this NFT has a safety mechanism where irrespective of how much you listen to this, this will work beautifully at its own pace, I personally feel that irrespective if you listen to or meditate on this one for hours or just a few minutes it will still do its magic on its own sweet pace, like for example, you see the fish aquariums, we cannot completely change the water in the aquarium cause if you do all the fishes will die due to shock, got my hands on this since last 2 days and whenever I listen to this audio I can feel vibrations or pressure on my forehead and middle of the brain and I am pairing this with navagraha homam, I am so excited to see the results but I still have so many questions wish they could be answered.



IDK how to put this in words but I will try in words, but earlier today while I was sleeping I was dreaming of going back to the home (where I grew up and saw my grandpa) later on I felt like something was being pulled up towards the head starting from my feet and it going out of my crown chakra, it felt like a fabric of some sort but rough on the skin and I kid you not, I actually felt it on my skin and it was so intense that I literally woke up was so scared for a few seconds and my head was hurting a lot like the forehead (3rd eye and my crown chakra part) was very difficult falling asleep again, my head is still hurting a lot though, looks like something intense is happening.

7 days later:
Not much to update really, using it religiously, meditating on it and asking it to prioritize which aspect, but haven’t really seen or felt any changes in my life, I do have weird dreams but I think they’re not really related to KC, but of course I understand that this is a long-term commitment and expecting to see any changes is not fair because I understand it must be clearing previous lifetime debris first, hoping for the best, fingers crossed.

A few days later: 01st Mar 24

Don’t really have any new updates, nothing much have changed since my last feedback, I am using this actively, passively and also meditating, communicating with it, doing everything that is needed but still nothing much has moved so far.


I have now used this for some months. It gives me very detailed dreams starring people who are no longer in my life. In these dreams I act the way I used to act with them and then I kind of wake up in the dream and change my behavior. These were strained relationships and broken friendships. Also the dreams are very long. My dreams used to be fractured.


Excellent review, thanks for sharing. I’d say it’s working perfectly to you. You have imbued the field very well.
That’s the perfect experience of neutralizing Karma in dreams, and thats how the Lord Kala Bhairav, the one who deals with karma also let people experience it in Dreams when surrender to Him.


This is nice to hear because first I didn’t get any results from this nft. When I started listening right before bed the dreams started and their main theme is always that there is someone I hurt or who hurt me and I am aware of it. It took time to connect the dreams with this.

Now I will google the lord you mentioned :thinking:


Thanks a lot for sharing. This confirms my theory that at least one of the functions of this NFT is that it settles open bills and debts we still subconsciously have with others.