The Karma Crucible NFT

Its been a month since I have been using this, initially for a week or so I had intense pressure in my forehead area but after that there is not much happening, havent felt anything has shifted, any suggestions?


My suggestion would be to read about Karma from trusted sources, specifically from serious Yogic teachings and/or western esoteric teachings like Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner).

And keep in mind that for most of us it is more than a lifetime process.

Based on advice I got from forum friends, then my experiments, I would also strongly recommend to play it with fields that keep you in balance : Essence of Shen, Love fields, Shatachandi Yagna, etc.


I’ve found that this one is more effective for me when using the mandala. I can focus much better.


Got this back again as I was guided to and got it through trade in a matter of minutes, the fastest trade ever! Will use it daily and see how things will change.



Please update the description


It definitely does what it says it does.
My mother’s mother had her issues she was facing, and was absent from my mother’s life. More than that, but I’ll leave it that simple.
It affected my mother, and my mother had me young and was never there for me. I literally grew up without both parents. I bet anything the cycle goes even further back in time.
I had a vision the first time I heard this of my mother healing, and over the span of a year it has 100% happened.
My mom and I are very close now, when I hadn’t seen or spoken to her except a few times my whole life. She makes all my kids parties and events and we see her as often as we all can.
It has quite literally cleared a mother wound that ran in our family :bangbang:
My teenager and I were having issues and in the same timespan of this year we are very, very close now. It’s crazy because I knew it had energetic roots — all of it.
Don’t sleep on this one on the sale you guys.


Your comment added to all the wonderful thread inspired me to buy it, time to burn the Karmic debts! I will update after a few weeks of constant use. Wonderful timing :raised_hands:


So I was doing some shadow work these last few days and picked up karma crucible. I have been looping it extensively, (Sleeping with it and more.)

It has done so much for me, broken addictions, healed my traumas, and has helped me have a much higher perspective on my own experiences. My self-esteem has risen, and self-belief in general followed suit as well.

I genuinely think this is the most important field of all time, it simply does so much. I’ve never felt more clear. My subtle body has received a massive boost. Fields work faster in general.

I can’t recommend this one enough before it goes away permanently. Something to consider, especially while it’s on a nice sale.


I just got this and I’m so happy I got it before the sale ended. The download links and NFT are taking forever (since last night) to load so I’m just waiting on that before I start listening.

I wanted to ask the owners of this, have they noticed any physical changes? Like weight changes, acne, eczema, or even allergy changes? I used to have this naive belief that went along the lines of maybe people that are allergic to peanuts blew up a peanut factory in one of their past lives or something lol. I wonder if a field like this clear some these aliments with long term use.


Lol… I don’t think it’s easy to pinpoint an event what caused what and the timeline. They work in complicated multi dimensional ways.
I rather think from the perspective of mind rather than physical proximate causation.
Even to blow up someone’s factory the fear, anger etc. are the real cause-in-fact.
Allergies could be solved when we make peace and :100: acceptance with ourselves. It’s particularly related to accepting the loss of something or someone i.e., grief/regret .
Yes, I’m confident that KC in the long run can neutralize the karmic reasons of ailments. The Effects can foster when we open up ourselves unconditionally and Surrender!
I’ve been playing below from last 45 days consistently
Karma Crucible,
Tapasya of Savitur,
Tejas Alchemy,
Conceptual Conglomerate,
Blueprint of Psychic Mastery,

As one mini combo playlist.

If I can use one word to tell the results, it’s absolute ‘FREEDOM’ :dove:


Thanks for clearing this up for me! I will definitely heed to this advice and just surrender.

Tejas and Savitur is definitely something I wish to get before July ends, so I’m crossing my fingers🤞🏾in the meanwhile I’ll enjoy this!


Store will be taken down on Jul 10/11.


Didn’t realize the store was closing so soon. Hadn’t been on here in a while and came on here searching for something to help with generational issues.

Is anyone willing to gift or trade for this NFT?

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Head to buying/selling thread, you may get lucky.


Try the Ancestral Continuum on gumroad


Well my review after almost a month of use, many aspects of my life have been clarified, I feel more free of many karmic chains that in a sense are also mental. It seems that very good news have been coming for me and my family, also something I noticed is that many people (including the one here in the forum) have been very kind to me and have shared powerful tools with me. I also try to be kinder to people and think a lot more about living from a kind, honest side and cultivating my virtues. A lot has happened, it’s hard to put into words, but it’s been great.

Thank you very much to all the people in the forum and to so many others who continue to help people making this site and the world a better place


I was fortunate enough to be able to buy this before the shop closed. The effects are subtle but clear. I have become a being of many different points of view thanks to this NFT. Things said and done, aftermath of certain events, my own reactions and decisions… this NFT slices through the lies I’ve told myself but doesn’t allow me to wallow in self-pity or have a freak-out and hide from the world. It has been like a stern but incredibly just older relative listening, questioning and gently guiding me. It is not fun but this NFT makes it bearable - especially for someone like me who can take things too seriously.

Nothing has changed when it comes to relationships or my current lot in life but I am changing every day. The distance and clarity to really see things as they were and not as they felt or how I interpreted them is a gift and so is the ability to move on, finally.

Thank you, Captain.


Karma Crucible = Freedom

Nothing holding you back anymore. :ok_hand:

Also play this with a brain booster.