The Karma Crucible NFT

Could this also work on ancestral karma (karma from ones parents and whole ancestral lineage), or is that something different?
And does karma also include traumatic experiences?:slight_smile:


Classic! Reminds me of the days of “The Box Network” where you call in and type in a code to request music videos.

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@Maoshan_Wanderer could you list some of the health audios that you have?, I am seeking for some powerful ones, thanks! ;)

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I am little on the noob side here, can someone advise if this would help us clear up our karma? :thinking:

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That should be the goal of the NFT


So In simple words, this will help us create a better present and future for ourselves, which can also ease the badly placed planets in our charts?

That is a good question, what happens after karma gets burnt, what kind of life we will have?


A life without Karma :grin:


Many ascended masters say most of our mental illness, open doors we have for entities to attach or attack, or just bad luck is from karma. So I guess a life of no worries would be one but of course tons of other benefits that will bear fruit


Makes sense. They suffer a lot if afflicted with such illnesses. Hence their bad karma will be nullified. In the process, their spiritual development also accelerates


See you in the 4th quarter bro ;) :football:


Are these articles a good representation for Tapasya practice that is related to this NFT?


I would say a live of your own choosing.

This feels like liberation.

Also what @Mr.Nobody said is accurate to extent that i have experienced it before, but this is beyond my mental comprehension but since i got it and played it in simple words the day has been better experience deeper feeling freer and more alive.


Was gonna wait but I picked this one up earlier today. I’m a one to two times a day listener with anything. I don’t loop it. This one is very powerful. Instantly felt changes naturally occur throughout the course of my day. Less resistance both internally and externally.


I too would love to know this, hoping someone can enlighten us!



Just got this NFT, thank you @Dreamweaver :slight_smile: :pray:!

Yesterday and earlier today I was getting a very strong intuition and energetic/spiritual guidance to get this field, probably the strongest I have gotten about any field before.

I went to pick up a postal package earlier today and after I got a automatic message that my package had been picked up, and when I looked at the time I had picked it up, it felt like another sign.
Since the price is $444.


Want to ask for some advises here

When I eat, I am the one who feels full, not you, not them, not other people.

Now, the karma that I made in the past, should belong to me, and need to be resolved by me.

In this logic, why would a third party like a nft field that can take away someone karma? If so, Buddha or other gods would have done that long ago for their students…everyone can enlighten and enter nirvana if you find them. of course, some will argue that karma is fake because you(ego) is fake/unreal as well. As long as we have an ego there will be karma…

I am not trying to start an argument here. I just want to hear what westerners think toward karma because this nft or ethic cord cutting seems like a shortcut to cultivation. A bit, unbelievable.


I was wondering this too, why this wouldn’t be considered too OP to even exist, but maybe this is also part of our “good” karma gathered over many lifetimes, to come across this rare item in this particular lifetime

Also, to buy this implies your own personal belief (faith) in Dream’s abilities and in the field itself, which is beyond what most normal people would believe possible. And that’s a powerful thing in itself…

Most people don’t even believe in the metaphysical, and out of the people who do believe in something like karma, most of them probably would not believe that they could burn it off by buying an NFT

Plus, the fact that you have to pay money to purchase the product is in itself an exchange of energies of some sort, if you look at money as a kind of physicalized/digitalized representation of shakti, so maybe your faith/belief + your accumulated karma over lifetimes + the shakti you put out in the value exchange = Karma Incineration

No idea how this really works, but that’s what I came to. Also, even though there are what seems like to us many copies of this NFT available, compared to the population of the world, this is still actually a Very Rare Item, which we sort of take for granted


This sums up a lot of Dreams work, but it still works!

Karma is a very complex subject.
It can be easier to view it as an energetic structure.
I very much believe that it can be worked on with a well crafted field.