The Karma Crucible NFT

:100: this is my opinion about the whole Sapien Med thing in general. Good karma and/or Grace being delivered through Dreamweaver.

Also, what we do with the Grace given may have giant affects on the greater good we don’t see yet.

Another thing is, I think a lot of us knocked.

“Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Ask and it shall be given.”

We wanted to know the nature of reality and generally wanted something better for the world.



This is so cool
I don’t have this yet but I can already tell this is about to be my go to favorite for 2023

Reminds me of the fiery ones!!! Totally different concepts of course, but still! :smiley:


Interesting point. Yes, money is a type of energy. Maybe one exchanges for another one? But it means there could be a ‘limit’ of the possible exchange.

To me, just totally guessing, maybe this NFT could break down your existing karma into smaller blocks, and reshuffle them into a future or different timeline…so the karma right now has less ‘effect’ and hence you seem to be more lucky and smooth for now. But what’s yours are still yours. Just a timing change. Well, until i buy or trade this to test, I am purely guessing.

Anyways, yes, thanks Dream creating this unique field. Very look forward to try it!


Yes, agree with you. What Dream did is totally amazing. Max heal potion is like a magic wonder…I am looking forward to try the smart rife soon!


What type of vibe the audio be like. Instrument type

I can say with near complete certainty that this field completely purifies the karma.

Tapasya = purification

Tapasya of the soul and prior lifetimes = energetic purification of the causal world which is the world of karmic causes. Also, I’m sure there is deep Tapasya of the subconscious, unconscious, and infraconsciousness. Maybe not though cuz that was in the Panchanga Yoga series.

This is my understanding.

What @bootcamp said about karma being looked at as energetic structures was spot on. When you realize that our actions of the mind, speech, and body build energetic structures within us…sort of leave a residue within the deeper aspects of the consciousness, it’s easier to understand how a field can purify the karma.


I’m just saying that in any monetary exchange, the purchaser releases some sort of energy… not that $444 accurately represents the true value or power of what we’re getting. I’m pretty sure a “rare item” like this is actually priceless, and this will probably be one of my next buys


How has your experience been with it?

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I’m not sure how to describe the music, maybe funky house?

Initially, I didn’t feel much. But, after a while, I had a sense of something like a furnace… but it didn’t feel hot. And then a decent increase in clarity… somewhat like feeling younger.


Thank you. I will research more what is tapasya. It’s a new concept to me


Yes I agree! I will research more of what is tapasya first. Completely new concept …Buddhism talks about saving yourself (may rely on bodhisattva help at the beginning, but eventually I will have to save myself at the end and no one else can help you at the end stage), so if there is shortcut to cleanse karma, I will definitely open my mind to check that

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Saving yourself? Isn’t Moksha rather about dissolving thus losing yourself?


Not Necessarily


Ok, so while some people, like Sadhguru, say we are just the software, or karmic structure, on some life substance, which with Moksha gets dissolved and the life gets released, meaning we would cease to exist completely,

then Jainists say that that who we are is indestructible and thus we just get rid of our facades and we get more connected “to the existence”, but still retain ourselves and our independence, do I understand it right?

Two spiritual directions saying different things, where is truth, what DreamWeaver and Sammy think about it?


I don’t know…

A lot of people like Advaita and stuff…

I like what the Jains have to say.

I’m pretty sure we’ll have a bunch of differing views for as long as life exists lol


yeah, just knowing whether we are truly immortal or we are meant to truly die someday might be good to know :D


Personally, I am only putting my blind faith to Buddhism. Even Buddha said that his teaching is based on his observation that seems to be constant along with time.

Therefore I am just following his words based on faith of people who had enlightened in the history based on practicing buddhism. Other religions or schools may stand along with time too.


Just a thought - would it not technically be true that we all are here and have the opportunity to come across and benefit from Captain’s works due to karma itself? Just wondering if perhaps the thorough elimination of karma will affect our future opportunities and other fortuitous encounters or is that classified under the concept of fate and destiny for this incarnation and elimination of prior karma has no effect on this area?

Would love to hear the take on those well versed in this topic. And of course if captain himself has the time to comment that’d be great


i am listening to it. I will try to update on how i am feeling and what changes does it make in my life.
For the moment i feel clear headed, light feeling, a bit of optimism and hope i see changes in my life, if they are big ones better. I will work with the audio for a long time since its so expensive.
I promised myself not buying any more audios, not even nfts, subliminals, morphic fields etc because i had what we called an addiction, i had a lot of them and was not even using all of them so i am trying to save money but because this caught my eye by a lot i will use it daily
Here i make a promise that i will use this audio daily and if not i promise to myself to never buy again, because why buy if not use