The Karma Crucible NFT

@Scribe @Baya @pranic_climber @Mr.Nobody

Out of curiosity, how’s this field been now that you’re a few days into it?


It’s really amazing quite frankly. Every few months I hit a new level of ability to stay calm under pressure. I don’t know if the proper term is equipoise or equanimity but this field has been amazing in helping me to level up.


I would imagine that I have accumulated a ton of karma over all my lifetimes. In this lifetime I know I have also acquired a lot of limiting beliefs and subconscious blockages. I feel as if the Karma Crucible is removing layer upon layer of karma as well as subconscious blockages at an accelerating rate. Having said that I also know from experience that the more I release the more will rise to the surface to be worked on but I definitely feel as if I am making a major break through.

If I were a hoarder sitting inside my crammed filled house I would imagine that I would be unable to see outside my windows or doors because of all the boxes of junk piled around the rooms. I would also imagine that that type of house would feel dark and limiting. Each time I listen to the Karma Crucible it feels like a master cleaner has come into the house and used a super powerful hose to remove layers of dirt and junk. Now that some layers have been removed I can now see light pouring in and the air in the rooms feels fresher. Probably not a very good analogy but I am sure you get the picture.

I feel a sense of freedom. I feel lighter, like I am being unclogged. Even my breathing feels enhanced. Imagine you have a cold and feeling congested and then you rub some Vicks vapour rub around your nostrils or onto your chest and all of a sudden without even blowing your nose you feel your airways clearing up allowing you to breath more easily. That’s what the Karma Crucible feels like. I feel as if I am being deeply spring cleaned. It’s like my whole being is being cleansed on all levels physically, emotionally and spiritually.

One of my many favourite NFT’s is the Modern Alchemy of Beauty and Health. Every morning and every evening It is the first NFT that I listen to and work with before I start that session’s playlist. It truly is a very special magical NFT. The one thing I have noticed about it is that it enhances my connection to all the other NFTs that I use after working with it. Listening to the Modern Alchemy of Beauty and Health before Karma Crucible enhances the Karma Crucible even more. After listening to the Karma Crucible I feel the connections to my other NFTs even more strongly. It’s like the energy voltage has shot up. We are so blessed to have access to all these life changing NFTs. We are unveiling, discovering and learning every single day. Thank you Dream. Thank you for blessing us in more ways than we could even imagine!! Thank you! :sparkling_heart:


Beside all the stuff above mentioned, working and absorbing energies (especially higher refined one) seems more efficient.


Hi @Dreamweaver I have a question…

If we suspect that karma might be hindering a particular area of life (for example health) can we ask the Crucible to prioritize working on that karma? Can we direct the burning, or should we just let it do its thing?


I have the same curiosity if health can ve restored with Karma. I would also like to know whether this NFT helps to absorb other morphic fields better than before for better results?


This past couple of weeks I have been integrating lots of energies from different NFT’s and experienced lots of things within myself coming to the surface and last week before I saw this release while meditating I had thoughts about unconscious programmings within my DNA and how it’s been driving my life automatically by how I think,feel and actions I take. So I was gonna wait to get this at the end of this month or next cause I still wanted to focus on the NFT’s I have cause I’m really enjoying them and feel I have barely scratched the surface with them. This morning I had a client who was interested in buying a big insurance policy I offered a month back but he wasn’t ready to go through with it but today I got a call from him saying he was ready and ended up making $500 dollars off commission which is rare for me and was like this is definitely a sign to buy this lol. Just bought it a few hours ago and listened twice from the audio version then meditated with the image and oh man I have never felt anything like this. it’s like everything within me became silent and it felt like I was outside of my body but still felt my body. I also feel no confusion anymore about anything I feel like my mind has stopped thinking & asking questions about the usual things I tend to think about and it’s like I just know who I am and also feels like I’m whole with everything. I don’t know much about energy sensitivity but I think I am starting to feel energy stronger & in a different way. While I was using my other NFT’s like blessed path I could not only feel the image affecting me way more strongly but it’s like it had a life of it’s own kinda felt like the image was talking to me which startled me for a sec lol but now I feel more aligned with it and realized how effective it was to talk to my NFT’s like they were their own person. I noticed while interacting with my family how unaffected I was by there energy & thoughts it’s like I could still perceive what they were giving off & saying to me but I was like in a bubble in the void observing feeling very at peace. I don’t think I realized how much I took on other people’s energies as if they were my own and now that I feel neutral I can see things and people as they are without my own bias or belief and I can’t tell you how liberating that feels I can finally breathe in my own body without the influences of my external reality. Still early to give more feedback but this is definitely the best decision I ever made this for me is like a all in one booster,healer,clearer & integration field and feel like I have hit a factory reset on my hard drive which is allowing me to become my best version of myself without much resistance to change. Thank you Mr. dream for all you do :heart:


Hey, @Splash!
Welcome violet sparkles Transparent


Just got it

What a life… :white_heart:


How do you feel?

Incredible, same energy field felt in some medecine’s sessions. This is slowly bringing me back to my childhood’s feelings, innocence


I want to rent😅. If anyone is interested, let me know please


Ok now i can say this is the one… Really, it’s pure magic, blissfulness is coming

I’m working since 6 months with the frequencies and i have : Smart cord cutter, curse/spell, the 3 core resto, booted boots, blueprint of life, PONR, blueprint of the past, aura/ body energy, plasma flower…
Nothing, even by mixing them in playlist, even by listening to them while working with ayahuasca, has this power.

I feel this can be sell more than 10,000€, this goes far beyond money, far beyond everything you can imagine.
I don’t even know how is it possible. I’m trusting sapiens work for sure but to be honest when i saw something working on karma i was skeptic.
But it’s been only one day of listening and I’m naturally more social, light, peaceful than ever. I feel like i’m getting out of prison.

Yesterday by listened it on loop i felt like a big dark cloud above my head, i had to stop because i wasn’t able to work at the same time.
The field felt like when you and someone are forgiving each other for something you both don’t want to hear about again. A feeling of moving to something new with a very low vibration too. That’s exactly how karma finish.
And then light.
(I played smart cord cutter 2/3 times after and it has removed all of this)

I’m smiling like a child by writing this, i feel like joy crying.

People don’t already know or some’s here but Sapien is for me one of the biggest legend of this century.

My god, so amazing…

If you guys are unable financially to offer yourself this marvel, i advise you to pay it in 4 times with PayPal. This is really the one to take, not the only one, as we need somes for differents things, but this is the one…
And karma dissolution i think, will give us a good manifestation ability :wink::innocent:


I think this NFT is a must for all of us who are in the spiritual path. I listened the audio of Karma Crucible and practiced Sudrshan kriya( Sky Breath Meditation ) this morning . Now I feel like a huge bag of weight has been removed from my body and feel like as if I am flying.
It’s worth every penny.


Karmas are stored as samskaras, mental impressions in the brain as grooves and the reality your experience is filtered through the grooves in the brain. As per Buddhism as it made this thing famous - these grooves are of three types - one drawn on water, one on sand and one etched on a rock. Depending on the type you will experience the results over a certain duration.

What Captain must be doing he is burning these mental impressions by rewiring the brain circuitry so that grooves in the brain disappear and there is free flow of experiencing reality without any filter, no pain or sadness but pure joy and bliss.

Enlightened masters have rewired the circuity of brain of their students this is what shaktipat is all about.


I feel the logic & truth in this. This must be how the field works.

Does this mean the grooves will be present in a new brain if I reincarnate or will the karma be gone?

In this lifetime, we will not have the irrational likes & dislikes, prejudices.
Looking at every action with an open mind feels very liberating.


I think we carry the fields in our after life, Eygpt always burried themselves with magic talismans/fields


Unless you can stop new grooves from forming which is incredibly hard but not impossible there is no way out. I think with this field it is better to work on very hard karmas which get repeated all the time, because they are the ones which influence your reality.


This field is something else the amount of stuff that has been released from my being is outta this world. The past few days I have focused mainly on this NFT and the neutral feeling I felt on the first day continues to grow more profoundly been feeling so whole and calm & I already forgot who I was before I got this lol. My external reality is changing very fast and I noticed my family and people I interact with at my job are changing as well. Might be early to tell but I feel I am no longer having unexpected issues at work things have been flowing very smoothly and my co-workers have become calmer when I interact with them in fact some of them I don’t usually talk too have been avoiding me like the plague lol. My family also have been a lot calmer and noticed they are being more of themselves they’ve been sharing stories from their past I never knew about and it sounded pretty interesting lol. I have been wearing the mandala and today I noticed lots of old experiences with feelings of shame, guilt, envy, jealously, anger & fear coming up and not even a minute later they dissolved into nothingness and just felt a stream of deep relaxation and my mind felt super clear and empty. I am continuing to feel all fields pretty potently and connections with my other NFT’s have never been better I feel I can utilize them to their fullest potential. Today is my day off and I decided meditate for a few hours and as I layed on my bed I felt a super strong connection to my higher self I don’t think I could hear it much or knew when my higher self was present but this time it was instant and started having emphanys back to back and had a insight to focus on forgiveness so I played journey of forgiveness and certain people started popping up in my mind and things I didn’t realize I experienced came up and was a little surprised cause I never knew this happened so I affirmed to release those feelings and experienced immense weightlessness and unconditional love for everything. So far I feel so at peace and good with everything nothing is bothering me anymore and I have been having an easier time experiencing reality the way I want to. I don’t mean to overhype this field but this NFT has done things I didn’t think would happen so fast and in such a gentle manner normally fields like BOL, crucible series or anything plasma make me feel good in the beginning but later I tend to feel overwhelmed & anxious with all the stuff surfacing but this to me is the most gentlest field I have ever used and I am left feeling pretty relaxed through the whole process. I am grateful for this wonderful creation and looking forward to how life will be for me in the future.


I got this today and its too early to give a proper review

However there is one particular thing i felt/noticed/wondered about…

Before buying it i thought this field would burn and transmute or whatever you wanna call it whatever karmas i might have created in this life and any other and mostly specially family and ancestors. (because yes it sounds very nice and all to feel free thanks to this field, but i know i have created karma one way or another I am not perfect and sometimes the guilt its a kind of karma that stop us from getting good out of things because we feel undeserving) on different levels of course. And a lot of times unconsciously.

I kinda sensed as if it also burns whatever done to me that created karma for other peeople or maybe didnt even cause karma to them but it stuck around me lingering (their poison)

For instance and let me give you a particular example:

At some point my ears were burning lol and “things were leaving” what if the energy of those that have bad mouthed me caused some kind of karma (not by me) but tho it was their karma it lingered around me?
Like if Karma was also some kind of energy/vibration attack that stays around to cause problems in my life… and the energy goes almost unnoticeable because well it was just people gossiping and indirectly or directly wishing I wasnt this or that or have this or that? It wasnt too bad but it dented the flow of my good vibration.

But what if also what was burning was the ‘karma’ i created/embraced when others were gossiping about people to me and i didnt stop it? Even if i didnt gossip back, i was an ear for them to distill poison? They felt comfortable talking to me.

And then i got a headache might well be from all the times i “thought” about somebody with anger because of something theyve done to me

Like yes they did something really bad thus karma should be for them, but the energy karma “produces” stuck around me because i thought about their wrong doing with anger and frustration

The thing is that now having this field i realized that it might also be burning the karma of those who did me wrong (yep a couple of ego dissolution and forgiveness if i feel i need it) , because in a way wrong done to me was an attack an energetic attack as well… their karma left as well an energy that attached to me and thus stopped me from achieving things and being happy.

And by freeing their karma, the whole energy around me in my life starts changing. Its cleaned .

burning other people’s karma for hurting me allows me to have my path to success and good like if it had never happened Pufff erased

i have never seen Karma or understood Karma the way i am seeing it today because of this field.

And if i am correct then this field as usual with Dream’s fields it goes way beyond what I expected.

And now i can see why that precious lotus floats a little closed off while everything else burns underneath still being beautiful