The Karma Crucible NFT

i just realized this and the eternal have animations when you click on it and
that’s actually so cool haha

I’m like that minion gif staring at the lightbulb lol

It’s so cool!!!

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What do you click on?


Where do u click?

On the pic…? Right?
You hold down on the photo I mean,
And i see these really cool lightning affects lol

Oh i wish i could post a video

But i click on the photo on the screen. It is the photo I downloaded from my wallet
And suddenly it lights up

I would love if anyone could show a video of this ive clicked on every photo I have of it and get nothing, including the pic on this page

I think you’re talking about IOS update (if you are on an Apple Device) where if you tap on a photo it lights up long enough, but basically it’s just doing a trim copy (copying out the outline of the design inside the pic)


Oh my god
Yes. Lol

I just got set up my new phone after weeks of procrastinating- so i guess that means new iOS, too
Well good. Because
I was so mad at myself lol. I was like “all?? This??? Time?? I??didn’t??? Realize???”

How come it won’t occur that effect for the solidifier though?

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Dude I got so excited over this . its quite literally why i logged on today lol
I was like so freaking flabbergasted lol
Well at least i’m not tripping :slight_smile:

And here @Username2 , i took a screenshot of two and you can see this light thing traveling

…sorry yall
Not really a false alarm but
Inaccurate alarm
my apologies


That’s the IOS thing lol but cool nonetheless haha

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Sometimes IOS can’t really catch inner trim pictures that effectively

this is so cute
same thing could happen to me!
and i just tried it myself on different nfts on my ios phone and its really cool

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Where are you doing this, on the phantom app? Or on this website? Or something else

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only on iphone in pictures where i put the images to print them. it‘s like a new tool to cut out like green screen…

:heart: if you see St Michael’s NFT on it
It’s breathtaking- really, like these NFTs
Really seem to come alive
Even to the lay man lol

And in other news I always seem to snap out of my trance or major brain fog when i listen to this
It is so nourishing.
So nourishing :pray:


They say things like karma affect our chakras and aura and energetic field.
So I imagine the flow of energy and receptivity of fields working better using this one :fire::soap:
Will definitely purchase this soon, hopefully during a sale. Very excited!


High personal recommendation to use Karma Crucible as a root cause field and treat everything else like symptom fixing

It can go deep and be ugly, but it may backfire if you are chasing anything for the wrong reason or focusing on the symptoms, whether that’s health (maybe you are sick for a reason) money (maybe you want it for the wrong reasons - same for girls) Sounds like a dumb logical loophole im going down but its very true

This is THE core field imo.

Karma Crucible is the house. The rest of the fields are for the most part enhancements to the house. Some might make things run more harmoniously, some might seal up any cracks or leaks, some might protect you from nosy neighbors, some might make it easier to pay the bills, some might make certain people want to enter the house or do the opposite. Some might even change the weather at the house (do we have that yet?). But this is the house, focus here then branch out


Amazing field!

Woah, its like complete purification at the deepest level. Much easier to breathe type of vibes. Free from your past types od track. Ready for a new beginning type of feel.

Thanks @Dreamweaver !:slightly_smiling_face::muscle:


Both aren’t related directly. As we burn karma we become detached, and get aligned with the ‘divine’ blueprint.
Probably birth/death become no different at that stage.
It’s realisation of higher Self as the doer.
All said, it depends on Individual level etc.


no idea of the inner workings, but imo karma concepts are more depth in nature than anything else. Glad that Dream has come up with something that ‘directly’ deals with neutralizing karma.

But there are many fields that complement this one, like
ego dissolution,
vibration of transcendce,
crucible series (past/trauma/mental space) ,
smart tapper,
or rasing higher vibrational ones etc.