The Karma Crucible NFT

i will save money for this


I got this field today during the sale.

Looped it a few times, and felt a little heat up the spine, but nothing much else.

Then… I centered myself, did a few Kriyas to get into a state of void, and then started really focusing on the field and observing.

Initially, my whole Aura started gently swaying. After a bit, little spots of darkness/dirt from deep within began to sort of emerge as bubbles from inside and would burst out. Each time such a bubble got released, either a physical sensation (a tingle followed by a feeling of relaxation and expansion) or a mental release (a thought or a trauma going away) was felt.

This went on for a bit and then the heat started to increase… Eventually, it felt like my Aura was a thin golden muslin cloth that was now intensely shining due to the heat, and steam started escaping through it, sort of like things were getting expelled - or I should say released because this did not feel forceful, but gentle and natural. Some traumatic and at times gory imprints, possibly from previous lifetimes were gently swaying forth and were gone faster than any release processes I’ve tried (and I’ve been around the block for quite a while)…

I finished with a loop of Vibration of Divine Love.

This is no use once and move on field. Now I realize why this is priced the way it is… Extremely impressive field. I am going to add it to my permanent night stack along with Panchanga Yoga. This feels like a natural extension of the series.

This seems to tackle Karma in all ways - energetic, trauma release, past life impressions resolved, burn impacts of such impressions which have already made a home in the current physical incarnation… And all this is just the tip of the iceberg of what this field seems to be capable of…


Can someone please explain to me what this NFT does in “Western” terms?

I do not believe in “Karma”, but I do believe in…

…honest self-reflection
…unprocessed subconscious stuff
…and unhealed trauma…

…with all their implications on the energy body and other souls.

Would “Tapasya” in Western terms be something like the life review that you do when you physically die and/or have a Near Death Experience?

Thank you in advance.


Cause and effect

I say something to so and so, and it has an effect which depending on the impact leads to another effect causing something else to happen etc. It can be very messy though, you can have good intentions but it causes bad effects short term, which later lead to greater effects etc.

I believe it also has an effect on luck, like a famous or cool person could be standing right next to you in line and they never speak to you because of some kind of bad karma that leads them to never talking to you and you would never know it, or the opposite.


Thank you, however I am not sure whether what you describe explains this NFT.

Anything that is “cause and effect” can be overriden by Real Free Will / Manifestation / Higher Self etc., also since time does not exists anyways, so there is no real “before” and “after”.

And for the example that your brought up, this is just an unconscious program that someone is running in their Subconscious Mind and the world is just reflecting that to that person.


Im just doing my best to describe it and answer your question, I don’t know exactly how it works.

However I will say this is so impactful that it is pretty much the only nft I am using now and for the near future. I said in an earlier post that I believe it may be a bad idea to start pursuing change if it coming from the wrong place, and I believe this field can help you get to the ‘right place’. All IMO


Just riffin’ here, and I have no idea if I’m right, but to try to put it in more “Western” terms… think of the law of karma as one of the deepest subconscious programmings tied to egoic existence within the greater consciousness.

A law of cause and effect, and motion, that has a profound effect on all manifestation within your egoic existence. Yes you can say you have free will, and ask you Higher Self or whatever higher force to negate the effects of karma upon your life, but… good luck with that.

In the same vein you can also ask your HS to undo the subconscious programming that forces you to abide by “the law of gravity” but for most people it’s not going to work.

Karma might be one of the basic laws of the “matrix-game” that on some level “we” have agreed to abide by

But apparently there are ways of burning it off through yogic practices, and now, morphic fields. Don’t know how any of this works, and to what extent karma is burnt off, at what rate, etc. but…

This is a great field. It feels great


This description here was very helpful. Thank you.

Yes, this is all definitely possible and I have experienced it myself.

I think the key for this is that your Subconsious Mind also has to be brought in alignment for this to happen. Or in other words, all the parties at the negotiation table have to give their consent.

In a way, this NFT might then be the energetic equivalent of the Conceptual Realizations field, here with energetic release effect added?


Not sure… subjectively speaking, Karma Crucible feels totally different. Conceptual Realizations can help with recognizing patterns and karmic tendencies in your life, but this seems to directly work with whatever is going on energetically.

It feels good to loop this one. I feel like I have permission to live the life I’m supposed to live


hmm…should i buy this first? or The Eternal first?
If The Eternal first I will buy this in June or July (this might sold out already ;-;)

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There is also a copy of 1399, don’t worry @Ancient_Soul


oh nice then
thanks for answering


Click on the NFT and it will direct you to the audio on IOS

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I finally pull enough fund to get this NFT.

After listening to the audio for 2 times, i felt like a drilling machine penetrating different part of my right brain (right brain is for previous life, left brain is for current life)…the drilling experience is a bit painful, but also enjoyable at the same time…because some ‘sorrow’ left.

Arr…another part of my right brain just sent a shock, and a hole is opened. Interesting.

PS: the music is quite funky…not the best music if you want to use it for meditation.
PS2: after 10 loops? My eyes have better vision. Strange. Beautiful. Wonderful.


lets let this karma buuuuuurn :fire:


I got a weird eye thing too, my eyes reminded me of how this guy’s eyes look (not sure what to call it)

Usually I look more like a pretty boy



From my prior knowledge, the higher self wants the best for you. Did the higher self also wanted to go through karmic cycles? Or was it us (humans) or souls that didn’t follow the guidance of the higher self, thus accruing karmic debts since we have free will.

In a way, if we clear our karma, would our higher self disapprove or approve this approach? I’m a newbie in this category.


quite funky… would be nice if the music is softer.

But I thought make its volume low and play another non-field soft music, however that funky music could have a purpose.

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Maybe the music is meant to be a gym / workout field haha it has that vibe. Soul burn while physically burning

The tapasya from this is very real… my girlfriend started complaining of being overheated after a couple of plays, and I’m feeling the heat up the spine, shoulders and head


This guy is Justin Waller, steel industry entrepreneur and one of Andrew Tate’s best friends :wink:

His eyes are actually attractive (hunter eyes).