The Lions Mane (Private Group)

That’s quite a visible difference, congratulations!


fastest field ever☺️


Great to see man, consistency is key


Thank u for being brave enough to post ur progress, hairloss impacts lives of many men and future newcomers will definitely be grateful to you :raised_hands:

That being, said, for the sake of convenience, maybe it would be a good idea for ur next progress update, to include all previous pictures with date stamp, so they don’t have to go through entire thread to compare results?

Again, u have done more than enough so please dont feel like I am pushing you.


Brother, your suggestion is very good, I will integrate it with all the photos, so that people who need it can give some confidence, thank you for mentioning me

I will try the effect for 3-6 months @shadowhunter176


Thank you for posting photo. It gives me an urge and confidence to save money to buy this nft!!!

I have serious hair loss in last few years due to extreme stress at work. Looking at your changes from day 19 to day 30, this nft WORKS!


Great! I also look forward to your future results. I have hereditary hair loss, and I have no intention to force the purchase. I think this NFT is at least for me and I am very satisfied. @Mucc


Yeah, it is so cool that there are so many realized projects and we have the chance to be pioneers when it comes to working with NFTs and be the first humans to report results from NFTs that are unlike any regular NFT. We can all take a moment to contemplate on this…

Might not seem important rn, but as results accumulate, newcomers who are willing to dig around, will be highly motivated by seeing our results. I know I was inspired by OG members testimonials when I first came here and it inspired me to share my own field experiences, so it is a feedback loop in the most wholesome way :ok_hand:

I see this as us doing bare minimum to show gratitude to Captain.
Disclaimer:This is my personal opinion and it should not be taken out of context.


Small suggestion! I print two copies of each NFT, one I carry with me and one I keep under my pillow when I sleep


You can also additionally put one each under your mouse pad, into your jacket, under your office chair, in your wallet and whereever else you are usually at.


Nice suggestion, I will try it thanks bro😁 @JAAJ


I haven’t purchased it yet as I m waiting for a copy for a reasonable price.

Hey may I ask what’s your diet? Vegan, veggie, or meat eater?
My main reason to ask is that do you need to eat more black beans/rice or other vitamin/food/supplement to achieve the hair growth within one month?

Thanks yo


Mostly vegetarian, eat meat occasionally, try to maintain a balanced diet

Avoid fried and spicy food
Fasting 2-3 times a week for more than 16 hours


So it means you don’t eat anything extra, like protein, in order to get enough nutrition for extra hair growth?

Fasting would help. I think you are 過午不食, so 16 hrs plus fasting? I am reviewing my diet lately because I have trouble to gain weight, so I think I do not consume protein enough. That’s why I ask whether I need to eat more to grow enough this kind of concept

dietary protein intake,I usually don’t eat after 7pm, I eat my first meal at 11a.m the next morning

Everyone is different, you can take your time at your own pace @Mucc

1 Like

How does the original version differ from the Alternative (Mint) version?

For anyone still skeptical of the impressive results reported, I am too and will be putting this NFT to the test.

I was lucky to purchase it 2 days ago in the Official Buying & Selling thread from a very gracious forum member at a time of great distress. I’m a woman and I’ve been having some shedding for a while but suddenly, it worsened exponentially to the point that, when I wash my hair, it looks like a woman removing hair extensions. My scalp is starting to show and I’m seriously considering cutting my hair short and buying a wig. I’ve only had a short hair cut once in my life, when I was about 5 years old and I’ve always loved long hair. So, this is very anxiety-inducing. While I am confident in @Dreamweaver’s integrity and talent, I am less confident in my ability, and even my deserving, to experience the full benefit of his fields. I have many, but I know I still need to work on myself to allow the field’s energies integrate with my personal energy field. I am also seeking to address my health and stress levels that are at the root cause for the extreme and sudden hair loss. So, my take is, if this field ends up working for me, it’ll pretty much mean that the previous reports aren’t exaggerated.

This photo shows the amount of shedding I get every time I comb my hair now. It’s worse when I wash it.

Wish me luck!


You got this! Lions Mane to the rescue!


FInally got that Jordan Barret Hairstyle flow with this.

Hair thicker then ever.

Zero itching, working out everyday blah blah.

All hair problems solved.

This is the hair panacea, looped overnight, woke up with such lush soft smooth hair.

Gonna stop also with the hair clickbait fearmongering youtube videos.

Reprogram my mind with what’s possible even more.

Never taking this for granted.

Thank you @Shivy-SzN @Dreamweaver

I’m gonna fly private now with future results.

Want to model now lol.


I know how you feel, i was experiencing a similar amount of hair fall (not as severe as you describe though) this will help you a lot. You got this.

I used also an all angles approach with targeted supplements, a special coffein shampoo and physical minoxidil spray (i already had the spray before purchasing the nft and kept using for some time) Things that will only help further the nft effects

All in all my hair recovered in a record time.