The Lucid Dreamer

unfortunately I don’t. Let me see if its available in the store. If not ill just use reality checks, dream journal, and some lucid dreaming method.


Is there a possibility of releasing a small supplementary field to patch this missing piece?

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I can’t make this kind of promises these days.
I don’t know if it will happen, but a re-release of the old third eye audio (which I have) should bring you at 98-99% for lucid dreams here and there and 1-2 reality checks a day to lucid dream every night.

But that last 1% that would make even the bare 3 minute of conscious effort a day unnecessary is not straight forward.

Edit: Someone found a newer release of the 3rd eye audio

What I would want is to have my third eye stimulated just before sleep, maybe some of you can do it on your own, if you had practice. It gives you this subtle energetic awareness that complements the wiring.


Thanks, but the “Buy Product” button seems to redirect to a deleted gumroad page?
So I assume it was removed.
I’d get eyes by three audio but I don’t really want to pay for the whole Mandelbrot Symphony album to get it.

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Yeah, just tried it, not showing up for me either.
We’ll see, but can’t promise anything


You can buy individually, search for the audio name then add to cart.


Nice! Got it.


I think the voice of gamayun can be a good add up to your journey ladies and gentlemen, out of all that can target or improve “visions” “beyond clarity” etc that one has always been my favorite one.

No matter what others have come out.

Also check the crystal ones on energetic alchemy ;)

And last i recommend you this book and practice its teachings:



So been using this along with the eyes by 3 (for a couple days so far) and I’ve been doing several reality checks throughout the day. Despite this I haven’t gotten lucid dreams. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated

Keep going, you’re most likely not in the right state of mind before sleeping.
You need a very good quality of sleep, posture, noise, breathing to sustain a lucid dream.

You also need to be relaxed without resistance. The first time is the hardest, then you’ll know what to expect and you’ll know what mental intensity you need.

Quick story:
When I first lucid dreamt, years ago before Sapien Med. I would put too much mental effort and energy into it. For month I wouldn’t get any lucid dreams, until I was fed up and gave up, then I was so relaxed, no anticipations or stress. I had my first lucid dream, then the following times I had too much enthusiasm, I had to learn to be relaxed.

So, usually do a small relaxation meditation while being aware of my body (you can even stretch your whole body quickly beforehand for maximum relaxation, it’s a technique). Then I let it go and sleep normally.

The easiest way would be waking up after a full night of sleep, doing things for 2h and then going back to sleep. 2h after you previously woke up, you’ll have massive REM activity. That requires an empty schedule but that’s the easiest way.

After the first one, it gets much easier.

Trying to be as relaxed as possible and not care can seem contradictory, but you can’t escape it.

If your pillow isn’t right or your matelas leave you crooked… you need to have a high quality sleep for it to be deep and intense enough.


Just did it again really easily, woke up because of some stuff, went back to bed 2h later, lucid dreamt unintentionally. No 3rd eye audio or anything.

That might be best to get the first feel until you get used to waking up inside the dream


Yo @Dr_Manhattan,

So I’ve been using the eyes by three audio (3-4 listens) before bed. I’m also doing reality checks throughout the day and I’ve been implementing a lucid dreaming technique when I go to bed. So far, I’ve had better ability to recall my dreams, but I’m still not lucid yet. Any suggestions?

Also, do you plan on remaking this field in the future to improve upon it?


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Listen, anyone can have at least 1 lucid dream here and there without fields, without magic. Naturally with a little efforts, the fact that you’re not getting one after all this time, I’m assuming you are not relaxed enough. It’s either that or your reality checks are done wrong. They only count if you do them with intent, awareness, to literally awake from real life. If the are done automatically out of unconscious thought it doesn’t count.

If you are not relaxed enough mentally, try the utter relaxation from dreamseeds YT channel.

I prefer waking up and going back to bed in the morning, got another lucid dream last night btw.

I don’t at the moment.


I found that I’m more successful with having lucid dreams when I don’t sleep more that 2-3 hours. I have much higher success having a lucid dream during a nap compared to a full 6-8 hour sleep at night. It also works, but just generally I noticed that from my personal experiences.
So on weekends I sometimes take naps and also sleep less hours at night, and have better results.

Also, when I wake up I trained myself to keep my eyes closed and take at least 10 minutes to recall my dreams in a relaxed state. It’s essential to let your mind relax and slowly recall what you can - don’t start thinking of tasks to do, your phone messages, or others things. There are memories of dreams right when I wake up but much more memories come back to me when I just relax and keep my eyes closed. Sometimes that way I remembered a lucid dream I had that I didn’t recall the second I woke up. I keep a dream diary. It’s fascinating how quick memories of dreams just “vanish”. You might have had lucid dreams and just forgot about it.


Very underrated


so which means this field also can help me remember my dreams every time I wake up?

just want to make sure,hope Dr can answer my question :>

Not sure if it specifically does that. But in my own experience it creates mor evicts dreams and those tend to stick better in my memory. But I need to take time to remember as much as possible right after I wake up and also write it down. Because dreams fade from your memory very quickly usually.

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I still use this one. I bought it a couple of years a ago and after the first listening (all chakra growth audios before sleeping) I had my first lucid dream. I was schocked :joy:. The thyroid also has something to do with dreaming (lucid) I have experienced. My dreams are VERY vivid. Especially around full moon.

This is what I do and take:

Vitamine D, B12 and B6 works very good.
Grounding a lot.

In de evening regular:
Thryroid healing field
Parasite Destroyer field
Sometimes chakra growth serie.

Little piece of seaweed (iodine does wonders for the thyroid #little dosis#).
Reishi powder.
Shiitake mushrooms.

And watching a color spectrum voor around 10 minutes in de evening and morning makes my dreams more vidid to. Very good to absorp colors as you know.

Amethist, Lapis Lazuli and some Lavender under my pillow. And carry at day.

Cleaning my aura by smoking Sage sometimes. Inhale through my nose and mouth and hold it in for about 30 sec. Sometimes I a experience a strong reality shift/deja vu after.

Don’t forget to destroy parasites… They seem to be quite attracted to the pineal gland…

And listening the Lucid Dreamer… Then you only want to be in the dream world😂



Is it possible for this field to increase intelligence?

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