The Luckiest - Luck Fields

I mean i can but i listen to several stacks a day and other stacks may help in integrating the luck better,
My main stack directed to luck is here though : Phase 5 - Sapien guidance, abundance and reasons to smile and rejoice - YouTube

But there are fields like raise your vibrational state and gratitude for blessings in other stacks,planetary and angelic intercession during the night and a self love stack too which accelerate further. plus 3 hours in a morning stack dedicated to just boosters .

And as for stories, I cant because i honestly do not remember a bad day or a challenging day at all after I started, I’m in an effortless flow ,where I do not need to worry about anything at all and say my gratitude to make sure. Carefree really

Though, I did crack one of the hardest exam (JEE) in my nation with 0 studies at all. by 0, i mean 0. and when I wish to meet someone, it just happens, Like there would be tons of moments to encapsulate, but it’s just too magical for me atm to grasp.


Thanks Ashu, it is very appreciated of you.
Your post helped me to lit a little hope, for that I am grateful :slight_smile:

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Hey guys, sorry have not been around much lately.

I think Ashu answered the question beautifully :pray:


The post is now deleted. Can somebody comment if the sigil creator shared there shouldn’t be used anymore?

which one is the strongest and best?

Esch one of them is great in their own way and approach, each one is unique.

Thats why we mix them.

it would never be too much of something good :woman_shrugging:


Sorry admins and @Maoshan_Wanderer. I was bookmarking this thread and I accidentally flagged it. Please ignore the flag :pray:t2:

Adding our new ones to the growing list :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkles:




Thanks @Dreamweaver!

I was looping Lucky Horseshoe and dang, this dropped (Aureus Fortuna)… Now reducing my Luck stack to:

  • Angelic Guidance + Intercession
  • Powerful Good Luck Energy
  • Lucky 4 (the new release)
  • Seven Lucky Gods
  • Probability Alteration
  • Lucky Horseshoe Clover
  • Aureus Fortuna
  • Probability Wave

Share your luck stacks Sapien Family…


guys do you think that luck fields(free ones)
play a role in academic competitions/exams too? i know that spear of destiny can help but what about others? how much of it is effected by luck?:thinking:

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We can define luck as many things but i give you one that i think of in competitions:

“Luck is when opportunity meets Preparation

So what you say? You think you are prepared? :)

If you are then yes! Luck audios would push and enhance that energy that would already be present since the opportunity will be there and you will be prepared.

But since luck is also a malleable energy in my opinion then thats why its constantly going and coming other circumstances and other people SPECIALLY in a competition be molding and twisting it to get it all for them.

Hence why its best to keep it on your side :stuck_out_tongue: = yeah use them lol


makes so much sense :slight_smile: thank you Luna :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

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:hugs: good LUCK!!


I might have to loop this for a week instead of my wealth stack. Things aren’t looking up at all for me financially.



:raised_hands:t5:Thanks, I was not aware of the Lakshmi field from Captain.



what’s the best for situations that you need to others do you a favor and good behavior and happy news from them? probability luck and alteration one?

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Cord cutting, heavy duty shielding, self-love/self-respect, angelic intercession and you ask them for what you want.

Perhaps Peace Flow from Sapient Wellness, and you send the peace to your relationships.

Work on whatever you feel may be needed from that. Probability alteration is good too, as is major arcana emperor…and the Star for some charisma and good outcomes.

If your vibe is of any concern, some ojas.

Star+Ojas(+Emperor) is max charisma so be ready for that too.


wow again and as always thank you for very detailed replies i really learn from them :) and i deeply appreciate it

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