The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect

Thanks guys.

I joined the herd :stuck_out_tongue: But honestly, I don’t feel a huge difference yet (2nd day).

Maybe because my mental clarity has already been upgraded quite well by Purity Alchemy, Holy Paladin, Soul Restorations, etc.

Still, I think it’s nice to have such a potion in my life. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to invoke it for others without the audio at some point.


The results will definitely pay off sooner than later.
I’ve realised all the Major titles have worked to the subtlest ways of the being. This fosters psychic senses too deep and fast in my experience.

Btw Good decision on getting this :ok_hand::ok_hand:


Thanks. Yeah I am still happy with the purchase. The mystical vibe/description was quite enticing. :smiley:


@Rosechalice , can we loop this overnight?

I don’t think I have. Practice while you’re awake to see if you reach any particular uncomfortability threshold. I really enjoy playing it for extended periods of time though. I find it quite soothing


That’s a good idea! I have been playing it only once or twice, and mixed it up too much with other fields, so I don’t even have a discriminating taste of this field yet.

That’s why I want to spare some hours just for this. Thanks!

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YW KY and Dragons

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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