The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

It is extremely difficult. I know man. I know. I wish it was easy. I really do. But it isn’t unfortunately. At the vesry least you’re not alone in this battle. You got us. You have fields. And if you ever need help, man, we’re here. I wish I could go out into the world with you guys. The only way through this is by talking to actual women. Through experience, get these limiting thoughts out of your minds.

That’s the only thing I’d say about the early 2000s pick up scene that I think was actually good. The guys would actually go out and try pick up lines on girls. It wasn’t about the pick up lines… They were corny. It was that those lines gave guys the confidence to actually try. To make attempts… and get comftorable talking to women. And these were all guys that were… not attractive. But they made themselves look a little more attractive by dressing and grooming themselves well. And they all ended up succeeding. They just kept trying and they certainly succeeded.

I just know that it’s hard to do that on your own. I get it. I know that me talking about it here on this forum isn’t exactly helping most of you or convincing you of anything. It’s extremely difficult to do that through text lol. But hey, I’m willing to try impossible things haha


Anyways, I’ll see if a field can be made to help to some extent. Truly, what needs to happen more than anything is letting go of these kinds of limiting beliefs. And then, new programming can happen. But that isn’t quite something that fields can do themselves. That is something you must do consciously. But I’ll think on it. As I said, I give a damn. It’s just… I’ve been there. And I know how it feels so I guess I’m sympathetic towards it.


You are right Sammy. And its very lovely that you take this much effort in writing all of this.

But I am right too. Womans subconscious mind is programmed too. They have to change too.

I experience female lookism since my teenage years on me and my friends and other males.

It doesnt mean that unattractive guys cant get girls. But it will be much much harder.

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Of course women’s subconscious are programmed to be attracted to certain kinds of guys. But so are we. Let’s not lie to ourselves and say that we don’t have our own standards that were conditioned by the media and porn we consumed throughout our lives.

We are very much programmed to desire certain kind of looking girls. Sure we all have our own type, but… we have a type. We got standards too and don’t just find every woman attractive.

Most men are not foaming at the mouths at what society would deem as average or below average looking women. In fact, there are far FAR more ‘average/below average women’ compared the standardized attractive women of today. Imagine how insecure these women are that they don’t look like all these hollywood girls, instagram models and so on. Imagine how undesired they feel. Well, many men can imagine that because many men feel that way.

The women these men are attracted to aren’t attracted to them. And the men that many of these women want aren’t attracted to them. You see… like I said… there are definitely MANY women out there for these lonely guys that feel left out. It’s just a matter of standards.


But a matter of frame as well. If you believe you are ugly, you are projecting to the world that you are ugly. You have got to believe man. Dress like you are attractive. Groom yourself like you are attractive. Talk like you are attractive. Play the part, you are the part. Those things I just said can turn any sort of looking man into someone that is worth talking to and giving the time of day immediately… because most guys don’t really groom themselves well or dress well or have that sort of confidence. So in that way, you can get the girls you want. Because you feel like you are the prize.

You feel valuable and you project that energy to the world. You project the way you feel about yourself to anyone you communicate. So if you feel you are amazing and you are speaking to a woman, that is the energy she may come to believe about you.

Remember… these bodies of ours are our shells. We are the energy within. We are the projection of our beliefs. Our feelings. Our everything. Of course, looks draw us to people first. But your vibe is everything. Cleanse and beautify the inner world and the outer world will shine. Now of course… groom yourself. Get haircuts weekly. Buy some clothes that fit your body just right. And that match your look well and reflect your personality. Seriously, people undermine how much grooming and clothes can make you look more attractive.


Thank you for your input Sammy. I dont want to argue with you on this marvellous forum. We all know that - beyond the material plane - there is what we have to strive for. We shouldnt think that we are the physical body in the end.

I still would have many counter arguments but I rest my case and hope that all these men go the spiritual path.

Ahh, this isn’t an argument friend. Just friendy discussion. It’s all love at the end of the day coming from my heart. As I know it is coming from yours.

I mean, I can come up with 50 counterpoints to what I just said in moments. I can say ‘well the difference is these average to below average women can still get a man if they really wanted to. Men will usually say yes to them if they went for them but below average looking men don’t have it that easy.’ My mind can come up with 50 more.

The point is there is a counterpoint to everything. There are many ways to percieve things. Many ways to see and experience reality. And all of them are as legitimate as the other. And will be reflected by your subconscious. Will be the reality you choose to live in.

Question is… what reality do you choose to exist in? What perception do you choose? The one that belittles you and makes you weaker to the world? Or the one that strengthens you and makes you be able to adapt and work reality to your liking?

I’m not speaking to just you by the way. Just speaking out loud. I also am gonna end here. This has taken quite a bit of energy lol. Thanks for the talk brotha.


@SammyG I’ve been avoiding this thread. :sweat_smile: This is such a triggering subject for so many people. I haven’t read everyone’s post. This part of your earlier comment that I randomly read made me want to share. It’s a very important part.

Recently, I was speaking to a friend, who is far more spiritually advanced than I am, and the subject of relationships came up. He asked me if I’m clear on why I would want to be in a relationship. I started giving him my answers and when I said ‘i want someone to support me (not financially because I can do that for myself) and be there for me as I would do the same for him’ he stopped me and said that’s it.

The problem is that men and women today don’t want to put an effort into themselves and each other. It is too easy to move on from each other over the smallest things. No one is perfect. Being in a relationship requires work and lots of time and energy to maintain it. You and the other have to be on the same page about that.

There are small and big picture thinkers. The ‘small picture’ thinkers are 95% of people out there. They want the looks, money, travel, etc. All the superficial things. I used to be one of them. This sometimes leads to conflicts between the man and woman once they get together because their foundation was superficial. Now, if both the man and woman are ‘small picture’ thinkers then it could lead to a longer partnership because they are both on the same wavelength. They will have other things outside of pure love to keep them together.

Only less than 5% of people are ‘big picture’ thinkers. This is pure love. It’s each person doing their own self-work to heal all aspects of themselves. They want to become the best version of themselves and then want to have a partner in their lives. They are willing to do all the work that will be required to be with each other because they truly love each other. Regardless of what happens or each other’s faults, they are there for each other. They allow each other to be fully themselves without letting anger, fear, jealousy etc get in the way. In essence, it’s the purest love.

Personally, I want the big picture and that is extremely rare to find. So, I keep working and improving myself until I do.


Maybe a field that balances, harmonises, strengthens the healthy expressions of the masculine and feminine, removing the traumas/fears/blockages in their expression? Many people arrive at their conclusion after being hurt by someone. All I see in this thread is previous trauma and pain.


damn, @SammyG I have learned so much from you. Thank you for all this!

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Can it be a smart one which helps us channe lwhcih energy we want according to our wishes? As in some men want to develop their emotional side so they can ask it to help then with that and us girls need to develop our masculine side a bit to survive in this world so we can ask it that?


Women, does the size of his penis matter to you :eyes:
You’ve heard from the fellas
And if it does. How much

How do you feel when a man takes viagra

No not really :sweat_smile:
It’s a thousand times more important that the partner is attentive and cares / listens. This is what I do as I would want my partner to actually have a good time (or, the best ever, obviously :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, we all like to be the best lol) so that’s also what I would like/expect in return.
Penis size is unimportant really.
I think we have talked about this in some topics before, but it seems it cannot be said enough :)

Its Also important to respect boundaries and not try to push something the other person isn’t comfortable with.

I wouldn’t care much, especially if it’s for a medical reason 🤷


Nope. Penis and vagina form an energy circuit that goes through the bodies of the merged couple. Very important for tantric ecstasy.

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Your size is as important as her tightness, for some it’s more important than others.

Every short comings a man can have, a woman does too.

But people seem to be more comfortable comparing penis size than vagina width… at least in public.

But it’s the other half you know, size is relative.
The key and the lock work together. If either one is too big or too small to fit the other :man_shrugging:

I’ll stop here before it gets nasty



true talk right there, whenever an in person talk with guy friends comes some feel little, but really I am a big guy and had a girl that was not at all tight, at all, can’t stress this enough. Really size if you put it that way doesn’t matter at all.

Having this variant in this conversation puts an instant end and all are happy, girls and boys.

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HAHAHAHA mate i was taking the smaller size just for that and that’s not at all a joke

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tell her jokes of course. I heard guys that are funny score :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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for anyone wondering, knight mindset and androstenol with torus weaved respect. Not this.

make her do kegles problem solved