The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

If she is playing “hard to get”, she is still stuck in her teenage years and playing stupid games, i.e. she is not an adult woman, i.e. not suitable for an adult relationship anyways. Only suitable for fun where you have to always take the lead as the sole adult in this dynamic.

Adult women clearly communicate what they want, because they have the self-responsibility of an adult, i.e. they understand that if they do not clearly communicate what they want, they will simply not get it.
So if that chick doesn’t do that, it is really her problem in the end and she has some life lessons ahead of her.
Everyone has to work on their communication skills, regardless of gender.

A mentally adult woman + she finds you attractive = very clear signals and communication


Haha I agree!

Dodged a bullet honestly.


Send her an interesting emoji train. Get really creative with it. You’ll find out if she likes you back by her response

Thank me later :nail_care:
Just consider me your helpful big sister :joy:

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Nah, I was quite direct, told them that I liked them, even through text sometimes lol.

I was bad at guessing if they liked me lol (with some exceptions, when they told me they did liked me; in a way, I was thriving on attention too lol - I loved the looks and how their attention made me feel lol - in a way, I was their male counterpart, but back then I looked good, nowadays I’m fat, so not much attention offered lol).

Edit: maybe the Reply was for Rehan, but I just took the opportunity to reply lol.

You guys are not focussed on the important thing, which is to make yourselves more attractive. This is the bigger and the much more important part.

The communication will automatically align itself and just happen somehow when there is enough attraction – biology and heart chakras will take over and make it happen lol.

1 loop of Adrostenol, 1 workout at the gym, 1 donut less eaten etc. have all a bigger impact than thinking about how you tell someone that you like them.

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Well, try it sometime - see how it goes.
How did they respond back?
If I had to guess … they didn’t give a direct response back with their intentions?
I think that can be normal in the short term, but if they’re still like that after a while - that’s just confusing. I get it.

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I’ve had different responses, from different women.

Tbh, I never 100% cared.

I just was too obsessed with myself lol.

Oh, you mean, the crazy emoji type?

It’s not my style.

Indeed. That was my main focus, years ago lol.

But I will get back to looking good lol, as a secondary goal, after health of course.

Like telling a story with only emojis.
Just a good ice breaker. It was the very first thing my husband texted me and I still remember the story to this day :joy:


Idk, I might try it, maybe lol.

Anyway, gotta go.

I Wish Everyone a Good Night (or Day). :pray:

(Maybe I’ll stay to read a couple more replies though)

@Powren Now THAT is Communication lol.


We as the forum ppl must level up. Telepathic communication will be a better ice breaker :smiley:



That’s why I love the life on the astral planes. It is all telepathic there and there is no hiding of one’s intentions.

In fact, telepathic communication is actually the natural state and the natural way how beings communicate everywhere. For physical humans on physical Earth this telepathic ability is hijacked, so we have to communicate through symbols (words) and sounds waves (voice), which I think it done on purpose as an increased level of game difficulty. Because, when you are not able to instantly recognize everyone’s intention and have to second guess, you are actually doing a lot more SELF-REFLECTION which is one of the mechanics of how we grow as souls.


It might be a Blessing (in disguise).


I thought you were going to sleep :D

Well, got a point.

I’m not sure ppl would be any ready to go naked in front of all others and/or seeing others like that.


I have to see the replies.

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I don’t know if everyone feels the same way, but for myself personally I feel subconscious/telepathic communication is the language I work with the most with people. We usually know things, we just talk ourselves out of them.

But in my experience, “knowing” is first nature


That’s what I was going to say in a less elegant manner, so thank you ^^

But yeah, everything is known subconsciously, we hide it from ourselves. And others put limits to it too…and we play along validating those limits cause we want our privacy too.


:dolls: :notes: :paperclips: :camera_flash: :1st_place_medal:

:crossed_flags: :point_right: :magnet: :restroom: :hammer_and_wrench::fire: :arrows_counterclockwise: :cancer:

:pretzel: :desert_island: :diving_mask: :fountain:

:bikini: :shell: :soap: :sparkles: :lollipop:

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Happens all the time anyways lol.
How many astral visitors do you think you already had while showering?
Does not matter in the end.
Shame and guilt of being naked is a physical human society brainwashing thing.


I’m not sure if this reply was directed at me but I’ll bite lol.

Past me would have been excited to have found out that she liked me a year later, but now that I see myself in a better light and definition, which is thanks to self love and confidence fields, I just don’t understand why all the “games” are needed to get to know if a person likes you or not. Seems too much effort, that too with no visible reciprocations in terms of showing hints or signs.

If she ignores my messages and barely engages with me in class, my rational mind would think “time to set some boundaries then” and go on with my life. Now that I find out she liked me all this time and it was her way of experiencing her Korean love drama in real life, I just find that repulsive. That’s some teenager crap.


:hammer: :fire: :repeat: :pisces:
“Crucify your karma because you’re a Pisces so you can finish the cycle” :joy:

…. I’m still thinking on the rest