The Malleable Ego

I appreciate your efforts!

Yesterday i was thinking why the heck was i born in a reality where things such as rejecting unpleasant feelings simply destroys our lives. Because its a natural thing to do i think for most of us, pain? Avoid. Equaling Self Destruction.

But today i think, oh well, at least we have the antidote for it :handshake::blush:.

And we have to take advantage of it :muscle:.

Or else


Gradually changes then occur


Day by day

But they do

And for the better



Thank you brother I appreciate it.

A quote that resonates with me deeply is “It is when we are at our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change” -Aang

And I want to distort this quote with difference which is “It is when we confront our thoughts and feelings, we are open to the greatest change”.


planning to buy this and listen it before conceptual conglomerate


Sharing this here too for whoever wants to try. I will def do


The this is the

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Is this exact field in the new subconscious limits removal?

More like allowing, a lack of flow because the mind is constantly holding onto weight and resisting just releasing.

This is what keeps us in density, it is a sort of heavy weight, a gravity almost pulling us ever deeper into denseness and material reality. The ego is also a program and construct with its sole purpose to keep you from realising your true, real self, your Soul and its Light symbolically speaking the opposite of weight and density as it is Light… feels like flying, weightless, sublime.

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I am not sure if I am reading you correctly but I disagree, I don’t understand what you mean by “lack of flow” but ever since I started incorporating acceptance, life has been running more smoothly for me. I am more receptive to manifestation, luck, happiness, etc.

You may need to adjust your current framework if this is how you see things.

So your life is flowing better now …

A lack of flow because of resistance, allowing, and acceptance can bring “flow” back into your life…

Sammy addressed this in the post below. Essentially they are both part of the new subconscious / ego editing tools, but SLRv3 only removes beliefs — entirely subtractive — while ME allows for active editing and a more additive interface with the ego.

Not gonna lie man, your wording is very confusing lol. I understand what you mean now.

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@spiralriver thanks for sharing it helps a lot, I will probably get this field in the future it seems very effective in combination with subliminal programming.

and @Rehan woops my bad ;)


That one Is awesome, very special.
But watch out lol, I Found myself unconsciously trying to mimic the energetic signature of a plane passing by.
Works a bit like vibration of transcendance.


Same issue with GumRoad not showing up Malleable Ego, this likely reduces visibility and awareness of potential buyers on the existence of it, at least I would expect this thread to be larger otherwise.

I think it’s worth republishing this field on GumRoad, otherwise it will not show up as far as I understand.


So does emotional dampener, inner bliss Iluminator, face grooming .


When I use this I spend 1 loop with active conscious attention for working with the field/creating a state, and then I use the second loop to listen & receive. Even though it’s easy to assume that this field would be primarily for manifesting/active programming, I find that it has a lot to say back.


Is this a testimonial for or comment about The Malleable Ego, or would you like your post moved to another location?

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Perhaps you could preface your post with that info, so that your intent was clearer.


this has made me realise how little i know myself. it seems i have been identifying with my persona, the person i believe i should be for others. who do i want to be? what do i truly seek?


Awesome Toby

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