The Malleable Ego

Brother it will pair so nicely with your karma crucible too :star_struck:.


We finna blast multiple speakers playing

Malleable ego
KC or a different karma clearing field



Is it ok the combo subconscious 3.0, ME and then a subliminal? Can it work with external affirmations?

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Can someone please advise:
Do I have to repeat the affirmation over and over?
Or can I say a series of affirmations in a row while actively listening/meditating to this?

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Repetition would only further help you key into the ā€œinstructionā€ you wish to program. If your series of affirmations within the same category (I.e. abundance) then it would produce the same effect.

But more important is how much you can FEEL and even visualize that which you are affirming. The more you can connect with it the stronger it will be. Connection and focused attention is key.

From my understanding you donā€™t need to loop malleable ago but it wouldnā€™t hurt to. Note that some may be extra sensitive so excessive looping would cause fatigue. I prefer to loop for reinforcement but listening to the field once is enough for the ego to be malleable for a few hours (or more depending on your energy system and other boosters you may be using like Quasi Kinetic Crystal)


Optimal Fields optimisation playlist :

Kinetic Quasi Crystal x2
Point of no return x3
Blueprint of life x3
Subconscious limits dissover x5
New perspectives x2
Malleable ego x3
Rite of passage x3
Zealot of positive change x2
Essence of faith and prayer x1 (If you have Divine will, replace)
Cone of power x3

Tell me if you got any idea of adjustment :pray:

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In my opinion it is much better to feel, because when you feel and experience the emotion, you enter into the coherence of the heart which is enormously stronger than any mental field, since the coherence field of the heart itself is 5000 times stronger than that of the brain (according to EarthMath Institute).

Read this below


This on one device and subliminal / field on another equals mega fast results lol


Yep. HeartMath Institute has great research.


@SammyG I was wondering, sometimes we change in various ways and when we do, the pain in our souls comes rushing out at us things we thought we dealt with but it comes up again we feel it again and we express it again. I assume it comes up again because maybe we havenā€™t dealt with it effectively or all the way.

So letā€™s say internal pain, issues, come up again how do we effectively resolve it?

Itā€™s begging to be changed somehow but if thatā€™s not possible is acceptance enough? Just saying okay I accept that this is a part of my journey and Iā€™m ready to move on from it? Or are there further lessons to be learned?

Getting more to the point In your opinion what is the best concrete method to move past old patterns and internal conflicts so they no longer cause pain?

Anyone please chime in as well with what has worked for you.


Itā€™s honestly been thatā€¦ acceptance has always been the answer for me. There are issues/limitations I have that I just accepted and they just arenā€™t even issues anymore. They are things about me I donā€™t work around but I work with to get the results I want. My weaknesses work hand in hand with my strengths. That is wholeness imo.

Maybe others can chime in because I donā€™t quite see how anything other than acceptance being what dissolves these patterns.

Like lets think about itā€¦ what are issues? They are problems we have that make us uncomftorable. If we accept that we have these issues, then they donā€™t make us uncomftorable anymore. So then they just become a thing we have to deal with. An obstacle, a challenge that is helping us grow in some way. It doesnā€™t become a problem anymore but instead, a stepping stone towards growth. That shift in perspective comes with acceptance.

Our issues are all unique and there are of course lessons that come from them. Like for example, someone who wants to be a millionare but is very lazy to do anything about it needs to learn the importance of persistance. The thing is, that level of clarity begins to emerge from within in a very clear and action oriented way when we come to a state of acceptance. Otherwise, when we are rejecting these thoughts/feelings, we are pushing away our intuition and our ability to move forward.

To keep iterating the same pointā€¦ pain is a feeling that makes you feel uncomftorable and you reject. When the pain from a memory comes up and you accept that discomforting feeling as is, it is literally not uncomftorable anymore. It dissolves into just being a memory and no pain being associated with it.

Now something to add to this in that in acceptance, your resistant pattern sometimes starts bringing up the worst scenarios and really fights the acceptance ā€˜like how could you accept this!.ā€™

For example, if I believe Iā€™m ugly and then begin to accept that this is how I lookā€¦ my ego that has identified for so long with being ugly, might turn back like ā€˜you accept your big ass nose??? You accept your crusty eyelids??? Noone has ever dated you. In fact, accepting you look like this means you will never find a partner. If you havenā€™t had anyone up to this point, then it is a FACT that you will never find anyone if you accept yourself like this. Like how could you forget when Sarah told you to your face that you look like a naked molerat. Thatā€™s cause you look like one! Oh you accept that memory tooā€¦ Ok, be forever alone then. And lonely all in your bedroom, saving up money to buy a sex doll because NOBODY will ever want to be with you looking like that. Heck, you might as well save up for plastic surgery. You can never accept yourself looking like this. That is giving up on ever being happy!ā€™

And so on and as it rambles, you accept okay, then I accept being forever alone. I accept the worst circumstance that could possibly happen from what I am accepting. To the point where you accept any of your minds memories or counterpoints that come up which are allā€¦ your repressed memories. Everything that makes up the pattern of your issue starts to come up. Accepting all itā€™s parts and being like ā€˜okay,ā€™ just dissolves whatever negativity you had assosciated to it.

In accepting all that comes up, you dissolve the pattern as a whole.

So yeah, Iā€™m a big promoter of acceptance. Cause even if you managed to stop these thoughts from coming up, if you havenā€™t reached a state of acceptance with themā€¦ then anything in your day to day life that reminds you of them or in some way related, can still trigger you. You are completely free when any thought or resemblance of thought is met with neutrality.

Acceptance neutralizes the pain/negativity assosciated with thoughts.


Thank you! :green_heart:


You sparked an epiphany- I feel like the pain of unresolved stuff also comes from an outdated perspective. Sometimes you
Have to have it out with yourself to realize that the person who used to hold this perspective that causes the pain in the first place justā€¦isnā€™t there anymore. Youā€™re telling a story you donā€™t even believe anymore but youā€™re so practiced at it that you told it a couple more times before you look over your shoulder and youā€™re likeā€¦ yeahā€¦thatā€™s not me anymore. Those values arenā€™t my values anymore.

Acceptance is #1. I think #2 could potentially beā€¦ this thing thatā€™s coming upā€¦againā€¦ WHO is upset about it? Does it matter to me now, who I am? What do I really think about it now? Is there a way this is coming up because I do have a different perspective on it and I just havenā€™t given myself the memo?


What is the point of having ego diss+ when this exist?

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itā€™s explained at the beginning parts of the thread


In sammys post in the beginning, he said that dream said that this is like ego diss 2.0 + malleability + new neural pathways. So if it includes ego diss 2.0 that i assume is ego diss+, can we drop that one completley, or does ego diss+ have something that this doesnt, Many made some speculations but how should we know that it is correct? The only cerified statement was the previous one.

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iā€™m currently listening to ME, SLD3 and become whole on loop all night, while putting a playlist of subliminals on loop on another device. the more iā€™m using it the more i understand things about my past. i have this feeling that i already know these things, but now are more clear. today i feel like shit thinking about my life and some things that donā€™t work, but iā€™m trying to accept them and let them go. damn, itā€™s so difficult. letting go and changing mindset. i feel a part of me (ego?) so attached to those ideas, idk if i will ever be able to change completely. i really hope. iā€™d like to like a more joyful and passionate life and improve my mindset on exams without all this anxiety.


Consider Path to Wholeness. Canā€™t recommend it higher for the types of feelings youā€™re experiencing. It brings a more deliberate and proactive energy into acceptance/confidence/self love/ life path work. SLRv3 and ME are invaluable tools for that program as well.


For the moment I have to save money for a private project, but in future I will try it. For the rest am I doing it right? Iā€™m tired of all these negative emotions, but using ME during night with subliminals and during the day while thinking affermations related to how I want to think and live should be the right way. Iā€™m trying to feel this new ideas to better put them inside my head. Itā€™s really hard. The more I do it the more itā€™s hard and heavy. I hope itā€™s a purge phase. Itā€™s disgusting, but I have to accept it and I think accepting it itā€™s the hardest thing.Itā€™s really draining my energies, but I really wanna change. Hope all of my actions bring to a new me.