The Malleable Ego

Mmm…Time for a 2nd device :clinking_glasses:


@SammyG… please guide me on this.
So I listened to malleable ego with trust and kept affirming my desired outcome and looped the field for an hour per day for a few days. I was successful in changing my core to a significant extend and let go of what was not serving me.

Then I had to take a break and today I started the same process again with another desire… I played the field through my earphones and was affirming my desired outcome. But thoughts wander and worries also come up and suddenly I thought of something horrible about myself. Now, this made me fearful since I believe this is a powerful field and is moulding my ego. So my thoughts about myself become many times more potent when this is playing in the background. Ever since I got that fear I could not be at peace even if I tried to focus on positive affirmations and counter positive thoughts as the field kept on playing for an hour. Now I don’t know if this feeling of fear has further amplified negativity and that too powerfully since all this while I was playing the malleable ego.

So basically what I want to understand from you is this … we play this field to modify our ego (core beliefs about ourselves). We affirm/visualise/feel our desired beliefs while playing it and they change easily due to impact of the field which otherwise would take much more conscious effort. But what if we get unwanted thoughts during the session with this field? Mind by nature is wandering and it’s impossible to fully control thoughts and several time unwanted and even negative thoughts intrude from nowhere…so will they too get integrated to our ego if this field in playing while we get those unwanted thoughts about ourselves?

I know I am being fearful and that’s why I wanted to talk to you about this. Also, I have been told fear manifests but the problem is that fear happens, we don’t control it.

Thank you so much.


Yeah, it would still work if you only do this at night.

Also, you can do affirmations in your mind while listening. (always more effective out loud. and even 2x as effective in the mirror).

@Lanos Great question. Your intention is what is being read and programmed. Random fears popping up in the mind aren’t. Those are typically subconscious/egoic backlash that can sometimes happens when you are trying to change things.

Thing with these powerful fields is that, for some people, malleable ego will manage to reprogram without any backlash occuring. But, oftentimes some of us have very, very heavy baggage up there that we never resolved. Things we never accepted at all and still reject strongly. To the extent that when those thoughts pop up, we feel fear or heavy sorts of negativity.

So when you are reprogramming yourself, these things reach the surface because they are repressed energies and the only way they will be fully reprogrammed is if you manage to let go of them. Otherwise, the negative assosciation is still there and so as long as it is, the fears or whatever will keep popping up (through triggers, ext…).

When these fears pop up during these sessions, they are honestly the biggest opportunities ever to reprogram yourself permanently in that very moment. It is your chance. Yes, fear happens but that same feeling can be accepted, reintigrated and transformed into new patterns.

‘I acknowledge my fears about this, I accept my fears about this, I let go of my fears about this.’ And don’t just say it or think it… feel it. Believe it. Accept the worst possible outcome. Accept the negative things that happened in the past assosciated with this fear. Surrender to the feeling in a way like I accept this discomfort.

And what ends up happening is that this discomforting fear, transforms into a comftorable feeling. It becomes just energy. Just a feeling. No longer a negative assosciation. This sounds so difficult and impossible but that’s why I made a whole system. The work has to be done.

This is very important for everyone to understand. This is why I stress so heavily, to do the work. You can’t escape the work, no matter how amazing our fields are. So as long as you negatively assosciate with certain memories or things in your life, whenever they come up, you will feel that negativity. Because by you rejecting these memories/thoughts, your conscious mind is basically not agreeing with the new programming and just repeating the same old negative programming.

Yes, fields like SLR 3/Malleable Ego clear and reprogram them away more effectively than ever but the real permanent change comes when that last drip of the negative memory arises to the surface when being cleared, and you are like ‘I accept that this happened. It’s a part of my story. I surrender to my story and I am at peace with it. I am moving on.’ And literally that is it. That is the end.


Thank you sammy <3 you absoloute legend

I already feel so much more confident after affirming for 2 days wowww, i tried the mirror way and it was so effective, but I didnt know u could say them out loud :D

time for even more results !!


Thanks to the release of SLR 3.0 I was able to test the capacity of this field and decided to invest in it. It has a lot of potential! And thanks SammyG for the excellent suggestions on how to get the most out of this field, please keep them coming!

Lately I have been exploring my inner world more and more and noticed I’m always in defense mode, like a constant resistance to everything be that my emotions, fields, the present moment, etc, like an ever present tension. Other than using The Malleable Ego actively on this topic as described by Sammy, can anyone please suggest other tips or even complementary fields that could help address this constant resistance?


could I use this for two topics? e.g. I use the affirmation “fields work instantly” in the morning then my confidence ones at night

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Yeah that’s how I’m using it, somebody correct me if I’m wrong but I think of it like a transformational chamber that gets its input from you each time


Does this one dissolve the ego or only make it malleable?

I have a suggestion. To use affORmations also. Those are affirmations in question form.

So to take the example above. “Fields work instantly.” You can also use the afformation, “Why to fields work instantly?”

Or "why am I (insert desired state). Etc…


Is it “ok” to use many affirmations with this? (In the mirror or in meditation or writing them)

All the different affirmations for all areas of my life?

I don’t know where this goes, at this point ME fields might be all over my system

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Just came across this, could be useful for those looking to create their own affirmations.


The root chakra is I AM — “I am abundant. I am wealthy.”
The sacral chakra is I FEEL — “I feel wealth. I feel abundance.”
The solar plexus chakra is I DO — “I do not chase. I attract.”
The heart chakra is I LOVE — “I love wealth. I love abundance.”
The throat chakra is I SPEAK — “I speak wealth into existence.”
The third eye chakra is I SEE — “I see wealth and abundance all around me.”
The crown chakra is I UNDERSTAND — “I understand that wealth is easy to attract.”


Thank you :blue_heart::blue_heart:
Doing this now in my journal. Brilliant little shift.

" unless you’re actively working towards enlightenment."
i wondering what if i try Ego diss + x 100 & Malleable Ego x100 in one day


@SammyG is it possible for a Malleable Ego technique and The Revision of the past combo in one field,


thoughts and opnions on listening to ME while staring at a nft ?? @SammyG


That would be great. Any sort of programming would be better while listening to ME.

@Dyslexic_Professor I don’t know. That’s up to dream. I’m sure he will be adding his new techniques to future fields though.


Subconscious 3.0
Malleable ego
Point of No Return
Blueprint of Life
Karma Crucible
New Perspective

This personal stack of mine has upgraded my life tremendously thanks to ME. It always surprises me I still had some deeper blockages I didn’t know I had.

Once the ego has been edited, your reality will transform.


Nice Inspo, thank you.
Onwards and upwards (although down is up too, ironically enough, lol)


Next list is Soul Continuum :smiling_imp:

My buddy @Jojo reviews can’t make me stop resisting that field.

ME + SC aha