The Malleable Ego

Congrats!!! That was nice to read

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I have bought so many fields from dream and this is maybe the best purchase Iā€™ve ever made from him


Can you talk more about ur experience


It is a tool to help with almost every fieldā€¦I literally feel the changing pathways in my brain lol it helps me to reprogramm my brain


Exploring the depth of this as far as I couldā€¦ I heard one thing:

Shivoham. I and my Father are one.

Good luck everyone ~


Iā€™m trying the affirmation "all fields work instantly "


Speak out loud (can also hold a hs mandala in your hand):

"Now dissolved all self sabotaging thoughtforms, ego-constructs and attachments, across all my timelines and realitys "

Adjust to your situation/goals.


Sometimes I feel slight headache after listening to it, does that mean itā€™s working?

nevermind, wrong thread

Malleable Ego Tips

-If you can, listening to the field in the background somehow while listening to a guided meditation, one of your subs, fields, extā€¦ helps install the new patterns more effectively.

-What creates new patterns? Repetition. What does repetition amount to? Lots of energy with the same intention/information. So if you exercise, dance or do yoga while listening to malleable ego, and focus on your intention ( I am abundant for example) then you more quickly and effectively install the new pattern. Any form of sexual activity while focusing on your intention is an extremely powerful way of installing new patternsā€¦ Itā€™s just very hard to do because well, sexual activity makes it hard to focus on anything lol.

You can just have it in the background in some way so you can still listen to your music. Have it audible to some extent.

-If you are looking to reprogram your self image, as in the way you perceive yourself (self love, confidence, ext), then I would highly recommend mirror affirmations. Looking yourself in the eyes and doing affirmations that help reshape your self image and listening to malleable ego. Itā€™s a powerful way of directly facing your self perception while reshaping it at the same time. Much faster results this way too.

I know itā€™s difficult for people to do affirmations or visualize themselves as successful and whatnot because of the amount of negative baggage they have built up just rejects these kinds of thoughts. That is why you should always start by acknowledging that you have these feelings. Accept that you have those feelings about yourself. Accept that you chose to have those feelings about yourself. And now accept that you choose to feel a different way about yourself.

AND THEN you start saying things like I choose to accept the way I look, I accept my armpit hair, I accept my flat butt, I am myself so I deserve love from myself, I choose to love myself, I love my face, I love my eyes, I love my whole self.

You get the point. The whole point is to lead up to affirmations by acknowledging and accepting the feelings that you do have. If you donā€™t do that and just straight up say ā€˜ I AM BEAUTIFUL, I AM BRAVE,ā€™ your subconscious is going to straight up remind you that you havenā€™t even acknowledged how you currently feel about yourself and fight aggressively against these affirmations.

(acknowledging and accepting current feelings before choosing new patterns, for visualizations is also recommended)

-If you arenā€™t the best at visualizingā€¦. Writing also works! While listening to malleable ego, write the new programming, either typing or by hand. Writing is processing information/thoughts through words and so it can be use to write new code into your mind. So whatever your intention is, write it as if its true, either repeating it or going deep into it like ā€˜My throat is finally healed. I can talk great again. I have been talking to my friends and family with so much more happiness and joy lately. My voice is so clear. This is a giant relief and feels amazing. Iā€™m so grateful to feel this way, extā€¦ā€™

Iā€™m sure I have more tips in the back of my brain but itā€™ll come to me later. Now I want to hear from you guys. Have any questions? Have any feedback as to how the field has been working for you lately? Any concerns? Do let me know.


So I have been using this field for past three days and I loop it for an hour or more and meditate on the affirmation that I am calm and peaceful. Sometime I also affirm I am joyful. Thatā€™s because I had been emotionally disturbed lately so I decided to use this field this way. Now itā€™s this field or my will or both, but I have actually been totally carefree for past three daysā€¦ I let go of certain things disturbing me. But one side effect that I noticed is that I am eating like a hog. Whole day I want to just eat or drink one thing after the other. Thatā€™s not usual me, I am health conscious and donā€™t over indulge but these days all I can think of is what to eat now, just after finishing one meal I want to move on to next :woozy_face:


Sounds like it kicked up some good stuff. Be happy! :slight_smile:


Seems like but overindulgence in food is going to show itā€™s bad effects pretty soon :astonished:
Maybe the letting go is giving its withdrawal symptoms or I donā€™t know what it is. Maybe my emotional body is coping up with sudden release ā€¦

But it happened instantly (although the background for it was building up for past six monthsā€¦I had been working on myself) but in last few days I got some spiritual insight and I suddenly let go of something I was dearly attached to for two decades. I decided and was done with it in just one day.


Just hunchā€” leave what doesnā€™t resonate, but I feel like this may be a subconscious move to fill the ā€œvoidā€ of old thought patterns and emotions being lost

I think itā€™s also a sign of the power of whatā€™s going onā€” it reminds me of how I subconsciously get every full moon. Iā€™m just wound up in a way? And itā€™s like I NEED something to ground down all thatā€™s happening


Yeah ā€¦ the letting go made me lighter suddenly and the food is making me denser or groundedā€¦


So, since Dream describes it like that, can we forget the original ego dissolution (ā€œthe old one, the 15 minutes long oneā€) forever and just listen to this Malleable Ego from now on?

How long does the effect of this Malleable Ego last? I mean how long does the window that this field makes the Ego more malleable + openness to new neural pathway programming last? (If you listen to it for instance 2-3x)




lets say i do my affirmations only at night time will it still work ? my affirmations are to do with social confidence and i stare at my nft while listening to this

i cant do them in mornings bc of work. also how long do u guys loop this for ??

Could you play this on your phone while in the shower saying your affirmations in the morning?

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hmm maybe tbf, i usually play other fields in morning that relate to my brain thats y lol gotta stay sharp for work

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