The Malleable Ego

That’s the idea!

Flowing from acceptance to confidence to self-love and wholeness.

You’re probably much further along than you think. Keep going!

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They will. Just keep going…

If anything annoys just allow yourself to accept and love more and more . Just put up a smile on the face and say
I allow myself to transmute the negative emotion ( fill this) to positive ( fill emotion) . I choose to evolve myself with ease and grace. Yes I feeeeeeel it and I meaaaaaaaan it. ( Say this loudly and slowly ) Take some 15-20 seconds to say this line like Opera singing. It’s a secret :)

Just allow yourself ( don’t fight ) …keep it simple

Smile, accept and let it go and imprint new ideas💡

Think of yourself as a programmer, where
Ego as the software
Delete things like we do on a mobile or laptop,
Imprint new programs like a pro using ME.


I hope so ahahahaha

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Thanks for the advice I will try it :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait to get this field

i’ve just bought this field :slight_smile:


Still have Ego Diss+? Might help with your current state.

Or just plain old 11th booster/Ego Dissolution combo.


Ever since I read about Sammy’s statement about acceptance being the solution to tension and resistance, I incorporated a personal subliminal for acceptance.

Some of the few affirmations listed are

“I accept myself”

“I accept my thoughts and feelings”

“I accept the way I look”

And more.

Playing Malleable Ego before my subliminal, lots of mental tension dissolved in a matter of minutes. Things that I was irked about faded away, things I couldn’t do anything about faded away as well.

You see it is not that I am accepting that I will be like this forever or I am giving up, but rather I am accepting and acknowledging the thoughts and feelings I was running away from. I was always using fields to run away rather than treat the main cause. If I felt physically ugly, I listened to appearance fields, fields made my face better but tension was still there, the desire to find every flaw within myself was strong and I decided enough was enough, confront the thoughts and feelings and accept them, even if it was uncomfortable.

Am I short? I accept that.

Am I average looking? I accept that

Am I barely scraping by? I accept that

Am I lazy? I accept that

Acknowledgment after acknowledgment forced me to confront the feelings I was running away from. Release was temporary but acceptance is permanent. You make peace with it and then you open yourself up to more receptivity in terms of energy.


:fire: Great way of putting it brother. In fact your whole post is :fire: Thanks for wording it all so nicely.

It took me a long, long time to come to the realization that a lot that comes with dissolving blockages/limiting beliefs/insecurities comes down to… acceptance. I thought there had to be more to it and that it couldn’t just be that. But it really is.

And now with these new tools we have, the whole process of acceptance and dissolving blockages becomes a much easier and faster process. The trick to the process is to accept the resistance that snaps back at acceptance.

As in when your ego tells you why its not okay to accept, you accept that your mind resists the acceptance. Doing so melts away the resistance so quickly.

But anyways, only so many ways I can say the same thing. I can tell some people are struggling with this so just tryna nudge ya’ll in the right direction.

Keep at it. Let’s make this the year we remove our inner obstacles and clear our paths forward.


Yes, that is why I use malleable ego with love of acceptance mandala from Equilibrium. It’s so good!! Instant booster for me.

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I appreciate your efforts!

Yesterday i was thinking why the heck was i born in a reality where things such as rejecting unpleasant feelings simply destroys our lives. Because its a natural thing to do i think for most of us, pain? Avoid. Equaling Self Destruction.

But today i think, oh well, at least we have the antidote for it :handshake::blush:.

And we have to take advantage of it :muscle:.

Or else


Gradually changes then occur


Day by day

But they do

And for the better



Thank you brother I appreciate it.

A quote that resonates with me deeply is “It is when we are at our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change” -Aang

And I want to distort this quote with difference which is “It is when we confront our thoughts and feelings, we are open to the greatest change”.


planning to buy this and listen it before conceptual conglomerate


Sharing this here too for whoever wants to try. I will def do


The this is the

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Is this exact field in the new subconscious limits removal?

More like allowing, a lack of flow because the mind is constantly holding onto weight and resisting just releasing.

This is what keeps us in density, it is a sort of heavy weight, a gravity almost pulling us ever deeper into denseness and material reality. The ego is also a program and construct with its sole purpose to keep you from realising your true, real self, your Soul and its Light symbolically speaking the opposite of weight and density as it is Light… feels like flying, weightless, sublime.

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I am not sure if I am reading you correctly but I disagree, I don’t understand what you mean by “lack of flow” but ever since I started incorporating acceptance, life has been running more smoothly for me. I am more receptive to manifestation, luck, happiness, etc.

You may need to adjust your current framework if this is how you see things.

So your life is flowing better now …

A lack of flow because of resistance, allowing, and acceptance can bring “flow” back into your life…

Sammy addressed this in the post below. Essentially they are both part of the new subconscious / ego editing tools, but SLRv3 only removes beliefs — entirely subtractive — while ME allows for active editing and a more additive interface with the ego.