The Malleable Ego

Not gonna lie man, your wording is very confusing lol. I understand what you mean now.

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@spiralriver thanks for sharing it helps a lot, I will probably get this field in the future it seems very effective in combination with subliminal programming.

and @Rehan woops my bad ;)


That one Is awesome, very special.
But watch out lol, I Found myself unconsciously trying to mimic the energetic signature of a plane passing by.
Works a bit like vibration of transcendance.


Same issue with GumRoad not showing up Malleable Ego, this likely reduces visibility and awareness of potential buyers on the existence of it, at least I would expect this thread to be larger otherwise.

I think it’s worth republishing this field on GumRoad, otherwise it will not show up as far as I understand.


So does emotional dampener, inner bliss Iluminator, face grooming .


When I use this I spend 1 loop with active conscious attention for working with the field/creating a state, and then I use the second loop to listen & receive. Even though it’s easy to assume that this field would be primarily for manifesting/active programming, I find that it has a lot to say back.


Is this a testimonial for or comment about The Malleable Ego, or would you like your post moved to another location?

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Perhaps you could preface your post with that info, so that your intent was clearer.


this has made me realise how little i know myself. it seems i have been identifying with my persona, the person i believe i should be for others. who do i want to be? what do i truly seek?


Awesome Toby

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