The Manhattan Method

Based on the following:

  • Intelligent: An intelligent person has the capacity to absorb information, understand it, and use it in different contexts. They are often book-smart, meaning they do well in academic settings. For instance, an intelligent person might be able to learn a new language quickly because they can understand and remember the grammar rules and vocabulary.

  • Smart : A smart person, on the other hand, is someone who is quick on their feet, can make decisions rapidly, and has good practical judgment. They are often street-smart, meaning they can navigate real-world situations well. For example, a smart person might be able to navigate a busy city they’ve never been to before, because they can quickly figure out the public transportation system and read social cues.

In essence, an intelligent person can learn that fire is hot and can burn you. A smart person is one who remembers this information and doesn’t touch the fire.

How would you guys say that this field works both concepts? Would you say that both concepts improve at the same time, or does one improve more than the other? What is your experience in relation to this?

In my humble understanding of this field, I would say that both improve. However, I would like to know your opinion on this. Thank you very much.



hi @Jake,
It’s a bit more complicated than that but yes, it will help both crystallized and fluid intelligence. It won’t do everything in every way but both should improve noticeably.


That’s awesome and really good to know.

Thank you, Doctor!

I noticed interesting reaction to this field.
Before sleep i can see holograms, patterrns with my eyes closed. Few times i saw my room with eyes closed.:scream:




Interesting assesment, usually highly intelligent / smart people display all the capacities to resolve all the mentioned tasks. In you have the necessary mental capabilities you can either learn or adapt to the most challenges.

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Means that he’s satisfied with the results and is moving onto another field. At least for now.

Spatial reasoning getting cranked up is such a fun part of the field.


Indeed :sweat_smile:


I thought u guys were bullshitting, when I close my eyes with my hands and I see exactly this in very high quality curled and squared spinning.

It’s actually crazy how clear I can see it


Blockquote . Few times i saw my room with eyes closed.

I’ve been seeing things more vividly with my eyes closed as well. One time led to a semi lucid daydream!

I can now vividly hold the image of a mandala in my mind after looking at it briefly, and can tune into it more quickly.


The circuitry in the field could be helping, but that’s not the reason your Ajna is now being overly active. Or it could be… it depends on whether you’re seeing the light when falling asleep.

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Nah lol, we’ve shown you our grades.

It’s a few steps up in cognition. Quite a few.

Overtime once more people finish circuitry and then begin strengthening, it will be a completely different ballgame.


Hmm… could be from Energetic Being… but I haven’t noticed a light when falling asleep. The vividness come and goes, but I seem to consistently be able to meditate on fields much better.


That is good, then, especially if you feel inclined to meditate on them moreso than just doing it because you “have to” or expect better results (although it can lead to that).

In the end, it is all energetic and informational. Our bodies are constantly basking in an endless sea of conscious energies. View resistance and rewiring in that context, leveraging whatever the conglomerate will translate this to.

But also, add childlike wonder to the mix… without an innate curiosity about the world, you’ll lack that “spark” needed to really be “in-tune” with what’s actually happening… Adult “minds” have “rusted” wiring.


Yeah. Dream and Philip are quite OP.

Because this is a baby brain field.

It was just the beginning.

But offers tons of value.


Hey guys,
My current stack is

White matter x 30 minutes
Manhattan method x 1 hour
PBOY x 1 time
Master of conceptual thinking (PU) x 1 hour

So, basically I am having amazing dreams, I feel like I am in a movie and literally living in the movie, the only thing is that I am sleeping more than I usually do, never in my life I have slept for more than 7 or 7.5 hours but today I slept for 9 hours. :skull:


Everyone is different but make sure that listening to PBoY every day is enough for everyone else.



Definitely would pboy a little more to cut axon overgrowth.

Especially since white matter makes axon overgrowth harder to notice due to the increase of blood flow. @lonewolf


Maybe my PBoY listening will be high, but for the following stack
BKx2, WMx2, MMx18, BGx6, I listen to it 14x a day.

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Understood, thank you so much @Fender_Cad @Jojo


After 700 or so hours, I would like to say thank you to Manhattan Method for everything it has given me.

An elevated level of consciousness is a beautiful thing.

Maybe one day I’ll come back to finish 1000 hours.

Cheers @Dreamweaver & @Dr_Manhattan.