The Manhattan Method

Take more Omega-3, you can try melatonin daily 5mg or 10mg for a night, as at such dose it’s great anti-inflammatory (there’s this Sandman stuff as well on the market, but it’s too wacky from my point of view).


I guess I’ll add some more in thanks.

Wouldn’t mind manhattan 8k res being boosted even moreso anyways so I’ll take an extra pill or something.

I definitely need to try the melatonin too, its been recommended to me so many times for sleep thanks a lot.


I used this along with brain key, white matter, everything just seems to flow effortless, but with motivation It’s like I can go extra mile, learn things on a fly in fact I’m thinking of reading the book of five rings and art of not giving a f.


I have been using it for many months but I cannot say that it is the definitive solution to sleep problems, which in fact has very often been ineffective for me, however now it seems to work better because some causes of sleep problems such as anxiety have been reduced.
Just my experience.


And just like that you reminded me to get some more ashwagandha. Lol thanks, it’s been over a year.


It’s dose dependent for sleep. Very high amount will make it, but this will not be healthy (unlikely to be harmful as well as it was megadosed in studies), but its anti-inflammatory potential is great and it scales really well with the dose.

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Got third biology exam back: 98 out of 100 points,



Whoa congratulations!! Are those exams consist of MCQs or descriptive ones?

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Okayyyy, king!



This field is one that both my sister and I listen to. She once woke me up in the middle of the night to explain some calculations after having some clarity in her dreams lol The next morning, she couldn’t tell if she was talking to me in the dream. I also had similar experience where I woke up from dream with clear mathematical concept in my mind. It was ecstatic to wake up from a dream feeling good about mathematics :relieved::joy:

I also love when things finally click like you know A and C then you mentally understood the B and you connected everything and learn the why’s and how’s :sob::sob::sob: I was like this back in my early years of college but during pandemic I stopped using my brain and experienced massive brain fog and my communication skills suffered a lot. Getting out of my comfort zone by working helped me as well as these fields. I already quit my job but ain’t going back from this marathon :triumph::triumph:

Thank you, truly.


I’d like to add one more thing, longer loops have helped me with putting my emotions on check, such as my way of talking was more secured and I felt like a wise person talking and this happened on day 1 when I increased the duration of listening time but yeah on 3rd day I was mess which I’m working on. Today, I’m feeling good so writing reviews :grin:


Lol. My first comment on the thread.

Can’t believe this was a full year ago. I’m so thankful to be here.


Throwback Thursday


I am listening to this and I got pumps and then I waited for the fry to kick in and it hasn’t happened. Instead things seemed clearer.

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I always thought the fry was coming from the boosters and putting off trimming/pruning until the end of the day.

its a good feeling when u don’t get fried from a certain field anymore :raised_hands: ive noticed the same with this field


I’ve been listening for 4 months or for a single term at Uni and along with boosting my GPA these are some of the effects I’ve noticed.

3x Memory
Before listening to this, my memory was already pretty good, however this has tripled my memory at least. Currently, I’m studying Japanese and a tricky part is learning to write the kanji (the Japanese characters that look like hieroglyphics)

Example: 夢、最高、黄色、etc

However, with this, I have not only been able to write it down easily but also increase the pace at which I can learn the characters.

Fast thinking
This is just what it sounds like, my thinking has sped up considerably. This has helped in tons of situations where you need to make decisions on the fly and it increases the volume of stuff I can learn

Increased Focus + Concentration
This has increased focus pretty dramatically. During University, where I am more focused and driven, I can sort of enter the zone state at will. As a result, I can be really efficient with my studying and make time for other things.

Increased mindfulness + Clarity
This last effect is unexpected but really REALLY valuable. During my meditation session + going through life in general I have noticed a boost of mindfulness from this. This has naturally increased my joy in life and also boosts all the other benefits of mindfulness which is a lot.

Thanks for reading!
Thanks to Manhattan and Dream for this!