The Manly Man by Manhattan

Hi. What do you mean by not SR safe?

It means sooner or later, rather sooner, your will become horny AF.

:joy: Thanks

However this field remains essential for a man today in many respects. Among the advantages obtained, a lower tone of voice, which continues to exist after several months of not listening,
and also in tune when singing, without the need to force the vocal cords, is natural.

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Low Vitamin A diet

Hi @kiterunner!

Here are some links to assist you with the forum: Info to Guide Your SM Journey

Welcome Yoda 3


10 times (Sometimes less, sometimes more)

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Thank you.



Not good for health… Once in a week

Exogeneous, namely oral DHEA seems to increase predominantly estrogen in males. Also it has some number of anecdotal reports being stressful for kidneys, but these are high doses above 100mg daily. Endogenous DHEA is going to pass through the pathway that JAAJ has shared, so shouldn’t be of a concern.


Look up Thor Torrens take on vitamin A !

Okay, I checked him.
My personal opinion:

  • The dude has barely any clue what he is talking about.
  • He cherrypicks facts that support his narrative and ignores all the other facts.
  • He has no basic understanding of chemistry and biology.
  • In fact, he is former football player and works in the entertainment industry, i.e. no scientific or medical background whatsoever.
  • His advice on Vitamin A and Vitamin D is dangerous and he doesn’t understand how these work in the first place.
  • The guy would make a good character for the “Pain & Gain” movie.

Also, here is a good differentiated point of view that I found:


Have someone tried this on earbuds while workout? I’m not sure if i feel something

High amounts of “vitamin a” = no good and harmful

Curious what’s your favourite Androstenol field Jaaj?

And anyone else who wants to say

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The original one that was 2020 on YouTube.

Since this is no longer available I now use a mix of the patreon version of the original one + The GOAT Scent.

Sometimes, I also drink water from the Wolf Potion No 11 :baby_bottle:

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I wish we could have dht on Spotify man that would amazing

$5 bucks @ patreon

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Day 42 of listening.
I gained 5 pounds of lean muscle mass; my previous +5 lbs increase took almost a year since I’ve been training for a long time.
Vascularity and muscle dryness is trough the roof, and so is my strength and stamina.
These are steroid-like gains for my genetic starting point. And these are just the physical changes.