The Manly Man by Manhattan

Agree, prostate issues are driven by predisposition and accumulated damage.

DHT is less responsible for its exacerbation, albeit it’s a strong growth promoter there, unlike in muscle. Estrogen has more effect on prostate growth, but AFAIK just because per same weight it’s much more “potent” than most androgens. Estradiol is measured in pg/nmol vs ng/nmol for testosterone, anabolic on its own and increases sensitivity to GH.

Cancerous cells are simply very efficient at utilizing all possible ways for own growth. Fields like that probably don’t make a difference or are even beneficial as head hair seem to get a positive boost from it.


:laughing: :+1:

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In my opinion
Martian Jing x3 (really strong for blood pressure etc, 3 times should be the limit)
Quintessence x4
Manly man x4
(if you run Manly & Quintessence in the same day you may get really hard morning wood, and maybe even some pollution)


Thank you for your kind guidance, I normally have morning woods without using any fields as well, so his should not be a problem for me.

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So far nobody has had any hair issues with this correct? I might pull the trigger 🫡

I have thicker hair after spamming this for like 30 minutes everyday, especially on my chest and arms.


I was talking about specifically scalp hair but thanks for the testimonial!


On my head too, it looks fuller, idk if thats the right word!


Is there a possibility/a way to not get more body hair while using this field ?

There’s body hair removal fields :joy:

Thicker hair on the scalp I’d say


How are the beard gains with this one?

Nope. max 10 strands for me these days.
I was testing its limits by adding HGH, Kisspeptin - now and then for 3x times and
adding Shilajit along with it but still no hairfall.
Earlier with any combination of test v2 or HGH or Shilajit or YT endocrine or Thyroid field I had crazy hairfall for weeks. Then I again go back to hair stack to work on my hairs. This was the cycle that went for years.

But now this is a rescue with the Manly Man.

My beard growth is same as before, full dense in 5 days. But surprisingly the beard hair is soft these days, probably due to this.

Better Digestion and more agile, absolute focus and calmness, the control of emotions is peaks. Its working way better than anti-anxiety fields.
I’m better utilizing the manly man power + quintessence to the benefits of the muscle roar. So no urges naturally.

Every man would love this field for sure!


Pulling the trigger for sure today or tomorrow :muscle:t4:


I notice a lot of people are having hair benefits instead of drawbacks, that’s pretty cool Doc


i use for 1 hour daily since release no hair fall and also no thicker hair.

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So stagnant, but at least no hair fall

If anything more people are having thicker hair after constant usage but nice man

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Hi I have been using headphones is that okay?



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This is really a testament to Testosterone and optimal male hormones, physiology.

Myself and other women have noticed increased calmness and peace, decrease in anxiety from the Womanly Woman field.

Makes you ponder about the deeper cause of anxiety…