The Manly Man by Manhattan

I think Dr has mentioned in one of the threads, a field which would cover “mind-body coordination”. It would be awesome for sports, dance etc.,


Yep that’s the one I was referencing. I recall mention of it but wasn’t sure if it was still in the lineup


let’s add to the requirements thread, Dr ain’t gonna stop “transformation of men” for the love of history and legacy.


@daou that’s a sneaky way to get your request on top of the waitlist, but it just worked

I think you men will like the next release too


I wish they came out when I was like 14 :skull_and_crossbones: (not that I would’ve been able to afford them.)


lol :laughing: :rofl:

well you know it’s the fields in action.

thanks again


Bro, imagine, getting bangers from our lovely dream and manhattan like the snapping synapses, mathematical, and a key to bable, I would literally be the GOAT in my school, heck, even in my city. :sob::skull:


What has happened to this thread 🥲



Any updates with the field people? Interested in what people have to say about there usage on this, works super fast for me and I got it less than a few weeks ago

This is my favorite field ever released by Cap


My sister saw me, she said “wow… Allah Akbar” (the beard)

Joke aside, I noticed now people call me “sir” much more. Especially random ladies, “Good Morning Sir”, “thank you sir”, Excuse me Sir” But with more respect and emphasis on the sir.


When you already had looks from women and a high libido, but now it’s 2x higher :skull_and_crossbones:. Semen retention is like 4x harder. Seen people talking about morning wood, try having insomnia and being bricked for the whole night. Also can’t use fields to balance it out because my nervous sytem is fried. :rofl:


Yeah high libido and being bricked up all the time is tough indeed.

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Nice Bro :+1:t5:. Did you pair it with the Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity?
And If in a stack with it which one would be played first for optimal results ?

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Yesterday the first day of listening 4x, while today I had incredible strength in my arms, as if this field was able to take full advantage of the work previously done with Arms Shredder. So to the question of this particular person :laughing:

I reply that if it’s good for Arms Shredder why couldn’t it be the same for Leg Shredder? :wink:


Why you wrote such words???

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Quintessence 30 Min
Manly Man 30 Min
Muscle Roar 30 Min
Muscle Cheat 30 Min

With the Muscle Roar I haven’t been able to go beyond half an hour for the moment. This is a field that tires you easily and makes you very hungry afterwards.
I was doing some work and after twenty minutes I felt some pressure in my legs and abdominal area. Even my triceps feel a little sore… keep it up!


@DR_MANHATTAN I presume you dont need anybody to justify your words and explain yourself, but just wanted to explain my view of what you said because it didnt shock me and i quite understand… “Allah Akbar” = May god protect you. It is an arab sentence. Arab ~ Muslim
Arabs and mediterranean men tend to have a lot of pilosity…
That is i think (and again sorry Dr if you dont like me answering something that is asked you and not to me) what his sister just jokingly meant…
Like myself, my skin is so white, and i am french, but people would ask me if i was russian or something because of my blue eyes and white skin and something exotic about my face. They could have tell me “Na zdorovie !” In such a situation…
You know, i think there is nothing too complicate here if i understood everything right :) …


Yes, Muslim man are at least perceived as manlier these days. They stand out with their beards, I am happy with mine.

A lot of White French grow their beard when they convert to Islam too. It’s used as a symbol

Which would have been a compliment also

@anon81111580 didn’t mean anything bad, I understand the Muslim community may take offense, it’s recent or ongoing in some parts of the world.


Haha I have to tell i am always really flattered to be compared with Russian/eastern beauty :) !
Que du bon pour toi, merci pour tout ce que tu fais :) :pray:t2:


I don’t really care to respond to what other say, but interestingly enough in Islam to have private hairs after 40 days, each day past that becomes a sin.

Yeah but for beards, in Islam it’s said to be kept and not shaven.

Edited lol, Corrected