The Manly Man by Manhattan

:rofl: :rofl:

Haha this field is really risky if you are doing SR. Some transmutation solution is pretty important

Beast mode workout is one way.

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Sprints, fighting and pranayama

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Dr. Manhattan said that just images are updated :pleading_face:

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First impressions is that I am getting the feeling of hotness that I had back in my puberty days, musky, state of mind much like the high we get after lifting heavy weights.

Can you chime in here @Dr_Manhattan ? It seems that all gum road fields got a bit of an upgrade?

It’s just the images and descriptions that got updated. The fields stayed the same. I remember them saying something along those lines

Did you see the post above I replied to? I’m wondering now if the dear captain did give everything a boost

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Yes, I believe captain was just referring to the page being updated as in images and descriptions. The fields tend to grow overtime too.

Well actually looking again above now, I am wondering too now actually :sweat_smile:. Nvm

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Anyone tried to run this with Soul Restoration (Core)? I guess there could be synergetic effects between hormones and energy?

I gave my brother half the money for this and he brought it for both of us and send it to me. Will it still work for me ?

I was feeling lethargic with the gym lately, just played this and the urge to go to the gym increased dramatically alongside motivation for exercise. Also my mood is far boosted and more stable.


How do you guys manage to spam this field 10x-20x times. Most I can do is 4 after which I get overwhelmed, anxiety, bad sleep and symptoms of nervous system overload.

Tom Cruise looks more manly at age 62 than most 20 year olds.
Definitely on some testosterone boosters.
Thank Lord and Captain Nemo, we have fields!


This increases both total and free testosterone levels right ?

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Yes, although its free testosterone that ultimately matters.


Watch out for hair loss, be easy on this field and buy lion mane or the new hair field(reason it came after) other then that, still fantastic field.

Yeah that’s why I was asking thanks

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Some observations from this field:

  • The effects didn’t occur immediately; after some time, I began to feel a tingling sensation in my brain, particularly in the hypothalamus, which then spread throughout my body.
  • I had dreams in which I acted more instinctively and less rationally and emotionally, which felt quite unusual.
  • I was able to detect the scent of androstenol for the first time in my life.
  • It felt like my entire body had been upgraded.
  • I had only a few hours of sleep, and these were the experiences I had during that time, where my focus was entirely on my body.
  • Meditation felt slightly different, with a stronger drive to extend the practice, and I found myself breathing faster.