The Manly Man by Manhattan

i think that due to sexual repression and sphincter retention/repression coerced by society/parents during early life we all develop some sort of bad functioning of endocrine system.

some folks are more on the retentive side (khappa dosha), while others are more on the active side (vata dosha).

I eat plant based- is my body able to synthesize enough cholesterol to still get maximal effect from this field?

My absolutely hairy body says I’m fine, but I always wanna min/max my stats.

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Is this field good for muscle gain?


Theres too much too read in here, I just need a simple yes or no.


yes, of course :slight_smile:


many of manly man benefits became evident for me once i started to use endocrine system fields.

there’s an interconnection between these things.

i’d suggest doing prostate health 2.0, male reproductive rejuvenation, thyroid healing, endocrine system with manly man for enhanced benefits.


That’s exactly what i wrote in one post

Bro is this also heal/reverse the damage done by excess of masturbation and porn ?

No, it doesn’t rewire your brain directly.
It could help with regulating excessive prolactin (it’s chronically high if you ejaculate a lot) and general well being since it will increase your test and consequentially improve your mindset towards facing difficulties, make you more mature in a sense etc.
there are some beautiful fields being released by the brain guild that could help you, also lots of free options.

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Thank you ,i mean the damage done to the receptors duo to excess of masturbation

It’s almost always psychological issue precipitating behavior that people try to tailor to their actions. Receptors (whichever you mean androgen or dopamine) on their own are perfectly fine, they don’t live longer than several hours and get replaced constantly.

Receptor expression is somewhat different, the only robust way to increase it for androgen receptor (there’s only one type of it, unlike dopaminergic ones) is to increase amount of androgens in a body.

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As a porn and masturbation victim for years since puberty non stop it really mess the phisical aspect to ,you cant even put on muscle mass if you masturbated no matter how good and your rutine are is basicaly ah biological manhood killer ,it mess up the whole endocrine system and the brain it self basically the 1# most dangarous drug

It mess my whole androgens thats why i cant even put some.facial hair prominent

You are really attaching to much to this, right thing is to detach from such ideation, muscle gain is nutrition and training first. Androgen receptors rotate fast and their upregulation is tied to levels of androgens.

If you have persistent issues with prolactin, then it’s sign of pituitary problems, but their development is influenced by many factors and a lot of it is genetics and nutrition.

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Manly man will give you more androgen receptors in your brain and reduce prolactin that’s a fact. It can help with damage from ejaculating too much regardless if it’s from masturbation or sex. It does have some wiring that makes your brain manlier so it can help with porn but it’s not the end goal of the field.

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DHT maxxing


Just bought it. :slight_smile:


Hi there @Odin!

Nice to See You Again Yellow KY

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Thank You :-)

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Attention everyone. I want to say something important, maybe also for you. Don’t let your ego/mind get control over you. This audio itself is enough to use and to get your healthy dose of androgens. You don’t need to fill up your egoic wish for more because this already does everything. Increasing hormones while maintaining balance and doing a big impact to all the receptors by making them more apparent and sensitive. I personally made this error over and over again. And then again. And then again. By including other hormone audios, you throw off this whole good balance cocktail. You sabotage yourself in a way. I needed to learn this. And I want to provide this important message to you all.

Edit: yes, you get your typical androstenol musky results, yes, you get your typical stoic Genghis khan like DHT results, yes, you get your typical testosteronemaxxed muscle gains, yes, you get your optimized hgh sleep/recovery results, yes, you get your lh/fsh induced big balls.
So why do you need more? It’s all your ego.


You got a good point there

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