ok anyone in the world, and I kid you not, who’s undergone cranioectomy and/or skull removal, or better yet… anyone who has a neck NEEDS this field lol.
For the past year, ms.KP over here has had trouble swallowing, or keeping head up right. SO much so, I cant do college lol
But this field is the KEY
in ending that. I genuinely believe so.
and sometimes if you cant get a physical therapist to help you the day you really need them,
this is the field that’ll holler you over.
I literally just got it, super hyped, because I can swallow and use my laptop after ages.
I know for some, at least I did, assume this field is more about aesthetic things, but truly its not.
And I only have listened a few time. Just one flipping day! Cant you tell how ecstatic my hype train is rn lol
Now to: MUSIC!
PS: this music reminds me of the music that we’d play in miami when we’d wanna go yachting or what not. Aka its DOPE, and just perfect. I love it.
O and now lets talk about my favorite topic- how humble this man is.
A facial treatment from Bioloque Rechere is 500 bucks (remember JLo’s face from the Super Bowl? that’s one lol). When I would get it, it was nice…for a bit. but you have to keep going back, and back, and back, and your bank account won’t be the most happiest chap.
But this… for the rest of yo life, and for a sliver of one BR treatment, you’re set.
I really hope everyone out there considers this field! because its not just for aesthetics!
Plus, lots of people have tension stored in their neck region.
So yup yup this is like a “one stone two birds” kinda thing.
THANK YOU Mr.Sapien , a cheers to you !