The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited

Probably yes. After the sessions, he always fell asleep.
On the Russian-language forum about children with cerebral palsy, there is a topic about MKT. Many parents wrote that they had cured their scoliosis. Some people report fatigue after the sessions. I myself did not feel anything either during the session or after. But the back pain is gone.
Children have many amazing results. For example, epilepsy was cured.
A session usually lasts about an hour. Today I wanted to loop this sound the same way for an hour. But after half an hour I felt tired. And my sonā€™s intestines relaxed after that (this was also earlier after the sessions)


Thank you :pray:

Appreciate your reply :pray:

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Not to make profit from it, but to help friend or family.


no the audio is the therapist.


Thank you captain!


The great thing about fields is that they donā€™t require belief to work. So even if a specific modality was belief-based, the field version would still work because it bypasses that requirement. Itā€™s simply using the concept, or idea of what the modality is doing and how it is changing things - in this case, on a cellular, maybe even quantum level. Also, even for modalities that work because of the placebo effect - isnā€™t what really matters, the fact that they work? The mind is powerful, and the body has the ability to heal itself. We just donā€™t always know how to do it on our own. Fields like this bypass needing the knowledge, training or belief at all.


Every organ carries an emotion. Every emotion carries a message that you could put into words, if you could. Every truth you believe is arrived at by consensus of the committee of all your organs. If one is out of its proper function, it could give assent to a truth agreed upon by all the other organs but which is not true. And then you would hold that lie as truth.

You could listen to this field just long enough for your symptoms to go away. Meaning youā€™ve reached at least a certain point of proper function. Or you could go well past that point of no apparent symptoms until you understand the message of every person. The message behind their facial expressions, behind their behavior towards you. Behind what they believe about themselves and about everyone else. You could understand and see through all the lies in the world. If you want to go that far; far enough to have truth in your inward parts. This is something King David said that God desired for people; truth in their inward parts.

That is what I have seen this field doing for me. My perception behind and beyond all the lies of the world has gone to a new level. I will keep this track as part of my daily practice.


Just got it! :smiley:

Gonna be looping this for a few hours now!!! Canā€™t wait to see how my collar bone heals over time!


Iā€™ve looped this about 7 hours since i got itā€¦ Looped it for 5 during my sleepā€¦ And mann i woke up with my collar bones tender lol both sides are, but mostly the side thatā€™s messed upā€¦

I think itā€™s moving back into place! Ill be updating again in a weekā€¦ Thank you Dream :pray:


This is HYPER-EFFECTIVE for healing in a very yin-style nurturing fashion.

Traditional Western Medicine hasnā€™t quite grasped yet that many traumas get stored deep in the unconscious mind, and find sneaky places in the body to wall off and hide behind.

Itā€™s easy to get stuck in the shock response of fight-or-flight.

As a result, you develop compensation patterns in the body to work around the ā€œfrozenā€ trauma (hiding in soft tissues, tendons, bones, etc).

This is exactly the opposite.

Think of it like a flower emerging from the ground during the re-birth of Spring; blossoming as the rays of sunlight offer warmth and security.

The flower actively reaches out to the sun and opens itself up because it feels safe and nurtured.

If the conditions arenā€™t right (too cold, ground frozen, etc) then itā€™ll remain sheltered-in-place as a means of self-preservation.

You access your parasympathetic nervous system and create a beautiful environment for your body to unwind the compensation patterns and heal itself.

That Relaxation Response is where the magic happens.



Excellent description!! I was trying to nail down the nature of healing here and this is a very apt description. Thanks WuWei.


was planning to buy it in the weekend but your description made me pull the trigger sooner


This field is giving back its life to my physical body, and in the process bringing back coherence between mind & body.

As a whole, me being satisfied to be in this body.

Beauty :pray:.


Ive used this 2 days

1st time i looped 3 times and i totally fell deeply asleep while listening.

Usually once home after work around 3pm i take a ā€œnapā€ but more often than not its just my eyes closed relaxing because it takes some time for my body, mind etc to decompress and by the time it is ready to sleep a bit, its time for me to get up. Looping this field helped me rapidly feel my body super light and comfortable and the rest is history. I woke up like a new person.

the journey to :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: was a slow gentle caress all over my body as if tiny little fingers were all around massaging me while reaching deeper and deeper like breaking through tissues, muscles, etc and then funnyā€¦ all the sensation was only felt on the parts of my body where ive had issues in the past: head, womb/ovaries, colon, gallbladder, left knee, left hand! Haha that was amazing how this takes the time to reach where whatever healing left is needed (in my case i dont have issues in any of the mentioned parts anymore) which amazed me because it means this could fast recover any damage left in any part of your body.

Imho tho is still early to have a complete idea of how this could work, this audio could be perfect for those that are afraid of trying other audios like the Plasma ones because it might be too tough of a detox for them or that feel very weak due to a chronic painful illness or for old people, our parents, grandparents etc that some would like to help them heal but in a gentle way This def can be used.

And second day was last night i decided to sleep looping it and only this audio.

Woke up feeling new. Like a brand new body. I cant find better words. I felt like when you go for a deep tissue massage and realized you didnt know how much you needed it.

One big thing for the ladies that like me use high heels for work every day :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: my feet feel so tender and with no discomfort at all.

Im definitely using this as soon as i get home every day + revitalizer one :heart_eyes::sleeping::sleeping:


Was about to give my additional review, and saw I just needed to quote you haha. Exactly the same experience, plus what I have shared above/below :heart:

I have been working a lot on getting rid of anxiety for good those last couple of weeks and it feels this field has finished the job. I am finally feeling living in a relaxed body :slight_smile:


Thats great!

I think i also realized a while ago something and its something i had actually asked @Captain_Nemo for.

I dont know if you are familiar with ASMR? i get nicely triggered by it and id been trying to remember what therapy i might have taken at some point that felt similar to this audio but now it just hit me, same relaxing tingling sensations but deeper as ASMR :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Thats why i fall sleep so fast listening to this.

But this is deeper and regenerative.


Donā€™t forget to try Synesthesia with AMSR. If my memory is right, that had something to do with why it was created. Or why it was requested at the least : )


You knowā€¦ the imagery in my head is sooo vivid i dont have a problem with that whether i am awake, meditating or sleeping :laughing:

And lately is going stronger with enhanced vision and the Alchemical mind blend.

I dont think i want to enhance that even more and get confused other stuff lol


Thanks! Sorry to hear about your collarbone, hope you a speedy recovery

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