The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited

I slept wrong last night. A side of my pillow is higher and thicker than the other to use when sitting in bed but i forgot to move it to the flat side :woozy_face:

So i woke up with the left side of my neck stiff and in pain. I played this x 3 and it went down big time i was able to move my neck again without pain then i listen to the reiki one x 2 and that was it. Perfect now :heart::clap:t3:


Has anyone tried releasing the SEE way with this field?

This one is all about vivid images that also carry a sweeping wave of freeing relief that is not right after, but throughout!

Just a few moments earlier I was talking about how I finally quit smoking for the second time, how Iā€™m grateful for having all the tools we have today, how despite my tendencies to do otherwise I show up most when I feel I may not; as I was listening to this field.

Suddenly appears flashing images of the first time I quit and how I strongly went back all in; the stressor induced kind of moving out and in, and out and back in again. I had real strong faith in myself that time and not being accountable to it has withheld me from quitting this time for the longest. I started releasing right away; the moments where I got my pack, a whole pack of croissants, chips, and some peach rum drinks :))
I even worked with two releases at the same time; having one of my smoothest releases; while lived and seen, it brought a deeper sense of relief and was brushed away at its deeper starting points ā€¦

Itā€™s not the first time this field surprises me, first time I listened to it I immediately had flashbacks, vivid memories, and a very loose body. Moving freely, stretching my hands as soon as the field started. Felt the field working on things that even went back to my moment of birth! Struck my mind when I thought about it, but I didnā€™t need to ;)

Vanished with the field waves :))

Bonus: My skin has been clearer and smoother with no sign of me having not been watching my diet at all! :partying_face::partying_face:


Anyone paring this with Cosmo-volt yet? Iā€™m just beginning to try this and see what happens. If youā€™ve already done it, please share.


If you really want to embrace the relax, release & restore approach, considerā€¦

Before: Spa Days + Brain Massage (to let your guard down & trigger the bodyā€™s relaxation response).

MKT session

After: Crucible (to burn off any remainder of sludge that may be stirred up).

Less can be A LOT more.



Itā€™s been a week now of using this at least twice a day. Morning and night, and sometimes evening. And what can I say about it, other than what Iā€™ve already written? It seemed to fine-tune some of my senses and reasoning.

But other than that (and that is a big deal already), other than that I havenā€™t noticed anything. No physical symptoms improving or worsening or changing. Butā€¦ thatā€™s the thing. I havenā€™t noticed any physical symptoms of any thing at all.

For a whole week, no symptoms of anything. This is after 4 years of having fairly regular symptoms of adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue or whatever name for it the reader may deem legitimate. Iā€™ve been completely fine for 1 week. Completely normal. Thatā€™s not really normal for me. Soā€¦ coincidence? Or, this works.




Thank you @WellBeing. Normal is excellent. : )


Iā€™m feeling huge tinglings on my lower back and pelvis.
Maybe I can get rid of extreme anterior pelvic tilt for once.



10/10 field

bought it, playing it, feeling pain :muscle:


Well playing what u posted is listening to it 20 times in a row! (Yes, I counted) Not surprised u have some pain. (Everyone makes their own decision how to use the field, I prefer to start with the recommened time, and take it from there)


i just use the repeat function on VLC and listen for about 1 hour.
great field this is


yeah, this is like my ritual with new fields haha, gonna use it on loop tho


Beautiful explanation :clap: :clap: :clap:

cannot describe how beautiful that song is

This audio and some other new audios especially ā€œthe devilā€ was for me like turning the coin around and watching the other site.
More and more stuff is moving to the surface and showing me another perspectives.


Thatā€™s just completely irresponsible. Iā€™ve never done that. :innocent:


gotta be a idiot sometimes to learn new things :smiley:


I just bought this for my elderly mother who is undergoing twice a week PT sessions for 10 weeks to address her sciatica pains. Thanks for the discount @Dreamweaver :slightly_smiling_face:


Interesting concept.
Could this work in (re)encoding DNA patterns? I mean, the body might ā€œknowā€ how to heal itself, but its standard could have been an injured/sick self since inception.

How would it differ from BoL? :thinking:


While I was using this field, I sorta had a ā€œvisitā€ from some ancient Bushmen who seemed to really like this audio. I have been sandwiching this one between the Bushmen audio and that seems to really enhance the experience of both audios for me. The Shamans, who rarely show up, seem to greatly like the energy from this track and that is fantastic as they tend to like energies that are as unconditioned as possible.


To anyone of yā€™all who have both this field and BoL:

Could you please share your experiences with both of these fields, particularly the differences youā€™re noticing with these two fields?

Thanks in advance for sharing your insights!

And since Iā€™m in a question-asking mode, If any of you have Plasma Protocol and this, what have been your experiences with them? What are the differences that youā€™ve found between them?