The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited


Microkinesitherapy is a gentle therapeutic technique that applies the principles of homeopathy through delicate touch. This method encourages the body to recall and heal unresolved injuries, initiating a comprehensive self-healing process. Unlike therapies focused on symptom relief, Microkinesitherapy aims to erase debilitating information, providing lasting results

Benefits of Microkinesitherapy

  • Encourages the body to recall and heal unresolved injuries.
  • Effective for acute injuries, pain, exhaustion, learning difficulties, musculoskeletal disorders, and psychosomatic conditions.
  • Contains the knowledge base of French physiotherapists and osteopaths Daniel Grosjean and Patrice Beninis and their application of that knowledge.
  • This field checks in with the knowledge base to update its understanding and become more effective over time.
  • Use as much as you want, or until you feel that you have had a complete treatment suited to you.
  • Incorporates the goodness of Plasma Light Energy for amplified therapeutic benefits.

Some more resources from the web:

Microkinesitherapy: For whom?

Anyone who suffers from a dysfunction (whether of an organ or a bodily function, perceived or not by the patient at the physical or psychological level) can be treated with microkinesitherapy, regardless of age, type of condition, or stage of disease.

Microkinesitherapy: How?

Microkinesitherapy relies on the ability of any living organism to repair itself. Any disruption of an organ or function creates a symptom. The therapist does not act directly on this symptom, but will help the body of the patient to fight against the dysfunction. For this, the micro-physiotherapist follows a protocol of care by performing micropalpations on the body of the patient who is lying on a table while remaining dressed (light clothing). The therapist perceives in his hands certain restrictions and obstructions that will enable them to identify the origin of the dysfunction – its etiology as well as the stages of bodily response that correspond to the symptom, which allows the body to trigger the restorative mechanism (immunology law).


@chainjoker check this one out!!! :smile:

I’ll be getting it some time this week myself! Excited to see how this one will affect a dislocated (?) Collarbone i got :smile:

Thank you @Dreamweaver for everything you do man :pray:


As if the initial description alone hadn’t grabbed my interest enough to begin with! Adding in the Plasma Light Energy (my jam!) only seals the deal for me. :rofl:


DUDE, this sounds AWESOME! :+1::sunglasses:


In the description that you share it seems to share it’s says for organ or body function, but in initial description it covered any body part. This does heal tendons, etc., correct?
Thank you for reply :slight_smile:


it does…


From the description of the microkenesi therapy up p which this field is based, the therapy understand that the body knows how to heal itself which, in my mind, would include all parts of the body like tendons, etc.


I have goosebumps and tears of happiness in my eyes, from the realization that the Captain made this field. Before the pandemic, my son was at several sessions of the MKT, when the therapist came to our city. When he first came, many were skeptical. During the session, it seems as if nothing is happening. But after the first time, my son, who until then was panicky afraid of all musical toys, suddenly became interested in a music book. And in another session, for example, a therapist in minutes corrected my son’s spleen, which had been enlarged since he was in a medical coma. I myself felt it with my fingers. During the pandemic, we had to end the sessions. And now we have this magic field. There are no words to contain all my gratitude and happiness


I am so happy and excited for you and your son!!!



Isn’t homeopathy pseudoscientific? As in ik the energy stuff is legit, but I don’t know if this is, please someone, indulge me.

Very interesting, I will show it to my wife who is a physiotherapist.


thanks @Dreamweaver you are the savoir for sensitive soul like me with no very smooth life …


I bought it now!


Does this will make us therapist?? as it states to share information about the therapy






*investment :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::heart:


Homeopathy works great. Not at all. But this is much more than the placebo effect.
MKT is an impact with hands


Probably yes. After the sessions, he always fell asleep.
On the Russian-language forum about children with cerebral palsy, there is a topic about MKT. Many parents wrote that they had cured their scoliosis. Some people report fatigue after the sessions. I myself did not feel anything either during the session or after. But the back pain is gone.
Children have many amazing results. For example, epilepsy was cured.
A session usually lasts about an hour. Today I wanted to loop this sound the same way for an hour. But after half an hour I felt tired. And my son’s intestines relaxed after that (this was also earlier after the sessions)