The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited

I thought you “just got” BoL?

I did, but assuming what other people say, these three would be “life”

I see. Got it.

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would it be good to combine this with Blueprint?



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Thank you ! :pray: :pray:

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So it’s safe to say this the master of all the healing fields?

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Does this audio rekindle friendships. Been listening for a while & the last person I expected politeness from just messaged me lol, not sure if this audio applies… but maybe



Are you guys listening for an hour at a time for four sessions total or are u just listening a couple times a day?

Healing is a very subjective term. as there are several main categories healing may pertain to: spiritual, emotional, and physical

So I’d say this is simply a master of its own kind.

He’s released several more audios since your comment.

I suppose Exalted might be the overall “health” field as one of its components consists of a smart-field eternity-redux. But I’m not entirely sure if it works on all three bodies. Plus it’s a NFT so perhaps it’s not the most feasible solution.

So in that case: Crucible Series along with Smart Cord Cutter.
I reckon all four of those target healing rather specifically.
The Crucible Series and Smart Cord Cutter Ordering:
1.Crucible of Stored Trauma
2.Crucible of the Past
3.Crucible of Mental Space
4.Smart Cord Cutter
5.(And then I actually use this field right after!)

Best of luck


I think the more energetically attuned your body is, the less you need to loop them.
Like say me, if I (and I have) listen to it continually for an hour
Whereas Sapien listens to it just once,
I’d imagine he’d receive the same affects as my one hour of listening- actually scratch that, most likely, a lot more, because uk, attuned. He’s attuned. Like can absorb better. Like a sponge.

Don’t quote me though mate,
The Elders will probably recommend that one listen to it in its designated time frame, because you know, protocol.

But if you are like me, body is just waking up from a very deep slumber, I don’t see why not.
Certainly doesn’t harm me

But we are all so different.
Maybe try twenty minutes and see how it goes.
If it goes fine, keep bumping it up

Best of luck

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So either I got a bug bite or my cats claw did this but I had really inflamed bumps on my arm. I played this 6 times and I figured why not take pictures. Apologies I used markup for the number of plays and the numbers couldn’t really fit :joy: but the top picture is zero, and then it goes 1,4,5,6 on the bottom. I noticed in real time the biggest difference between 1 and 4 plays, of course there is the question of time passing however it had been inflamed for awhile before I started playing the Microkinesi therapist and if these were bug bites, they wouldn’t have gone down for days.


Is there a field that can do a little bit of what this field can for free now on youtube ? My wallet isnt big enough ATM. And the stored trauma of the past as well?

Microkinesi can help with a lot of problems
from mental problems like anxiety, anger, irritation, allergies, digestive problems, pain, hormonal problems, bowel syndrome, skin problems, muscular problems, skeletal problems etc
So depend on what you want to treat, there is no a similar free audio but you can use any from Youtube or Patreon to solve a specific categoryy but the Plasma light is on Youtube and can help with anything, Cosmo Volt is very powerful to for a lot of diseases and you have too the mental audios collection in Youtube, one for fulm detox, one from Pain, several for skin and skeletal problems and some for massage too, you have audios for endoncrine system, for bowel syndrome, etc
Sapien has in Youtube almost a field for each illness.


Some say the plasma flaunt can cure everything. Why not just buy that instead of everything Else.

I don’t think it can cure everything
I mean there are some problems or situations which generate certain responses in an organism or body or certain disorders Microkinesi is better suited.
For example Microkinesi is better to manage stress or burnout, I have used for that.


I was saying that PF is whole body healing (which is slightly different from what you’re saying).

We have this field for the same reason we have allopathic medicine and homeopathic medicine and ayurvedia and TCM and so on. Different people respond differently to different modalities. Some people respond very well to “Western”-based approaches (even the energetic versions of those approaches) when others respond better to “Eastern”-based approaches and so on.


Im gonna end up buying all hos fields :joy:

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I feel you, my friend! :laughing:

Wellbeing, do you think the plasma flaunt would be good for normalizing circadian rythm (getting sleepy at night when I should) and muscle fatigue as well, or would advanced healing be better? Or do you have any other suggestions that might be good ?