The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited

Does this also work for the shoulders?

Was thinking the music for this one is nice for a while but only now I realise it reminds me of Kupla’s music

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So my stomach issues are causing me trouble so that it feels like im stuck in fight or flight, this is also slowing down my digestion and causing intestine pain. Mainly the hiatal hernia and ibs like symptoms. Would this be any good for the hiatal hernia ?

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There’s a field for that, if you’d like.

It’s not directly for hiatal hernia (the stated list, in the description, is “especially suitable for acute injuries, pain, exhaustion, learning difficulties, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and vegetative or psychosomatic disorders”). There are other fields which could more directly address that condition.

Im doing the ptsd and amygdala heal ,

And for my hernia and stomach issues: auto immune, abdominal wall, stem cells, iron gullet , ibs field and stomach fields and also all the gas in my stomach has messed with my nerves so, im doing the nerve audios. Those actually give me better digestion.

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This is my next buy for sure

edit: i felt that this would suit me and i was right. I love this field.


Interesting field. Also decides where it wants to work
 last time it gave me some slight pressure in the right lobe of my brain
 not sure what it is doing there :sweat_smile:

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People underestimate this field. This field + max heal + eternal + plasma flaunt. I believe there is nothing more needed these are basically the ultimate fields of dreams times imo. Also, add smart Hulda and the bacteria slayer and virus disruptor 2.0. That’s enough to last you forever. :grin:


5 listens Already this field is doing soo much to my body amazing. Thank you Dream. Tremendous field people overlook. :sweat_smile:


@Dreamweaver hey Dream hope you are doing fabulously awesomely fantastically stuff :laughing: jokes aside. Is it possible if plasma flaunt, microkinesi therapy, max heal, plasma brain wav files can be uploaded? I just want to see if the wav files are more effective and better. Even if it doesn’t make a difference, just for the sake of my sanity :laughing:, cause I like experimenting and stuff. I was using posture atlas on YouTube and on patreon. For some reason the one on YouTube was working instantly and patreon version was not :sweat_smile:. Same goes for spinal tapper. It kind of felt different. I’m not sure if it is just me. But I felt a difference between the YouTube version and the patreon versions. Just to make sure I checked and rechecked and checked and rechecked for a couple days.

ChatGPT: Micro KinĂ©therapy is based on the idea that physical and emotional traumas can leave imprints or memories in the body’s tissues, even if the individual is not consciously aware of these memories. These imprints are believed to cause blockages that can lead to physical and emotional symptoms.

During a Micro Kinétherapy session, the practitioner will use light touch and gentle movements to identify and release these blockages. The practitioner will focus on specific areas of the body, such as the spine, the abdomen, and the head, where the imprints are believed to be stored.

Proponents of Micro KinĂ©therapy claim that the technique is safe and non-invasive, and that it can be used in conjunction with other therapies to help support the body’s natural healing processes. However, as with any alternative therapy, there are potential risks and side effects to consider, such as exacerbation of symptoms or interference with conventional treatments.

Proponents of Micro Kinétherapy claim that the technique can help alleviate a wide range of physical and emotional conditions, including:

  1. Chronic pain: Micro KinĂ©therapy is said to help release physical blockages in the body’s tissues that may be causing chronic pain.
  2. Anxiety and depression: The technique is also claimed to help release emotional blockages that may be contributing to feelings of anxiety or depression.
  3. Digestive disorders: Micro Kinétherapy is believed to help improve digestive function by releasing tension in the abdominal muscles and organs.
  4. Sleep disorders: Some practitioners claim that Micro Kinétherapy can help improve sleep quality by reducing physical and emotional tension.
  5. Allergies: Micro Kinétherapy is claimed to help alleviate allergy symptoms by addressing underlying physical and emotional imbalances in the body.
  6. Trauma and emotional stress: The technique is also believed to be helpful in releasing stored emotional traumas, including PTSD and other anxiety disorders.
  7. Post-surgery recovery: Some Microkinesi-Therapists may use the technique to help promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation after surgery.
  8. Headaches and migraines: The therapy is also claimed to be helpful in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines.
  9. Muscular tension and stiffness: Micro Kinétherapy is believed to help release muscular tension and stiffness, improving flexibility and range of motion.
  10. Improved immune function: Some Microkinesi-Therapists believe that the technique can help improve immune function by releasing blockages in the lymphatic system and promoting lymphatic drainage.
  11. Hormonal balance: The therapy is believed to help balance hormonal levels by reducing stress and tension in the body, which can have a positive impact on conditions such as infertility and menstrual irregularities.
  12. Respiratory disorders: Micro Kinétherapy may be helpful in reducing symptoms of respiratory disorders such as asthma, allergies, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by addressing underlying physical and emotional imbalances.
  13. Skin conditions: The technique is claimed to help improve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne by addressing underlying physical and emotional imbalances.
  14. Addiction recovery: Micro Kinétherapy may be helpful in addiction recovery by addressing underlying emotional and physical blockages that contribute to addictive behavior.
  15. Improved sports performance: Some athletes and sports enthusiasts claim that Micro Kinétherapy can help improve sports performance by reducing muscular tension, improving flexibility and range of motion, and promoting overall physical and emotional balance.

While some studies have suggested that manual therapies such as massage and myofascial release may be helpful for certain conditions, there is currently limited scientific evidence to support the claims made about Micro Kinétherapy. It is important to approach any alternative therapy with a critical eye and to discuss potential treatment options with a medical professional.


Another amazing field


You can listen as much as you like. The one hour session is referring to the real world treatments, not the energetic variety as we have here. Loop it all day or just a couple times. All good


I see it now @Drexz

Have you been using this ?

Yes I have it as part of my main healing/wellness stack that I play 2x per day. This is looped 3x in that stack for a total of 6 plays per day.

It is hard to single out just one audio that is helping me feel stronger and more healthy each day because they all are great.

You really can’t go wrong with any of them as long as you keep at it and become detached from progress. Another vital component for success is doing your inner workings/healings/releasing. This is a mental reality so cleaning up your mind/thoughts is paramount (audios can help with this but ultimately you need to work at this daily in some way)


I have been reading this thread and am wondering if this could help lift my chronic anhedonia. It seems to stubbornly refuse to go and I feel it is negatively affecting any benefits I could receive from the morphic fields as it’s very difficult to be positive and engage with them when I feel benefit of positive emotions and good feelings in general. I think I’ll purchase this and try it anyway as it’s only money and I’m truly sick of living this life as it is

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Maybe, but this field in my experience is more physical 

I’m going to suggest either vibration of divine love or the shamanic medicine blend for that

New perspectives as well


Try plasma brain of youth

Anyone with more updates on this field?

I looped it the other night all night and the next day i noticed such a strong flexibility more than what i feel with accu acumaton when i loop it the whole night, and also my skin looked so young, i never noticed that before only the relaxation, and like a deep organs massage or mind very sharp. But never anything to do with muscles or skin! (I guess it was just the muscles in the face and neck) and i even came bk to read everything to see if someone had said something about that and yes it does help for that.

Unfortunately im working on other things at night :sweat_smile: so i just keep playing it like a few loops 2 days a week.

My Mom uses it daily tho, shes only mentioned much better circulation, less pain in legs.