The Microkinesi-Therapist Revisited

Probably. I can’t guarantee that. Did you try other massage fields first? There are muscle massage fields and the accupressure field.

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Will try the myofascial release and muscle recovery.

Maybe collagen too for cooper’s ligaments?

Can you share what this is? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it sounds really interesting. I looked online but could not find anything. Would even pair well with malleable ego I bet

Edit: Actually, can anyone else share?

It is a project created by a former member of the forum

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I see - thank you :pray:

For the love of this field :). An ode with a picture ;).


OG Image


Love this field and use it 3 or 4 times in a row which seems to give me the full session. Thank you for updating the visual and text.


Were you able to correct your pelvic tilt with this field?