The Modern Day Virtuous Person

I’ve always wanted to be a good person. But in a world where morality is so open to interpretation, sometimes it has proven difficult to make the ‘right’ decisions. Doing the right thing more than often not, will be intuitive. But sometimes intuition comes in conflict with the things we were taught. This thread is a way for us to build a moral compass that works to create the most balance within and the world as possible.

There aren’t too many great role models in the world today and therefore, those that emanate virtue in the purest form stand out. Throughout history, figures such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Confucius were virtuous men that became symbols of morality that are still followed today. But you don’t have to be a religious/moral authoritative figure to be a symbol of good in the world. We have modern day staples of virtue such as Darryl Davis, Fred Rogers, Bob Ross and Keanu Reeves. It’s a bit funny that I mention Keanu but the internet has an obsession with how good he carries himself in public and it is because his humbleness and endearing spirit despite his fame sets a positive example to how we should treat one another.

Me and Dream several years ago were fanboying over how Fred Rogers (AKA Mr. Rogers) carried himself throughout his life. He set an example of how we would like to carry ourselves in the world. So often, we would ask ourselves ‘what would Mr. Rogers do in this situation?’ I came to learn that Mr. Rogers would do the same thing by asking himself ‘what would Jesus do?’ And Jesus acted out of unconditional love which is the essential moral compass of the universe.

But Mr. Rogers wouldn’t bring up Jesus/God or anything of the sort. He would do good for goodness sake. He became a beacon of light in the lives of millions of children throughout his career.

To be good in this world is to be a beacon of light in a world overwhelmed by darkness. You serve as an example of what a good person is to those around you. You are trusted, depended on and loved for who you are. And some may hate you still but they don’t phase you because their hate can’t penetrate the light you emanate. To be good is to serve yourself and mankind. It allows for the most growth, balance and peace in one’s life and those surrounding him or her.

I am writing this not to tell you all how to live but as a guideline you can follow if you’d like to be this way. I am not perfect and drift from this beingness sometimes. I am working on being this way as is Dream. Sometimes, I forget and having these guidelines written will help refresh my memory if I ever get lost along the way. And I’m sharing this in this thread so that if any of you have any suggestions for morals that can be added to this list, then please do share. Because truly, this is for all of us.

PS: Much if not all of this is part of the Knight Warrior mindset. The knight warrior mindset also instills an impenetrable willpower. The will to fight through problems and solve them. The will to be better.

Kindness – To be kind is to treat people with respect, compassion and love. Quite simply, the way you would like to be treated. There is a certain kind of warmth that comes from kindness. One of, you are my brother, or sister, you are family. I love you even if I don’t know you because in spirit, we are connected like the vines from a tree.

And rather importantly, be kind to yourself. You are your greatest friend. How can you be kind to others if you aren’t kind to yourself? In essence, to be kind to others is to be kind to yourself.

Compassion – Understand that people come from different backgrounds and have been walking a certain path their whole lives when they came across yours. Sometimes, they don’t choose the paths they walk or things they believe and even if they did have some control over this, it is what has made most sense from their worldview up to this point. If you were to walk in their shoes, you’d see things from their perspective too.

So with this understanding, you can empathize with anyone. Even serial killers driven to madness by their past or innate desires similar to unplanned fetishes that invade the mind like a virus. Compassion is to let go of your prejudices and see the world from another person’s point of view. In this way, you can communicate and connect with anyone. You can let go and forgive people. You can make peace with the world.

Ego – Humanity is governed by ego. The voice in our heads governing our desires, actions, beliefs, fears, dislikes and likes… reassuring we remain the same and not think outside the box we create for our selves. The inability to think outside the boxes make most of us unable to empathize with many others and change our point of view. It also makes many of us unable to live in the present moment as we worry about a future that doesn’t exist and feel sorrow for a past reduced to thoughts.

I bring ego up because it is an element of humanity that is important to remember when encountering ignorance, hatred and other things that would trigger a defiance in you. Just as their egos are acting out of their own confined box, your ego will react as well. Quite easily, your ego can be taken aback as your pride, beliefs or world view gets threatened until you descend to another person’s level and forget what being virtuous means.

You’ll forget compassion, kindness, love in such moments. To be virtuous, you must learn to catch on to your ego. Recognize these thoughts are the result of years of conditioning and they do not represent reality. To be the better person is to act against such thoughts and then do and say the right thing anyways. Let love and willpower be stronger than your ego and such virtues will become your ego’s new conditioning.

Open Mindedness – What we know is a drop in the ocean. In a universe that seems to expand infinitely, it is rather ludicrous to believe we have things figured out. When you begin to think in absolutes, you close your mind to many of the possibilities out there and create restrictions for your mind. In turn, you disable your ability to see from other people’s perspectives and limit the growth of your understanding on many levels.

Open mindedness means to be open to the idea that you may wrong. You don’t have it all figured out. What you know is a probability of truth and that you are open to learning more and perhaps changing your views down the road. This flexibility allows your mind to explore infinity; embracing a freedom of thought that is blissful. It is this open mindedness that allows you hear out people that you may disagree with and engage in enlightening discussions. It allows you to respect anyone’s truth rather than judging it automatically. It allows you to connect with anyone and be neutral in a world of so many contradictions.

People may see black and white but you learn to see the grey. You see the yin and yang as one and therefore, the bigger picture. Non duality is peace and balance. When you learn to see the world in this way, you learn to avoid conflict and make peace instead.

Humble – To be humble is to act without pride. Modesty is respectful and puts others on equal standing with you, no matter your social status in comparison to theirs. Your income, intelligence, talents, looks and so on should not make you feel like you are better or worse than anyone else. The way you carry yourself is what leaves an impression on everyone’s minds more than such titles. Treat everyone with equal respect, love and compassion and the world will return the favor. And if it doesn’t, it’s all right because wherever you go, you’ll leave an impression of goodness and someday, some of the people you’ve touched will be inspired.

Positive – To be positive is to radiate positivity through your thoughts, words and actions. Instead of judging others, show love and understanding. Instead of drowning in a negative pool of thoughts, see the situation as a lesson that you can learn from to forge a better future. Instead of expressing negativity in any form, spread love and cheer.

It is easy to be cynical in a world like ours but the future is not written in stone. And even if current situations may not seem so well, it is all a matter of perspective. You can always choose to view the world in a more positive light. Optimism might seem idealistic but it is a way of keeping your mind positive so that you can attract more positivity in your life. Wallowing in negative states of mind drags you and the others around you down. Cruising in positive states of being lift you and the others around you. You are more capable of helping yourself and others from a positive state of being.

Honesty – In order to be honest with others, you must be honest with yourself. Who are you and what do you believe? Express your true self. Speak your truth. One must only speak through their heart to do so. To be honest, is to say what you feel and express who you are within. Not the masks we wear in order to hide ourselves in fear of what others may think of us. If you believe others won’t accept you, then you may not accept you. If you accept yourself, it won’t matter if others do or not. There are other people out there that will accept and embrace you and you will find them if you express yourself truthfully.

And so in this way, you can truly be honest with people. And they will be more likely to be honest with you. And speak their truth. To freely express yourself in this way lowers another’s guard down to the extent that they feel they can be real with you too. We all wear masks when communicating with people. To be real is to let go of them.

But be intuitive about this. If your truth is still in a negative place and you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it. If honesty means putting people down, then you might as well still wear your mask. And sometimes when dealing with people who are expressing their problems to you, they may just want your ears. Listen with full focus and return love and compassion. That’s sometimes all they needed in that moment rather than advice.

Navigating complicated or hostile interactions can be difficult but the first step is to be accepting. By accepting, you stop the mental need to dominate or force your point of view onto someone else. From this point of acceptance you can provide the attention and care a person may need.

There is a secret approach to happiness that has become a meme even. The secret to happiness is to not argue with fools. Every person will keep trying to push their point of view at each others, getting nowhere and leading to massive arguments. Why not say instead, ‘I accept that these are your ideas and beliefs, thank you for sharing them with me’. So be sincere and let your benevolent intentions guide your interactions.

Love – Love is essence of it all. All these virtues come natural to the person that acts out of love. To love, is to unite with your being and the world. Unity is peace and balance. And so love is the essence of goodness. In love, you know what is the right thing to do as that thing can bring the most balance. And so, how does one act out of love?

Learn to love yourself. Learn to love the world. For you and the world are not separate. You and ‘it’ are one. When you are able to see the world as a reflection of you and you as a reflection of the world, you understand that you are already unified with it. Love binds you to it and it to you. So, love.

Feel gratitude and appreciation for yourself and the people around you. Feel empathy for those who are lost for they are you as well in essence. Be generous to others as your generosity can uplift anyone from the dumps and inspire them to grow. Love is a state of being. It is to unconditionally accept yourself and the world around you and embrace it. In this embrace, you spread light and love everywhere you go.

Of course, this is easier said than done. There are situations where you will be met with hatred and vitriol. Sometimes, to act with love is to know when to walk away from a situation. Sometimes it is to defend yourself. There is an intuition that comes from it that you serves as a compass that is just about always right.


Even if you don’t believe we are all one, we are connected in the sense we breathe the same air. We are all part of this tiny planet that is one the billions out there. We are earthlings and we should take care of ourselves and our planet. This is more likely if we get along and help each other grow rather than always be at odds with each other. It can even be a selfish thing if you’d like as being more loving and peaceful to other others will create more peace and abundance in you.

The whole message here is to be the bigger and better person. Inspire change in the world around you by being the change. If this strikes home to at least just one of you, then I’ll be more than happy.

Now please, if you’d like, share your thoughts, suggestions and overall ideas on the topic. What I’ve written here isn’t final and is subject to evolve.


@SammyG Nice Post!!!

Along with the advice you mentioned above, I think more people should look into the Philosophy of Stoicism.

It is a philosophy centered on Gratitude, self-control, meditation, and being virtuous.

A nice quote by the stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius:


not easy :grimacing:


It’s hard to add anything to this. But I will mention one component of goodness I’ve thought a lot about while trying to decipher why some people are loving and some are destructive.

This trait or mindset is a foundation for honesty, at least in my musings, and for love. And others, like optimism and compassion. It’s a foundation for them and it’s also interwoven with them. Like they almost can’t exist separately without one another.

It’s hard to put a word to it that won’t be loaded with meaning from culture or history. But I want to call it Faith or Trust or Self-worth. Now in what sense could it be said that Faith and Self-worth are the same thing? Well…

Let’s name this thing Faith for now as a placeholder until someone finds a better word for it. Faith in something. Not something you would have to attend a church in order to have. Faith that there is something or someone greater than the whole of humanity combined. Greater in what sense? Greater in it’s ability to love. Greater in the truth it contains. What if the universe was made of love and truth?

If it was, and if you knew and believed that it was, then you would always feel valued and taken care of no matter how anyone treated you. And then you would therefore always feel that you could ultimately find your needs met by being a loving and honest person. And you could stick to that way of being through any hardship or persecution no matter what.

When I contemplate people who’s way of treating others is characterized by manipulativeness, by a lack of good-will, and a lack of honesty, I try to understand how they came to be this way. They may simply think it is the best way to go about getting what they want. But I suspect it is something deeper and worse. I think their faith has been stolen probably by someone(s) abusive to them at some point in the past.

They didn’t just reach that breaking point of saying to a particular person “I can and will Never trust you again.” They, consciously or unconsciously, said “I will never trust again period.” “I will never trust anyone again” “The universe does not have my back” “I can only get what I want by deceiving and using others” “No one can ever get their needs met by being honest and loving” “only fools try to go through life that way” “Fools or really good manipulators/deceivers/cons”

Keep your faith that someone or something greater will come through. Or else we’ll become something lesser. If we believe there is no higher good in the universe than the people who have hurt us, then we become just like them.


Marcus Aurelius

I like this guy! :wink:


I am no one.


Thank you for this post.

One of the virtues that is very important to me is recognizing people as clouds of potential.
I have come to realize that my state (everything that can be seen and measured) is a potential out of many potentials. The worst in a human is a potential, just as the best in a human is.
Often times we tend to judge people based on the state we see them in, or sometimes we judge people based on a state they were some time ago. Doing this takes away this person’s chance to change and manifest another potential.
Judging someone is observing and pinning down their potential.

This is one of the most profound lessons life taught me and I keep this in mind and heart and my desire is to share this noble truth because I do believe this is the foundation for a new way of living together as a species.

Here is what I mean by that.

Don’t participate.

Don’t participate in hating someone who is being presented in the media as a criminal.

Don’t participate in wanting to “get rid off” certain groups your society, politics or the media tell you is your enemy.

Don’t participate in wishing to do something to someone, because “they deserve it”.

Noone deserves anything. I don’t deserve this breath I am taking, just as you don’t deserve your next heartbeat. The concept of deserving life and love makes life and love worthless.
We don’t deserve the best, we are always capable of the best.
And we can have it instantly as soon as we realize that our best is a natural part of us.
Just as it is of everyone else.


Not to burst your enlightenment bubble but you’re someone to me. This isn’t fight club. You have a name. Owl.


This made me realise.
Fight club is a spiritual movie too.


But in death he had a name. Real ego dissolution allows you to be someone.


“Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live the more you realize that the only things that exist are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen… everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates wars, and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses, causal relationships that cannot be separated.” - Madara

I think a way to achieve “harmony”/“peace”/“virtue” throughout the world is “reprogramming” ourselves. That includes literally changing or expanding our dictionary along with other factors as well. And eliminating causes of I would call “unbalanced understandings” (We should think in past timeline(s) to understand what our past concepts brought upon us)

The reason why we are in a “rabbit hole”/“matrix” is desperation, which causes us to go into a survival state. All it takes is a momentum push to send the world into hell.

I want to share more of my ideas and thoughts here sooner or later. There are bunch of factors I wanna talk about relating to history, religion and whatever you guys want.


Definitely agree with this. For years, I’ve believed that the systems in place aren’t what cause humans to be corrupt but it is our very nature that is corrupt. I always hear arguments that socialism is evil or that capitalism is the reason for inequality in injustice, and so forth. I think both systems could work if people weren’t so prone to greed and abuse of power. We are the problem. And I understand that in discussing these systems, people try to find the system that leads to least possible abuse of power but… it still happens lol.

How we can reprogram an entire a species… I have no idea. I know it can happen over the span of many generations but in one? I don’t know how it could be done. Although, we do have something now that the world has never had before… and that is the internet. Information travels at the speed of light. Reprogramming can begin here. But seeing how everyone jsut runs to their little corners where everyone agrees with them, I just can’t see it happening.

I could go on about this for a long time too lol. What factors do you speak of?


I get exactly what you mean. This sort of reminds me of the notion that some religious people have ‘If you don’t believe in god, then you have no reason to be good. The lack of faith implies you have no morals.’ But I’ve noticed even some atheists have faith. They have faith that doing the right thing is best for society as a whole. Just like I have faith in humanity evolving and growing and so I do my best to emulate that in my behavior. Also, cause I genuinely love people and I want to see them do better and better and so I believe in them. I believe in good. As you said, it’s a natural thing that comes from love/honesty. It’s hard to put into words but the faith comes from that state.


I love this and it is so very true. We are in essence blank slates. We might get entangled into certain layers of beliefs and behaviors but they aren’t what we inherently are. We are always in a state of probability. Of going one way or another. Potential.

And so even a man who commits the most evil and atrocious acts is capable of turning around and changing the world for the better.

To judge is to debase someone’s true nature to the illusions they have wrapped themselves in. It is like looking at an actor from a movie and saying ‘that is who you are’.


If only we had a leader like Marcus Aurelius. He is the closest thing we’ve had to an enlightened ruler. Loved reading his philosophy back in college.


I agree. His character is admirable and his philosophy on life is the practical. If everyone followed his teachings, we would be in a different place.

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I love this.


Eh, I think there are multiple ways one could take that apart.

Each of us has either chosen to wrap ourselves in these cloaks, or else has been negligent in his self-awareness to allow himself to be wrapped in the cloaks others / society has put on him. Most probably are a mix of those two things.

Ultimately though, wherever the cloaks have come from, you are responsible for what you are wearing, and thus can reasonably be judged on it. Is it the same as who you are? No, there is a difference between your being and your ego identity, so to speak, but in practice the difference is so subtle it almost bears not qualifying.

And to address the allegory of an actor in a movie: yes, it would be unwise to judge an actor by a single performance. However, we can more reasonably judge an actor by his body of work. Has he picked and chosen his roles carefully or taken anything that will give him a paycheck? Does he favor one type or genre or does he have range? Are the roles he takes just roles or is he favoring some kind of social or political message?


Upon looking back at my statement, it sounds absolute. I don’t believe that’s 100% but it’s one way of looking at it.

Although, I wouldn’t say most people choose the cloaks they wrap themselves in. Many people lack self awareness to the extent they believe they are the cloak. They believe they are the thoughts in their heads. All so much to the extent that they are like 99% ego in this human form. They become mere reflections of their programming… until they die and realize that self was made up.

Programming that came from their environment growing up. An environment they didn’t choose. Parents they didn’t choose. Teachers, friends and information around them they didn’t choose. By the time we start choosing for ourselves, so many choices have already been made for us, that we’re already inclined to be more fearful or comftorable of certain choices. And so our freedom of choice becomes restricted… when our minds should be boundless.

It’s a tricky subject though. The relation of soul and ego. As a child, you are more soul than ego. Your ego hasn’t developed so much. That’s why we are so open minded and have a boundless imagination at this age. But we are like sponges too and so naive, that the world is choosing how we become. If we were abused as children and developed certain behavioral pattterns and beliefs because of it, was that our choice?

But at the same time, I do think we have our own unique personalities growing up, derivative of the environment… but at the same ones that blends with the environment. For example, I’m the people I grew up with. So much like my dad and mom to the extent I absorbed so many of their habits. My mom’s loving being but insecurities and then my dad’s relentless willpower but stubborness/arrogance.

At the same time, I had qualities that were unique to me. I was a rebel and thought outside the box always. I ended up doing everything they told me not to do cause I didn’t believe in rules lol. That’s soul.

The blank slate does have a will/personality of its own I’ve learned. And learning to tap back into it is part of the spiritual path. But by the time people reach adulthood, they become so wrapped up in the illusion that they forget about that part of them… to the point they can’t choose outside their personal box anymore.

You bring up good points about actors. But I’m not sure they have much choice on the matter either.

Quite often, an actor is typecast because of the way they look. Do they choose their looks? Do they choose their voice? And considering everything I said above, did they have full choice over who they became and how the world percieves them? These questions are pivotal if an actor is to be able to choose their roles as they so please. Actors generally can’t control how people percieve them and that is often what governs an actor’s career choices.

That being said, actors like Christian Bale or Daniel Day Lewis have such a wide range of choice in the industry because they ego death in their roles and become the characters they portray. That is a special kind of magic and I admire those actors for that.


I’m listening to Faith Restored on Sapien Radio Live right now. It’s really cool that this exists.