Upon looking back at my statement, it sounds absolute. I don’t believe that’s 100% but it’s one way of looking at it.
Although, I wouldn’t say most people choose the cloaks they wrap themselves in. Many people lack self awareness to the extent they believe they are the cloak. They believe they are the thoughts in their heads. All so much to the extent that they are like 99% ego in this human form. They become mere reflections of their programming… until they die and realize that self was made up.
Programming that came from their environment growing up. An environment they didn’t choose. Parents they didn’t choose. Teachers, friends and information around them they didn’t choose. By the time we start choosing for ourselves, so many choices have already been made for us, that we’re already inclined to be more fearful or comftorable of certain choices. And so our freedom of choice becomes restricted… when our minds should be boundless.
It’s a tricky subject though. The relation of soul and ego. As a child, you are more soul than ego. Your ego hasn’t developed so much. That’s why we are so open minded and have a boundless imagination at this age. But we are like sponges too and so naive, that the world is choosing how we become. If we were abused as children and developed certain behavioral pattterns and beliefs because of it, was that our choice?
But at the same time, I do think we have our own unique personalities growing up, derivative of the environment… but at the same ones that blends with the environment. For example, I’m the people I grew up with. So much like my dad and mom to the extent I absorbed so many of their habits. My mom’s loving being but insecurities and then my dad’s relentless willpower but stubborness/arrogance.
At the same time, I had qualities that were unique to me. I was a rebel and thought outside the box always. I ended up doing everything they told me not to do cause I didn’t believe in rules lol. That’s soul.
The blank slate does have a will/personality of its own I’ve learned. And learning to tap back into it is part of the spiritual path. But by the time people reach adulthood, they become so wrapped up in the illusion that they forget about that part of them… to the point they can’t choose outside their personal box anymore.
You bring up good points about actors. But I’m not sure they have much choice on the matter either.
Quite often, an actor is typecast because of the way they look. Do they choose their looks? Do they choose their voice? And considering everything I said above, did they have full choice over who they became and how the world percieves them? These questions are pivotal if an actor is to be able to choose their roles as they so please. Actors generally can’t control how people percieve them and that is often what governs an actor’s career choices.
That being said, actors like Christian Bale or Daniel Day Lewis have such a wide range of choice in the industry because they ego death in their roles and become the characters they portray. That is a special kind of magic and I admire those actors for that.