The Muscle Roar

Okay guys so my arm has been broken for 20 days. Ive been listening to this since that day and i must say i have not gotten the results i Expected. No more definition. No more muscle mass. I still did my cardio training but thats about it. Expected some changes but was disappointed unfortunately.

Hi @Enes could you share more details ?

Yes sir

Kind of weird because after 7 days it seemed to have a big effect on my shoulders Arms but after that nothing more changed. I did what i could in regard to training like shadowboxing, running and eating Lots of protein. In the beginnend i listened to it for about half an hour but the i reduced it to 15 Minuten and now im listening to it for only about 4 Times. Maybe i need to increase listening time and reduce other fields? Im listening to 4 fields at the moment. Mental health, Manly man, this and unbrakeable from binaural nutrition. Also i must say im New at this forum and got this field from someone who Sold it to me for less. Maybe theres the problem.

Then it’s not gonna work, you have to buy it officially. You have been scammed, though I suspect you knew it was a bootleg copy cheating the creator.


Ok thank you.

Did you get any results and how long did it take you?

Yeah was dumb from me

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It happens a LOT to new users.
You should report the scammer, he must have known it wouldn’t work for you.


So should i buy the Real one from gumroad. I have trust in you guys so it would not be a problem for me

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Yes, the links are always in the OP at the top of this page with the description.

Be careful, only NFTs can be traded and still work and even then you should vet the trader.

Some people are preying on newbies it seems

Assuming you buy it, this time let us know in 20 days :slight_smile:

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Thanks alot. But im still not able to pay for it with my card or Paypal.

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Will do

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I would recommend you to send a message to @SammyG about it

Yes did it before i bought it but no answer yet unfortunately

We’ll see if something can be done, but I would recommend you to make a deal with a close friend or family member to use their cards and gift the field to yourself.

You’re not the only one with this problem unfortunately

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Yeah no one out of my family has a creditcard or some of that Kind. I will see if i can find something. Still thanks alot maybe it will work some day

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Okay so since i love aerobic sports like boxing and running i have decided to buy strength and endurance Max from sapiens shop. Ive read it also has the effects of bulking up like muscles beyond Limits so i got this one.

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Report the scammer to @Divine_Lotus or some thread in forum…


When using NFTS do i have to take the picture with me or can i just listen to the Audio?

But this is not NFT.

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