I got this 3 days ago and i had totally forgotten
Trying it for the first time and …
This instantly. 10 seconds in, feels like a complete liberation, im sorry but tho i love Nullify Negative astrological and i religiously play it as soon as the alarm goes off every morning, this is like 100 times more powerful. I feel like if i had tons of coats over me i didnt know and now i dont. Or like if i had been pulled by thousands of strings 24/7 all my life from all corners of the Universe and now im free.
And at the same time (specially with that flute or whatever instrument played is) like if all the same planets, constellations, and else, that were pulling the strings attached from me before, where pouring pixy dust (positive energy, magic, blessings whatever you wanna call them) all over me.
Its like if the Universe and everything in it had an Ego represented by the strong strings sucking energy from Me and delivering nasty leftovers and while listening to this that Ego was released/cut off from Me.
And the Opposite of Ego lets say Unconditional Love and the highest purest vibrations mixed from all in that Universe was delivered to Me, infusing Me, surrounding Me etc.
I am in awe. Im a ridiculous freak nerd when it comes to astrology lol i swear, so to me, personally this field is pure gold. I am deeply thankful for this.
I know its to be played only every 3 months or tht you dont need to play it more than that, but i need to try this alone for a few days with just BoL i can only imagine how that is going to feel.
Love you Mosquito.