The Nestling (Public: in honor of the one-year anniversary of community projects) 🐦

understood a little :sweat_smile:

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the number is random


Hello @UgniS

May I ask about what you mean as energy being (he 2 birds)? You have defined that they are not servitor. I thought they are spiritual animals, those heavenly birds or dragons. But after asking around, the definition is not a spiritual animal (like dragon protector in temple).

So may you sort of describe what is energy being? And most important thing, can people with psychic see them? Like in a temple, where there are tons of different invisible entities, would they see the birds?

Second, would the birds have enough consciousness and fly around/make communication with invisible entities…(worst case) and create arguments and fights? As I cannot see them, I have to ask this point to someone who may know better to these birds than most of us here. Thanks!!


You can read the first post in the Firebird thread (presentation post)
my russian colleagues described their experience
Yes, some have seen them and certainly have felt them

it’s an energetic being created by the Captain.
I don’t think they can cause arguments and fights in the subtle world

Do you have any personal experience with him?


You mean with dreamseed? No I haven’t talked to him before.

If they can be seen by people with higher awareness, this may not be something I want for now as I sometimes have to go to graveyard to do ceremony…

Let me read the firebird post then. Thank you

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The Firebird :grin: :bird:


Just mandala, no audio?

unfortunately there is no audio
But when interacting with him, use the other available healing audios to teach him, and to better integrate into your energy system :)


OK it 's all right. Just in case if I missed downloading the audio.


now the system is more optimized (it was not so before)
if the user forgot to download the audio at the time of “claim NFT” , the system in any case sends an additional e-mail with a link to download the audio (in products where audio is of course)

very conveniently :+1:


No, I haven’t purchased this nestling, firebird and the other bird before. That’s why I have questions…to re sell is very difficult, so I prefer to buy the right thing at the first place. Thanks!

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I was just half asleep when, with my eyes closed, I felt a large yellow bird near me, not orange like the mandala. I don’t feel this way until I buy it.


Holy shit thats creppy as shit


I bought this bird as im prepare for another covid 2020 season. Its majestic, actually saw it too!

You see shape of fire bird on top with ice inside


Thinking about buying this gem

Anyone has experience healing others ?


@Josh Is selling this if u want to buy it

For a cheaper price to


does the nestling have the whole caladrius?

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Consider him as an individual being, incorporating the best fundamentals of his parents


Hello Ugnis,

Do you think it is possible that an audio version could be added to this?

How much would it cost?


all terms and conditions of any project are negotiated with the Captain before the activation of the project itself
this project is completed as presented

there have been exceptions in the past where the Captain has added audio to already released projects that have been priced slightly lower than if they were with audio initially.
That’s been in the past, and I’m not going to abuse it.

I don’t do pricing, that’s Captain’s prerogative.