The NFT Maker Series Reviews/Questions

Having a moment hahaha

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Awesome field, (have it on item)
Made like 45 art post on instagram as if it was a joke in like 2 hrs after getting it.
To me it feels like self validating power . Fuel is also a good word to describe it :muscle:

These are the posts i am talking about, the images were made beforehand ofc. I only had to post them and choose 3 different color types for each. I dont think i would do that without this field tbh. Would probably stop beforehand or something, but now i kept going.

I also love how this is our first smart field on an item :partying_face:




Thank you :)


These are amazing :partying_face::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


About Kinetic Storage Transformer

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@veh @Cambrian

Ive been off yesterday and today just at home with rain relaxing but also going through massive detox so i havent felt this, what you two have so far. but quite interesting and at first one would say unexpected, but now that i think about, it actually makes sense and confirms what i thought about this maker in particular:

Its not just going to protect our opportunities etc from now on, but its negentropic and I couldnt be happier about it!! I said last night, if this thing is gonna bring me the deserve payback from all those times i got fkd over im gonna be on top of the world next year lol

So i want to ask u guys, if what you are feeling so far, had been diminished in the past somehow by other people or situations?

Like do you feel you lost these abilities somewhere in the past and they are coming back or these are totally new?

What if you were told growing up that u could never be a good artist etc? Even if you dont remember? Because theres always dream killers every where, and unfortunately a lot of times our families cut our wings and dreams growing up and put us in a path they wanted for themselves but couldnt?

I want to hear more from your experiences!!!

Im excited big time with this one!!!

Ahh wait!! Snipper is with the SoR and Cambrian with the SoC!!

This is really interesting


Always had this feeling that certain people would not approve my any form of my success.

Like if i did… It would be make sure i would suffer for it 2x.times. thank god i changed my school.

So when i put it on right now, i’d say is im feeling some kinda comforting vibe that is trying to put me into a energetic and mental space where i feel confident where i know i have all the right to achieve whatever i want.
So that at the same time it breaks the disallowance of others.


I will answer this in a few days. Need to think more about your question.

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So the nft is like a sigil form too? That you can make desired item with it?

every NFT is different, so far Captains has released:

NFT in the form of art like mandalas embedded with specific energies
NFT in audio form
NFT art that you can use to charge items with the embedded energy from the mandala, so yes in a way its like when you use a sigil to create a Dragon for instance, the ones posted here, which are from a serie called “maker” because they are to create. not whatever you desire, but what each one offers.

if you read each one you would understand what each one provides, so since NFT are rarities (only work for the owner) in the case of the makers, the owner is the only one that can create items to gift or to sell, when the owner gifts or sells to someone, the person who bought ONLY from the NFT owner can too get the benefits of the nfts energy, but no one else unless passed on to someone, in other words, if you are wearing an item the energy only works on you, not on whoever is next to you in close proximity to the item.


Is it necessary to print it out if it’s a mandala form?

no, you can keep the image open on your phone

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well, i was already feeling the “negentropic” effects lol of whatever from the past, but now i am seeing / feeling the effects when situations that could have turned unfair for Me come my way.

this thing is powerful, its like the sword stands My guns strongly and nothing (extra unnecessary compassion, or kindness, or undeserved understanding, or extra chances, fears, etc) let Me give in, or change my mind.

very common event in the life of Empaths… :roll_eyes:

it might sound funny but i feel it like this huge sword along its energy wrapping me around or standing before me, or behind Me and i laughed earlier remembering something that happened yesterday at work, like this thing is making me feel as when someone that was not good for me would knock on my door for me to come out and play when i was small and i would just slightly open the door and say: “I cant go, My Mom has forbidden me to be friends with you, you always get us in trouble” while My Mom was behind Me supporting me haha

so there… even tho I am strong to say No, i also give the benefit of the doubt more than enough times, and or if i say No right away i feel bad and guilty for a while. now it comes easily because and here is the also fun thing about this, it keeps the justice in Me on check as well, so if i was to say No to something where the fair thing would have been to say yes, this would make me feel it, like a rush pushing me to say yes and where all in me is saying YES its the only option, so say it.


and then (and this was another situation) where i said yes, with a bit of hesitation, like i wanted to change my mind and say no, but i dont like changing my decisions, so i was like ugh… ok, well, i already said it, cant go back.

and guess what… things fell in place for the situation NOT happening lol i didnt do anything but things were moved by others in higher positions and surrounding circumstances got in the way, and then i was like “uhm well, sorry i cant do anything about it, its out of my control”

later on i was pondering the whole thing and i said… yup my hesitation really meant = he doesnt deserve what i was going to do for him and i F knew it lol

it feels so liberating let me tell you, if there`s one thing i wanted to stop in my life was this. being an empath and a giver is the most bitter sweet quality you can have. beautiful and hard. and you live your life in this constant fluctuation between wanting to give because is in you and trying to not lose yourself or your assets in the process.

one way or another we always lose something, but because it also warms and expands our heart we keep doing it. even if we find ourselves struggling down the line.

and a lot of times, the injustice we have felt in life could have been prevented or avoid if we could have said no or walk away.

givers need to know when to stop because takers never do.

this Sword of Righteous does it for you!!!

:heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Couple of questions regarding the Sword of righteous maker item.

  1. Does the image only function as a charger to charge the energy on items or could the image also be used as a mandala on its own by printing it and carrying it with you? Reason I’m asking is because I can clearly feel a rush of energy just by looking at the picture alone.
  2. When charging an item with the energy does the item have to make contact with the image? Or is enough just to open the image on computer/smartphone and having the item near it? And do I initiate te charging by saying something like: “Dear Sword of Righteous Maker item, please charge X item with your energy. This I confirm and ratify.”
    Of course with a corresponding intention and energy. And then I can go do something else for an hour because I read the process is automated?
  3. In what range will the charged item be effective? 30 cm? 1 m? 2 m? Or does it have to make direct contact with your skin?
  4. Once an item is charged could you also remove the energy afterwards?
  5. Could this field simultaneously be used in combination with other fields on different mediums like audios from different creators as long as the objectives don’t clash? Obvious and bit extreme example, a field that could cancel out the effect of the sword of righteous would be a type of energy that is programmed for injustice (no idea why anyone would want to have that though :laughing:). So any other fields that don’t have the opposite effect should be fine, like soul restoration series, plasma brain of youth etc? I don’t have any experience with items yet and I’ve read people using Sapien’s dogtags while at the same time also using other audios with topics that differ from the ones of the dogtags.

Thanks in advance. Can’t wait to work with this NFT, soo excited :smiley:


No. It’s possible you feel some of the energy signature, but it does not have the same effect as carrying the item.

No :D
You can put the phone down and place the item on top of the screen

Generally more or less 2 meters.
It doesn’t have to make contact with your skin, but it’s good to have it on you, e.g. in your pocket or an item you can otherwise carry. Under the pillow/bedside table at night

No. If the item is destroyed though, so it the field

General recommendation it to not carry more than 2 or may 3 mandalas at a time. You can listen to your normal playlist while wearing it.
Don’t place more than one field on one item.