The Non Dual Path to Mental Freedom

Non Duality is a state of being from which your mind is dissolved of inner conflict and enveloped in an ever present peace. Through dissolving the dichotomies of positive and negative, the mind becomes one with life as it is now… and is no longer in rejection of any of it. No longer would you be pulled in by the automatic judgements & reactions of the ego… for you can finally have control over your own mind.

Our video presents why we recommend non dual thinking and how you can begin thinking this way. Some ideas were simplified and others left out in hopes that this video could be easily understood by as many people possible. While these are but our subjective thoughts, we do believe they can help expand the mind if considered and practiced.

We are very happy to share whatever knowledge we can to help expand your minds. This is why we’ve collaborated with GAIA and would like to share their wondrous library of spiritual knowledge to you all. There are many mind expanding videos covering all sorts of spiritual topics; many dealing with the morphic fields that we dedicate our work to. The link to this treasure trove of videos is listed below.…


Whoa :exploding_head:!! This is amazing. Will make EOT incredibly easy and efficient.

Thank you, @Dreamweaver !!



This isn’t a field or a new release, it is a lesson on non-duality made by Sapien team. Thought it would be interesting to make a thread on this video and hopefully others can share their thoughts.


Yeah, just got that. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Video wasn’t loading so thought this was a field.

Edit - Still a good lesson to watch.

Edit again! @SammyG You did an awesome job! :clap:


Thank you @SammyG
You are a true G :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
This is beautiful


oh yay i used to enjoy gaia, i may get a subscription again!

great to see sapien medicine collaborating!!


Ayeeee @Dreamweaver

It happened!!! And this is just the beginning :blush: hopefully you use mandalas (lmao jokes) to attract the right person inside to extend this partnership :relieved:.

Good stuff man! You got all our support!


Thanks man. Kinda dissapointed with how youtube compressed the audio… can’t even hear the music lol. But it is what it is.

There was also so much more I wanted to say such as how language is at the root of duality. But there’s only so much I can fit in one video; especially having to find stock vids for every single statement😄

But hey, we can keep discussing non duality here.

I do think it’s very important in this day and age where we can see how people’s beliefs about themselves and the world are causing all kinds of inner and outside conflicts. It’s always been this way but with the internet, we are seeing it be exaggerated to a very wide scale like never before.

I’m optimistic that over time, people will naturally become more open minded towards eachother. We humans, we adapt to changes. It’s only been a very short period of time since the internet connected the whole world together and reflected our thoughts onto the net. Over time, we may just begin to blend into eachother.

I think for now, changing ourselves individually is the best we can do. The more of us undo ourselves, the more that causes a ripple within our individual worlds that carry onto others. Be the change. I really do believe in that.

And being part of this forum is a blessing cause I see many of you growing day by day and undoing all of that which limits you from the totality of what you are. It’s a long and difficult proccess and I have the utmost respect to those who are enduring it day by day. Well, that’s a lie. I’ve respect for everyone really :smiley:


:heart: :cupid: :gift_heart:
I am in Love with your voice Man


While other platforms are doing 7.1 Dolby Atmos and Lossless music and stuff, Youtube is still stuck at 2-channel stereo and not even a mere 5.1 surround sound… I am told 5.1 is coming sooooooooo…(5 years)…oooon…


amazing video. well throughout. Loved it


Love it!

Thanks to the powerful work that you guys are putting out there for us. Thank you for giving us the precious tools and the guidance to succeed on this journey @SammyG and @Dreamweaver :pray: :sparkling_heart: sometimes it’s that little extra nudge or that one missing piece in the puzzle that’s making the difference and helps get someone to the next stage of growth or to accelerate that process. I feel that is what your work effects. At the least :wink: but often, it’s doing much more and greater for us.

This forum has quickly become gold to me as well. Thank you to everyone who is participating by sharing their precious knowledge, valuable experiences and interesting thoughts, who is enriching constructive dialogue and discussions on here, and who seeks to help the individual and the community to further grow and connect :pray: :sparkles:

Congratulations and thank you, to everyone who’s putting in the determination and effort to grow in this way and who’s consciously using the tools that these wonderful guys are giving to us. I wish us all much success! :fireworks:


Recently, @_OM’s first posts on this forum came to mind.

They may be of interest to some of you, on this topic.

(click to expand)


I really liked the “neutral is-ness”. That’s a beautiful way to think about the present moment. Thanks, Sam!


The mentioned article:

1 Like

It’s been re-uploaded to Sapien Medicine YouTube Channel.