The Oligarch (Testimonial thread)

this is a great project, definitely on my list.
with so many great NFTs i’m like Gotta catch them all

long story short, i`ve just purchased the one that was available on venly.
this project really resonated with me and my goals.
thank you @Dr_Manhattan for creating this project



Getting that Oligarch ;) :flight_departure: :sunglasses: :scream:



No more anxiety and greater feeling of abundance when it comes to this NFT.

Folded it up into my pocket, carrying it with me I feel like Bruce Wayne.

This gives you that “I own the place” vibe and “buying this hotel that is not for sale”.

Hehe, but in all seriousness I feel so at ease with my finances, and it gives me a greater appreciation for the much leverage that money can beneficially bring into one’s life.

It’s definitely melting away all the past conditioning, before I had this project, even with Wealth and Abundance, and some audios, they felt more temporary compared to this one.

Just wearing it gives me a breath of fresh air, knowing that anything is possible.

Great for networking with other multi-millionaires and billionaires as well.

Vision Clarified:

  1. All of your know-how for how to advance and make more money and profit and become more free, independent and profitable (many of the original subfields will get to have more play and power this way)
  2. The innermost desires of your heart, the strongest underlying core desires within you however buried or hidden from yourself they may or may not be
  3. The actions you can be performing right now to apply the above-mentioned know-how

Artificially Intelligent Subconscious Law of Attraction:
Your subconscious pays attention, notices and keeps track of all synchronicities that affect your success.
This is going to be to learn and apply the law of attraction directly and independently for yourself. We will not upload any presubscribed doctrines about the law of attraction. Instead, we will notice for ourselves what the universe is actually doing.

This will get the subconscious to notice and record all events in our life that affect our success and that are not easily and directly attributable to cause and effect phenomena that we usually understand.
Then it will take that information and apply it to our feelings so that we feel right when we are doing what brings good treatment from the universe

*The presenting yourself in the best light feature of this project is going to be very useful very soon, I can’t thank Philip and the group enough for this project, thank you guys!!!.


Hi fellow user of this nft, I would like to know how different users are using this nft.
Are you just wearing it in your pocket passively or do you do any active work with it (i.e. meditating with it, etc)
I have been using this nft for the past few months and haven’t experienced much yet but I figured that I have a lot of blockages in my way so have just been combining this with EGO + SLR


Any updates with this NFT?
Is it available somewhere for sale?

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Last I checked recently Oligarch wasn’t available for sale on venly market.
These nfts were only made in limited stock so if there aren’t any selling on the market then you would possibly need to trade an nft in your inventory with someone willing to trade their Oligarch for an nft in your inventory.
That’s if you have one to trade. If not you may have to wait until someone sells theirs on the market


Yea, I’ve seen it affect my social life a good amount. Interactions have been very different then they use too in a good way. I can see a lot more respect/trust being given as well as a lot of other things like recognizing value/delegation etc.


What’s this?
I just got this NFT a month ago

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Truly one of the moments of all time.



Gatsby= Biggest simp ever


Unfortuanately that’s true.
I first thought that would be M. Zuckerberg, J. Trudeau or E. Macron, but it seems there are way worse cases out there.

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Reason why I can’t rewatch the movie lmao.

Or atleast stop 3/4 of the way.


The FIghter NFT :facepunch: (Private Project)

Fun fact:
In Wolf of Wallstreet, DiCaprio played a simp too.

Ironic, for someone who is a real player in real life…

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Lol don’t mind me.

Just Howard locked in a room, with bottles on the floor and newspapers.

There are a lot of rich men who can fight out there and are still total simps to women… :man_shrugging:


There’s only one viable solution.


We’ve been rocking it for 425 days straight, and let me tell you, the results? Absolutely mind-blowing.

Doors? Yeah, they’re swinging wide open. One major business break worked out better than I expected

Money? Just waiting around the corner, practically begging to join the party.

Synchronicity? Better than ever.

Opportunities? Rolling in like they’re on autopilot.

Welcome to the Oligarch revolution, where every day is an opportunity to make the world a better place – and make a hefty profit while we’re at it.