I’m doing the testimony thread this time.
I was happy to see that the Captain was particularly excited about this one.
This is not about some evil mobster in Eastern Europe or Russia. This is about the Capitalist Elite.
There is a culture and an education about power in our modern world. Power is neither good nor bad, it is a tool.
Imagine how different your perspective would be if you were born in a 0,0001% family.
How would you see the world from the top ?
As the heir of an immense fortune, you would know how it feels and what it takes to be at the top just by observing your powerful family, your parents, siblings… you would casually see behind the curtain. Power would be your natural state of being and it’s levers would have no secrets for you. Your influence on society from your bedroom would be unmatched.
This is not meant to bring you fame and celebrity. Quite the opposite, for what you do… is best done in the dark… to protect yourself and your family, to avoid harassment, to enjoy the freedom of your wealth and power far from the public and its impossible judgement.
It is time to Master the money game ! Master the politics ! Master the human nature ! Climb to the top of society !
So be ready to pull the strings from behind the curtain as I am now introducing “The Oligarch”:
Like the Tuxedo ? So do I

Billionaire club: Receive the energetic, cultural and perceptual features uniquely shared amongst the billionaires of the world.
Feel yourself like a member of the ultra-billionaire community .
Master statecraft: Master the art of conducting state affairs and the interests of the political elite.
Planned/Market economies: Understand the cultures and inner workings of planned and market economies.
The employer: Gain the experience of an employer, recognise the value of employing people, become confortable hiring and dismissing employees.
Delegation: Unconsciously teaches your mind how to transfer responsibilities for specific tasks from one person to another.
Traditional bartering: Become an expert at exchanging goods and services for other goods and services without using a medium of exchange (ie: money) and recognise the usefulness of bartering.
Economic transactions: Become an expert at all modern types of financial transactions.
Transaction cost: Deep understanding of all the transaction costs involved in any transaction you might encounter.
Rational Choice: Use the best logical tools and informations you have to achieve the outcomes that aligns the most with your personal objectives.
Global consciousness: Allows you to see and understand yourself and others within the broader matrix of our contemporary world.
Business cultures: Downloads the Chinese, American, European, Arabian and Russian business cultures.
Seeing through the numbers: Recognise the very common behaviours behind statistical and academic descriptions, theories, jargon.
Supply & Demand: Understand and recognise the economic principle of supply and demand in real life and its effects.
Leverage: Recognise and learn how to use leverage.
Hard and soft power: Master hard and soft power abilities and mindset.
Lucifer effect: Deep intuitive understanding and recognition of the Lucifer effect in all its form.
Information: Use all the informations and knowledge at your disposal to increase your profit.
Inefficiencies: Trains you to see and recognise all forms of inefficiencies.
Trustworthiness: Understand and recognise trustworthy people (friends, partners, employees).
Asymmetries: Allows you to understand and exploit all forms of asymmetries for profit.
Value: Understand the meaning of economic value under all its forms.
Value creation: Allows you to see, recognise value creation.
Value destruction: Allows you to see, recognise value destruction.
Value capture: Optimise the amount of value you capture for yourself.
Market power: Ability to understand, detect all forms of market power and use it.
Monopolies: Ability to detect and create economic monopolies.
Pricing power: Allows you to understand and see prices as usable tools.
Proxy approach: Learn how to use agents to act on your behalf in any situation.
Public opinion: Allows you to see public opinions (as well as customer perception) as usable tools.
Money as power: Allows you to see and utilise money as a form of power.
Interest alignement: Ability to align the interest of various stakeholders toward a specific goal.
Jeff Bezos’ customer obsession: Access the wisdom and experience of Jeff Bezos on customer service.
Geoffrey Moore’s crossing the chasm: Access the wisdom and experience of Geoffrey Moore on crossing the chasm.
Learn how to “crystallise public opinion” (Edward Bernays style).
Institutional powers: Allows you to understand and see institutional powers as usable tools.
Mob psychology: Allows you to understand and see mob psychology as a usable tool.
Regulatory intelligence: Remove all negative and limiting beliefs about regulations and allows you to see regulations as tools usable for your advantage, also allows you to understand and recognise regulatory loopholes.
Greed: Complete understanding of greed under all its forms.
Removes unhealthy attachment to material possessions and wealth in yourself.Subversion: Completely understand subversion and recognise any subversive activities and see subversion as a usable tool.
Privacy: Keep unwanted attention away from yourself.
Image of Most Beneficial Worth: So, this field needs to communicate two things within it, imagine it like a surface coat over your aura or energy. 1. Your worth, and 2. Self worth.
Then, it needs to show just the right level of these things to each person that will communicate to them that you are not a target. Some will target high, some will target low. It might have to ping off them and read them like a radar and then show them the right image. For most people that’s about it. But for those who can actually help advance you, it needs to show them the right levels that will encourage them to do so. Not so much that they perceive you as a threat, not so little they think of you as a charity case, just the right amount for them. So they see enhancing your position as enhancing theirs. Allies join you, The powerful lift you up, the predatory avoid you
Vision Clarified:
- All of your know-how for how to advance and make more money and profit and become more free, independent and profitable (many of the original subfields will get to have more play and power this way)
- The innermost desires of your heart, the strongest underlying core desires within you however buried or hidden from yourself they may or may not be
- The actions you can be performing right now to apply the above-mentioned know-how
Artificially Intelligent Subconscious Law of Attraction:
Your subconscious pays attention, notices and keeps track of all synchronicities that affect your success.
This is going to be to learn and apply the law of attraction directly and independently for yourself. We will not upload any presubscribed doctrines about the law of attraction. Instead, we will notice for ourselves what the universe is actually doing.This will get the subconscious to notice and record all events in our life that affect our success and that are not easily and directly attributable to cause and effect phenomena that we usually understand.
Then it will take that information and apply it to our feelings so that we feel right when we are doing what brings good treatment from the universe
This is meant to take you on a journey of realization, to show you beyond the words and definitions, beyond the academic jargon, beyond what you can currently see. Beyond the veil of ignorance and speculation.