The Plasma Flaunt

@Quantum : try Help .. Tinnitus from audio - #3 by anon93725243 and


Yes, and also use nerve and brain related fields.

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Thank you so much! :heart::pray:t3:

Mini review: I bought this in late August hoping it would help my father. He is not interested in listening to it so I’ve been using it myself 1-3x a day depending on my diet (everything on point and vitamins galore means 3x and on other days 1x minimum) and time available. Who knows what sort of good things it’s doing to my body exactly but I’ve already noticed better hair quality and softer elbows. Maybe a tiny energy boost. I’ll report back after a longer time has passed.

Very grateful to have this :pray:


I never had such strong nails like i do thanks to this field. Hair is also growing faster and in abundance.


Bumping to remind you of the sale going on for the fields i consider a must have

Also check this one which can cover everything at your request by need or target

The Smarter Rife


AI generated based on the description

A lot of purple lol

Might remake it to match it with the song


Every once in awhile I loop this field for some hours and it never lets me down along with blueprint of life.

Recently I haven’t noticed how drained, low energy, bad mental and physical health, etc. I’ve been in. I put this field to the side for weeks which is abnormal for me.

Yet when I played it today, I got the detox symptoms (YES :fire:) and used the bathroom a couple of times.

I kept playing it, and now my knees feel better (I had knee surgery a few years ago and sometimes the knees feel weak.)

My mental health feels better.

Skin is more clear and acne vanished.

Bloating was absolutely diminished.

Mental health feels better. I feel very much more balanced and went out and was significantly higher in productivity. (Definitely was having some body issues hence why plasma brain of youth and my other brain fields weren’t nipping the problem in the hud completely.)

A picture of me today compared to yesterday would’ve shown night and day difference.

I will continue looping for a bit, I’m loving the results.

But all I can say is thank you Dreamweaver for this one. I put it to the side yet I was wondering why my health was muuuch better in the past lol. I now understand exactly why.


I only ever play this once at most :sweat_smile: the fatigue afterwards is just too much on my system.


Lol, I’m just weird. I play so many fields and put up with whatever side effects. :rofl:


Yes sir that’s the same thing that happens to me. Loop it while I sleep and wake up with my skin looking like a k-pop idol’s.

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Well you’ll more or less end up having a maxed out resistance to magic. So if someone tried to hit you with a spell you’d walk it off possibly lol.

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Say again? Creates some kind of magical defense?

Lol I’m being satirical. There’s no magic resistance abilities given by this field. I just made that statement jokingly since @Jojo abuses the fields and powers through the side effects fairly quickly.
Sorry for the misdirection but it was just playful banter.


Well you never know! Had to ask :smiley:

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I think we get used to the effects and the results slow down a bit. I noticed this especially with Blueprint of Life. At first the effects were obvious, then wained a bit, then I took a little break (a week or two, maybe), came back to it and really noticed it again. If you’re not doing the whole lovestack/ego/slr thing, I think a small break and then a return to certain fields works well enough. Cycling works for most things, it seems!


for me plasma flaunt is the best 4x morning and 3 times before bed

but i might try the loop for fun lol

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What’s the difference with the other field “new and improved skin”?

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How does this do with candida overgrowth?

Stomach bloating? Really :flushed: