The Plasma Flaunt

Healing fields is different bro. Obviously they need need physical intake to support the healing process. But the diet fields is exclusive !

Like here , “The 3 Ginsengs” is a DIET FIELD. When sapien can create various flavours of perfumes, incense out of thin air without needing to buy physical product. As @Captain_Nemo created “The 3 Ginsengs” diet field, Perfumes , incense etc. why not “Spirulina & Maca” as DIET FIELD (Re-create complete effect) along the same lines. It would be exciting and useful if he can make this one too ! :)

This was energy tested to have plasma skin in it right? If so, I wouldn’t need to use plasma skin too? Or would it be good to use both to really target the skin (I’m trying to limit how many new audios I add) :slight_smile:

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Dream said the smell fields use chemicals from the air or somthing like that. They don’t just come out of fine air

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I do not understand what this means and what you want to say with this.

Healing of the physical body always requires physical building blocks.
In almost all cases these building blocks come from diet. Either as already ready-to-use building blocks, or as building blocks that the body converts and re-structures into the building blocks that it needs.

In my opinion, no, this does not automatically mean that the field creates a tiny amount of molecules in the air that you can then smell. More likely it means that the field triggers in your brain and nose those neuro signals that would lead to the PERCEPTION of these flavours and perfumes. The brain can be triggered to perceive stuff just by triggering the right neurons. But perceiving something vs. having actual physical molecules are different things. Triggering perception is much easier to achieve than synthesizing complex molecules (and most flavour and perfume molecules are very complex).

Or it is done by a completely different method.
Maybe Captain will let us know?


Use nerve inflammation help along with that… Fast results

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I thought triggered memories of smells would be effective, but it would just be cutting corners and cheating lol.
So no it doesn’t.
It restructures what ever is in the air around you.
again, the more raw elements, the easier it is to create.

Some people now mist up their air a bit before playing any to get more effects


Follow logic and reason,

a signal and information can be sent to the receptive cells, it tells it what to do.

The adaptogens in the ginseng field instructs the body,
It tells it to do different things and act in certain ways.

Maca etc, are raw materials, its a very physical thing your body digests and uses to build and repair other things.
Medicinal chemicals that instruct, yes we can do this.
Proteins, no, but it can shifted around in your body, break down some muscle etc etc, to produce the effects, (and maca etc simulant) but this costs your own personal body resources.


Oha, wow, I didn’t thought of that option at all. Thank you for feedback.


Such nice details, explanations you have provided us @Captain_Nemo :pray: So looking forward to more surprises (possibly a Maca, etc simulant) in near future :muscle:


Also, compared to many other “superfoods” Maca tastes delicious!

Shilajit is my favourite because it contains 80+ minerals.


I thought u done that too. Lol but I read someone’s comment saying their mum can smell it when they walked in the room.

And no offensive I dought someone’s mum is going to be energy sensitive.


(Deleted because Cap’n gave a fuller explanation and answer above.)

Yes it includes plasma skin.

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First listen and the only thing on my mind is this guy


“Flont” The Healer :see_no_evil:

whats up human :sunglasses:


:sunglasses: what’s up human? :sunglasses:
I have been flaunted


Pine Pollen too :evergreen_tree: I take it everyday



Listening to the field after karate practice, feeling sensations in all the areas where I got hit, all over my body. Supposed to be the instant healing and recovery that is taking place. Just wow!


Dream u should do an audio, but like it takes u through a journey by using your memories.

Like an bobsled audio lol. Where u can close your eyes and feeling the wind and shit. And you can sorta feel like ur skating down. That is genius.

Imagine coming back from work just exhausted with the day. Then you can jusst pop in the audio and go on some winter sports type shit.

Although I have no clue how doable this is. and who it will work on and so on.