The Plasma Flaunt

I have definitely noticed haven’t wanted sweets or alcohol barely at all since this field. :relieved::blush:


Because in the moment I was like “wtf is this” :joy:

Just got a bit confused lol when the description came out

Got it @Shivy-SzN :smiley:

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Journal #3

Amazing field.

I’ve had some pretty strong detox symptoms after going above three times a day, managed with breaks and various fields like fa jin gong healing, automated pranayama and the microkinesi therapist. The super human mutant helped in a pinch too once or twice. As I mentioned before I went down to once a day for a few days.

I don’t know the extent to what I need help with internally but I believe it is a lot- I was not an angel in my twenties and then a hard birth recovery etc. don’t want to complain just want to illustrate that I probably have more going on that needs help internally than a good percentage of you. So I’m being patient with myself.

This was pretty good I went to a family reunion and I remembered last minute I left all my
Makeup at my parents house a few states away.

Ordinarily I’d insist on wearing makeup to something like this but I felt I really didn’t need it my skin looked that good even in pictures.

Feeling a lot of work being done in my hamstrings today which honestly I wouldn’t have thought was next on the list, I’ve never had hamstring issues but who knows. Maybe I just feel things there and it’s a nerve thing

:leaves::blossom::leaves::blossom:A few days later, worked back up to three times a day.

I feel fine, definitely noticing a major pro which is the more I use this, the more of my fat it uses for its purposes. But not so much from boobs yet. Plasma flaunt if you’re listening, the boob fat is available!

Jokes aside it’s probably going for the fat around my organs internally first as that has been in the descriptions of most if not all of the fat to stem cells fields

One thing that has bothered me for a few years now is eyebags/hollows. They were getting really bad. I have a pretty young face structurally, those were raining on my parade. They’re not gone but they are so much better. I am also using Negentropic mewing, and I absolutely believe that is helping.

My eyelids were really puffy too, and they’re not as puffy now. Even my husband commented on that, that my eyes look bigger and more open. Neither of us are very good at blowing smoke so I know if he comments on something he means it.

I’m not getting short of breath anymore, before listening to this I would get that easily. And the breathing has gotten EVEN better since pranayama. Thank you for the recommendation Sarumann33

It’s getting more apparent that I may have had some kind of parasite that I’m also getting rid of. There was a food poisoning incident some 11 years ago and I hadn’t been the same ever since BUT I do feel those symptoms waning. My digestion is quicker and there is no more of what I could only assume was spleen pain since it was on upper left. That had been going on for two years.

Okay so I read this a few times and it seemed far fetched to me at the time (nothing does now)- people talking about tooth plaque just falling out of their mouth. My bottom teeth had some visible plaque I’m sorry to say- but notice I said “had.” This is my most visible development, I will start taking pictures while there’s still a little plaque left. It was two thick white pieces of plaque- now there’s just a thin one on one of the teeth. Readers, i did not anticipate this when buying the field but it is most welcome. I will also reiterate that my mouth definitely feels cleaner and more airy overall. Nothing dense about it. I won’t go so far as to say it feels like it does right after a deep cleaning, but maybe it feels like your friend is a dental hygienist and touched you up a little on your lunch break.

I can’t say my diet is pristine, but I am naturally not overeating anymore. I just don’t have the desire. I would before push myself a little bit, but now- no. I feel fullness approaching and I’m just like, stop.

So I’m kind of like one of those buildings you see with the scaffolding in it- lots of activity but a work in progress.


I’m gonna share with my dad and wife.


And if you listen to it 24 times in a row it takes a total time of 88,8 minutes (I just listened to this amount of times now). 3 times is 11.1 min, 6 times is 22.2 min, 9 times is 33.3 min and 12 times is 44.4 min :slight_smile:
And the mp3 is 3:42 min or 222 seconds.


I’m not part of the admin team here. I don’t get paid to post, nor do I benefit from posting in any real way.

When I post here I’m taking time out of my own life. I answer questions and inform others because I truly believe more people should know about the benefits of this field.

Please don’t message me about stupid issues like formatting, or messaging, or posting here before using the search button when your question has already been answered. Things like that are frustrating when I don’t have to do any of this at all and makes me want to stop sharing.

This is about a very small minority of people btw.

95% of you have asked me questions that I’m happy to answer. I’d like for you to keep them coming and sharing more of your experiences here too.

My messages are open as well if you have any questions you may not want to ask publicly. I can’t guarantee I will answer all messages, but if its within my ability and I have the time, I will.

It tests weak for catalase being in the field directly or any aspect of it being part of the field.

My sleep is so much deeper and I dream almost every night now and remember them vividly. Only thing I can attribute that to is this.

Only one it has is amniotic healing membrane pod. It doesn’t seem to have the others as a whole field or even in part as a component.

It doesn’t have just the shoulders unfortunately.

I’m not part of the administrative team here and not open to being asked individual questions anymore.

Just to reiterate: you cannot direct the field.

The field is smarter and more knowledgeable than you are on the topic of your health. I posted about this above, but we often think we know what the issue is and have no clue what it really is.

If you believe you’ve been directing the field, its likely because you and the field agree on what needs to be worked on next. That’s not always going to be the case though.

This isn’t a dig at @anon25711007 or anyone else btw. I just want everyone to have accurate information about the field.

It seems mewing is in the field.

My tongue has definitely been more comfortable resting on the top of my mouth. Has also helped my breathing quite a bit.

I don’t have the old PP, but even if I did I wouldn’t use it. The only advantage I can think of with the old PP is that you get to target what aspects of your body you want to work on.

Plasma Flaunt is a smart field that will automatically do that for you, and would likely be a lot better at choosing what needs to be targeted.

That was me lol. It doesn’t have anything for flaunting directly.

Having nice skin, hair, nails and a brighter, beautiful smile is universally attractive though. My skin is literally glowing, the kind of shine people spend $100s of dollars to get. Whether that’s beauty treatments, makeup or procedures. This purchase seems to give better results than any of them. In addition, I’m in a more positive mood due to this field which other people pick up on.


Thanks for all your effort (on behalf of everyone that won’t say it) :100::facepunch:t4::muscle:t4:


I haven’t noticed any of this yet unfortunately, but I can only assume its because I have so much more inner healing which needs to be sorted out first before getting on to the physical features side of things. If anything my psoriasis, eczema and dry skin has gotten a bit worse since using this field. It must be due to detox. I do think it is helping me lose weight though and my energy is getting better. I’m able to tolerate a lot more foods which I have intolerances to also, which is cool :ok_hand:t3:


Man am so hyped to get this, Will be getting it very soon

Am just too exited.



Does Plasma Flaunt contain nerve fields?


Yes it does, matter of fact that was one of the main motivations behind PP1 (nervous system repair)

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Thank you for reply. I will consider buy this audio

Just got spirulina because of your comment, any others would u recommend?

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If your are fully healthy, I recommend going completely vegan with at least 50% of the diet being raw vegetables / salad.
Raw food is much more nutritious than cooked. Do not eat raw animal products though…


It’s hard because I live with family, so it’s what ever they eat. But it usually heathy.

What do you mean you live with family?
Are they cooking for you or you for them?
Either way, your health should be above your family.
Because without health the whole incarnation is pointless.
And without health you can’t even be there for your family…
So the family must understand that you need to eat healthy.
It is not you doing them a favor or they doing you favor.
Health is non-negotiable.


They cook for me, I am mainly talking about its hard to go completely vegan diet. Even if i was to swtich to be a vegan I think it will be hard because I love meat.

But yes i will make smarter decision when it comes to my healthy


in my opinion it is not that important, a good vegetarian based diet can be more than enough to contribute to good health


Whenever I listen to plasma flaunt I get a pulsating in my pineal gland area . I wonder why that is.