The Plasma Flaunt

lmao that’s silly. but thanks for the info, but statements like the three previous plasma combo audios is why I was asking

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it’s the Plasma Protocol
it had 3 audios


It just happens all the time unfortunately.

Im glad you appreciate the effort

And yes what the other member commented after me

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Thanks for the clarity! sometimes after reading the whole thread I get mixed up with some information

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Is anyone using this lately or has there been a new audio that supersedes this?

Most people still use this and there has not been a replacement (or likely will be).


I mostly use this to look young. It works pretty well, haven’t been sick besides a small cold but when that happens I play this bad boy and it immediately goes away.

1x a day.


that perseverance! :clap:

Are there 2 of you already?


A few days ago I passed day 300.
When you reach a consistent number of listening days, you never want to stop.


what else does it do other than addiction to itself? :laughing: I know you got healthier hair. anything else you can mention? more importantly, what other fields do you play with it if any?

I bought this last year and just forgot about it after a few weeks…

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Yes, my hair is now almost completely dark like when I was very young, the wounds heal quickly, the skin on my hands is very smooth, but many other improvements are internal and therefore cannot be seen.
So the advice for this is not to abandon it early, but to take at least 4-6 months of listening.


Alright, I just got convinced I’ll stick to it for at least a few months. :raised_hands:

Starting June 21st, 2022.


Do you listen with other audios? As in are there other physical fields in your stack?

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You listen 2/3 time a day ?.

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In the last few weeks, almost always 4 times.


your consistency is admirable!


Using it since end of last year consistently. Not sure on the effects… besides making me tired. The last month it kind of got used to it. I will be doing some bloodworks soon and by nature having a high cholesterol, I do hope my bad cholesterol levels went down.


First of all, very grateful for this one. Thank you Dreamweaver.

I have the Plasma Protocol and been using it on a quite regular basis for the last 2 years, except for some break periods from time to time. I was already very satisfied with that one, so I wasn’t thinking about getting the Flaunt until recently but I’m glad I did. The difference is tangible, even aside from actual results. In terms of feeling it working immediately.

I use it 3 times before my short health stacks (one in the day, one in the night). I believe I have no major physical issue to cure, just one little thing for which I hope to report results someday.

2 things I’ve noticed so far:

  • Improvement for the skin: definitely, as reported here already by many other users. I think I already said a few times that we have shitty water in our city, turning the skin (and hair) into some parchment unless one takes precautions by using lotions, oils, etc. Really, no other way. Some of the previous skin fields were helping but to be honest, I didn’t use them much lately nor products to help the skin (negligence). So I was walking around like a piece of parchment recently, until getting the Flaunt. Immediate softening/smoothing of the skin. No exaggeration. Immediate as in the very first day of use.

  • I think it was Atreides asking in another thread if another field was giving a permanent high-level stamina, instead of just a temporary energy explosion. The one we naturally have in our youth, as he reminded. Well it seems the Flaunt does it, making that stamina quasi-constant. Even the extreme current heat is somewhat more bearable (any other field like the Kinetic Quasi Crystal, etc. does unfortunately not work for me this year regarding resistance to heat).

Many other things seem to go on internally, in accordance with the “surgeon” feature of this field. Will report later maybe.

Lastly, no perceptible or challenging detox symptoms for me so far. Didn’t really have any with the original Plasma Light and Plasma Protocol either.


Hi everyone!! I’ve been reading the testimonies posted here as well as updates with long-term effects. I bought the field after deciding that maybe this will help with chronic fatigue, depression and hormonal problems that I haven’t been able to fully fix with the Patreon fields, not even after months of consistent listening.

Oooh boy. How do I begin to explain it. I bought this two days ago, not expecting much because I listen to the Plasma Bioactive Beach audio at least once a day and I feel like I have gotten used to listening to fields. Well, after thr first few listens, my brain started to… change. Like I felt this electric current shift things. I have a history of depression, really bad relationship ans family trauma due to parents being neglected and that being passed on… I feel the field is triggering something the Archetype of Parental Love audio isn’t because I had a conversation with my mom yesterday, a really long one, and for the first time in a long time I felt like I could connect and speak to her without feeling anxiety or rejection. I woke up today, played the field once or twice, and had the most cleansing cry I have felt in a long time.

I have some coping mechanisms (one can say addictions) whenever I feel very sad or depressed or lonely. I am proud to say that today I wasn’t distracted and could work without much issue. Again, something in my brain is changing in a way I haven’t experienced before, not even with the brain fields. And, like a fellow poster said before, I feel a bit more like myself. Memories are returning, the PTSD blanks are being filled up again.

I am so so grateful that this was made. My tears have gone from being born from sadness to welling up from gratitude.


Thank you for the really nice share, inbetween. I am really happy for you!