The Plasma Flaunt

II’m desperate I have spinal damage and I’m pretty sure I have scoliosis, I have hypertrophied turbinates because of this I also have sleep apnoea I’m literally in deep shit I can’t take it anymore. Please tell me this audio can help me with this? I only have money for one field. Help🙏


Oh man. Sounds very tough. You might want to consider Maxilla Masterwork if you think your breathing issues are structural. it’s a very fast acting field and most report breathing improves. Plasma Flaunt more of a biological field, but could help with nerve damage over time.

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Thank you! Is there a paid course that will help me with scoliosis and spinal damage? I have tried spinal tapper and scoliosis for a long time and it hasn’t helped me. I’ve been reading a lot these days and I think microkinesis could help but I’m not sure, does anyone know?

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It’s tough with that specific condition. I’m hoping that my Negentropic Sphenoid Bone field will get made at some point…

Could be helpful there. You could always look into actually getting NCR from a practitioner too. I’ve had it done 4-5 times and it’s a gamechanger for anything structural. Opened up 2 inches of height in my spine.


Thank you! One las question Apart from scoliosis I have a degenerative disc. Can Plasma cure this? Or another field

It could certainly help with inflammation and maybe even drawing moisture back into the disc tissues. Everything seems to improve a bit with Plasma Flaunt…

That said, it sounds like predominantly you have structural issues. I get that you need results and are at your wits end, but I encourage you to also keep trying with Spinal Tapper. Do longer sessions, add boosters like Torsion, Kinetic Quasi Crystal, Acu Automation, Subconscious Limits Removal v3.0…



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Try Omega 3 suplements, they are powerfully antiinflammatory, and they make such a huge difference, in my experience, they open the nasal passages because they drastically reduce the swelling.

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Anyone with tattoos use this field, and if so any negative effects seen like fading, etc Just wondering!

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Nope none. Look the same.

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Last night I listened to this irresponsibly. I can handle 3-4 loops, but last night before bed I looped it 6 times right after 4 loops of hard detox, and I’m paying for it today! I think it’s the combo of those two that hit me especially hard. Today I’m so weak, feel off and been having a lot of BM’s. Not sure what PF was doing last night, but my organs in my stomach were strongly active during the last couple loops, like something was pulling within each of them, it was very strong!

Today I’m drinking lots of electrolyte water, trying to eat a balanced diet, multi vitamins, looping Antioxidant and Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup. Open to suggestions! The back of my knee feels weirdly weak, so I’m listening to Just the Knees. Ugh anyway, I love this field, and have been slowly re introducing it to my stack, but I don’t remember being hit this hard from it before!


I wonder why it could cause nosebleeds? I noticed when I listen to it more than 3 times a day I get a nosebleed.


My guess was that it builds up too much pressure. I haven’t heard another theory yet :thinking:

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So If I understand correctly from reading all the comments here, the body needs food to heal. In my case I am over 100+ lbs over weight, and It seems I still need food to heal and more it seems, or maybe different food. I eat no junk, food and only drink spring water. I each meat & veggies every day and protein bars and yogurt with frozen fruit as snacks. A few times a month I will have plain pasta as well. It doesn’t seem to matter what I eat, it doesn’t impact my weight or healing.

Can the body not use the weight/fat as a fuel source to heal? I know the stems cells will use some fat. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking that my body would use the already nutrients in my body as building block to heal.

Could I also use the energy of Chi, Jing & Shen to better support my healing instead of more food?

Not sure how to best support my body.


I think that as long as you are eating healthily, even if it’s a little bit of a deficit for weight loss you’d be good. A really good multivitamin can help you cover your bases too - so you’d have necessary nutrients for healing and health



Only images and descriptions seem to have been updated.


It looks like he has it up on the app


You should spam Smart stem cells or at least 'Transform fat cells to stem cells" one.

And u might consider the ‘What fat?’ one as well.


Hey Powren, thanks I will look into those 3 suggested fields, to see which ones I can get and see how they help with the healing.