The Plasma Flower

i feel like this has helped me trust my feelings and in doing so increased my understanding of my friends.

i would feel discomfort and i knew someone was going to let me know that they weren’t doing well.


  • i felt anxious before work and i had this feeling that my coworker was having similar symptoms. after an hour i get a message from them that they can’t come to work which allowed me the day off to enjoy how i pleased.
  • i had plans with a group of friends, but i had a feeling of dread and a headache and knew that it was going to get cancelled by another friend. later in the day they messaged the group requesting a reschedule as there were circumstances out of their control.

the unpleasant feelings go away right after the other party reaches out like they re-owned the energy that i was holding for them.

there’s a pattern of discomfort within me that’s tied to feeling disempowered in a social setting. when i acknowledge my emotions, the people around me take action before i need to and i regain my sense of control on my schedule.

i realized that i was taught in early childhood that lying was acceptable and now i can’t tolerate it. my mom and i had an interaction with a liar today during a business transaction. we recognized their ill intentions and started to ignore them until they left. we were grateful to finish our business with another associate that treated us like family.

many past traumas resolved today just be being in the present moment.

i saw in real time how my actions inspired those around me to change behaviours they said they’ve always wanted to change but never could in the past.

overall i’m really happy with this morphic field as it helps me improve my social skills and perception!



if im playing plasma flower node , is there any other benefit that i can get from “Sapien Medicine Live Radio (Meditations)” ?

With the radio meditations we are trying to raise the vibration of the whole Earth, when we connect to it we become loving energy distribution points.

So the energies can be similar but we reach way wider and becomes more powerful when the intention of many is contributing at the same time.


people are generally nicer towards me



I’ve been looping the node mode almost 24/7 for a week and a half at home. (mostly changing back and forth from the normal because I was trying to test it) Today I saw my parents actually sitting together and enjoying the tv together. The heck? I typically only see them arguing, being unhappy with each other, and doing their own stuff as they sit at different locations in the house.

I can’t think of anything else other than plasma flower contributing to this.


Plasma Flower is the best audio for “ATTRACTING WOMEN”?

Or what is the best audio to ATTRACT women?


Um, this is environmental field so I think it is unlikely. Becoming more vibrant (in energy) should cause more attraction.


As Vesparda said, no lol.
I have no idea which audio is the best for your purpose but I’d recommend you to read this thread instead.

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Ojas :slight_smile:

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I tend to use plasma flower more as passive field and live meds more actively while meditating (yes… the normal use of the word “active” seems opposte to meditation) receiving insights, etc


Same for me, for electromagnetic protection, but I fear the arrival of animals a little, while the green of my garden is very luxuriant




here I would like to avoid that, strange phenomena already happen with dogs after listening to Armor of Light :roll_eyes: :sunglasses:


you’ll be fine!

animals can also sense how you feel about them and if you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone!

if they’re in your property, they’ll run first when you get their attention.



seriously how do you have such little self awareness xD


around here there are already too many; excluding dogs and cats, as if to say domestic, there are pigeons, crows (which however serve to keep pigeons away) sparrows, herons, ducks, otters, but my garden was partly devastated by the mole.
However I must say that my pines are in excellent shape, despite the abundant snowfall of 7 months ago had compromised some branches, I thought they were irrecoverable and instead they are back as before


Haha same old story in every garden!
If you have the dragon servitor, maybe you can ask the dragon to keep the moles away :)