The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

So for example thinking about an addiction while listening to this could help with it?

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Yes, but understand that it requires constant awareness, a certain duration of awareness you can’t just be aware for a second or a minute you have to be aware throughout the whole thing. So what this principle is saying in practice is that if you’re smoking. Usually, you and everyone around you consider smoking to be a harmful activity, but when you smoke you’re not fully aware of it. So with this principle tells you is that if you were to smoke without trying to change anything about how you’re smoking, without trying to force yourself to stop if you were just to smoke with full awareness, fully consciously over and over and over and over again you would not actually be able to continue to put that cigarette in your mouth at some point it would just hit you like a lightning bolt to the head. It’s like “wait a minute what am I doing here?” “what am i thinking?” “what am i doing?” and you would just put it down because the awareness would reveal the damage that this is doing to yourself to such an extent that you couldn’t really authentically genuinely continue the behavior for that to happen.

It requires constant awareness it’s not enough just to say oh yeah I know smoking is bad for me and then just to continue to smoke unconsciously that’s not going to work.


Try it and let us know!


See you in 10 years!


I’m thinking of adding this to the OM PONR stack at the end. Would that be all right?

ChatGPT on the Therapi device : The Theraphi device was developed based on the work of Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky, and Royal Rife, who were pioneers in the field of energy-based healing. The device creates a coherent plasma field that is believed to be similar to the plasma fields found in nature, such as lightning and the aurora borealis.

The plasma field generated by the Theraphi device is thought to stimulate the body’s cells and tissues, increasing cellular energy and promoting regeneration and healing. The plasma field is also believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect and may help reduce pain and swelling.

In addition to the plasma field, the Theraphi device also produces infrasound frequencies. Infrasound is sound that is below the range of human hearing, typically below 20 hertz. The infrasound frequencies produced by the device are believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Theraphi therapy sessions typically last between 20 to 30 minutes and are administered on a weekly basis. The therapy is non-invasive and painless, and patients can remain fully clothed during the session. Patients typically report feeling a sense of calm and relaxation during the session, and some may experience a mild tingling sensation.

Here are some potential benefits of Theraphi therapy:

  1. Increased cellular energy and metabolism
  2. Improved circulation and oxygenation of tissues
  3. Reduced inflammation and pain
  4. Promotes cell regeneration and healing
  5. Boosts the immune system
  6. Enhances relaxation and reduces stress
  7. Improves sleep quality
  8. Supports detoxification processes
  9. Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  10. Promotes wound healing and tissue repair
  11. Enhances athletic performance and reduces recovery time
  12. May help with certain skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne
  13. May help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression
  14. May help with certain autoimmune disorders
  15. May help with pain management for chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and migraines
  16. May help with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  17. May help with respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  18. May improve cognitive function and memory
  19. May help with addiction and substance abuse recovery
  20. May improve overall well-being and quality of life
  21. May help with certain neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS)
  22. May help with certain cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension and angina
  23. May help with weight loss and metabolic disorders such as diabetes
  24. May enhance the body’s natural healing abilities and promote longevity

However, as with any medical treatment or therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying Theraphi therapy to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs and health status.


I don’t know if this is allowed to post here, but am really done and pissed off now.
I have used the skin stack I was told and suggested by some users here for my issue and believe me not a mm difference I have seen,infact it makes me feel more worried about it. Some did suggested to go on and purchase some NFT or other paid fileds which I can’t cuz the amount it has is literally the salary of a decent working person here. Should I just give up and never get back to fileds I mean no disrespect but when you put your self for this over a year and more even after requesting for this you get nothing you lose the clam. Thank you but no thanks as well. Guess only money ones really work for people

Your opinions are welcomed here.

I don’t know your issues, and many of us probably won’t be able to tell you exactly what will help and what won’t. But I will say if the root cause isn’t addressed the symptoms will always be there.

i suggest you look deeper into your issue, research and speak to your healthcare professional. If you still want to use audios to assist and readjust your playlist. You’ll find many free audios that can help address your problem, also if not doing so already focus on addressing this issue instead of wanting to change everything at once.

focused audio are usually better at addressing an issue than all-around audio.


Hi Sunkissed, hmm indeed first you might need a diagnosis of the skin problem. The idea is that you also try to let go since that might worsen the skin condition. I had a form of rosacea in the past -incurable- according the skin doctor. It is gone, and not through fields as such. My idea is that you not only rely on fields only, but work on yourself and do research on the skin condition. The fields can give a nudge in the right direction.

Do note that food, stress, or other imbalances etc. etc. can cause skin conditions. Also the very fact that you worry about it, could worsen the condition. If you can have a look at potential triggers. Also a new source of info is ChatGPT where you can spar for your condition (once known).

The idea behind my cure of rosacea was a switch in food, meditation, visualization, and try to calm the skin externally with topical creams OR oils (like e.g. castor) and try to avoid stress triggers. Two things that certainly helped were Moringa Olifeira tea and Neem Tea… but it is all through research i did on my condition…


Thank you for those kind words . I did go on depth and saw and learnt everything I can and its like none had answers only supposing that it might, also tried it took the pain , and belive me the pain isn’t like it will be there for 2 mints. Took it for hours. I just don’t know what to do and say.Sir I went from a astrologer to the karma readers as well,just couldn’t see or find any answers.

Am happy that you got cured :blush: really makes me feel good.
I did try the ayurvedic medicines and herbs even Dr sebi and some of the finest books on alkaline dites ,few were really good and did also gave word to cure but the prices i saw where damn high for a thing which grows in nature itself.
I shall be on my way to find more we as in family do the neem and naay( Marathi ) a plant which is way more bitter than neem itself ,it was used in our Village so that if a sanke bites you you don’t die. We drink it every year for 15 days straight in vastan rutu a season here. Am doing it since childhood yet this 🥲. I should use the visual tool and stress control as well. Emotions do have a huge impact i agree with you brother.

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I purchased the plasma flaunt so just wondering is it still beneficial to listen to this as well ?

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For general, situational, life negentropy yes


I’ve been experimenting with Torsion and Plasma for a while now. I usually meditate to them or just lay down and relax, but today I drifted off to a state of sleep after 3 rounds of torsion (note, it was 11.30 am and wasn’t tired at all).

I think I travelled multiple dimensions/timelines. I had something like 5 or 6 different dreams in a span of around 45 minutes. Every single one of them showed me a different version of me in a different scenario. Some of them were quite familiar, but others were places I’ve never seen, with people I felt I knew but never met (I suspect some of them weren’t even on this planet because I remember some strange creatures). The trippy thing is, after every dream I opened my eyes for a second and immediately drifted off to sleep again, so it was like switching realities with the blink of the eyes (like zapping on television)

Woke up spontaneously at 12.12. I remember it because I’m seeing repeating numbers on the clock multiple times a day for a while now. The epicondylitis in my left arm is completely gone and I feel deeply rejuvenated, and EXTREMELY calm and collected, like my entire being had a software update. My beard seems 15-20% longer (I cut it this morning).
Plasma light was on loop the entire time.


I don’t know who this helps maybe somebody but if you’re busy and can’t look at your phone, and also if you only listen to this partway, you can count the minutes approximately by the melody. From the start of the melody, to the next round of melody, I counted out is roughly 70 seconds


Beutiful stuff :relaxed::pray:t2: just found it and it’s a lifechanger


Is there any benefit for this over Plasma Flaunt?

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No, plasma flaunt covers it.
Plasma flaunt is the latest of all in Plasma based fields & a paid one + a smart field.


How so is it a smart field, what does it do that is smart?