Please help asap


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I don’t know if I can be of any help, but I sometimes still have days of intense itching due to transformations or detox, especially during the new moon. I have also suffered from enormous hair loss in the past as a result of a chronically overstressed system. After a few years of bioresonance therapy in combination with homeopathy, I slowly recovered. In my perception it would be strange if it’s from the internal alchemical crucible only. Maybe it’s completely something else. Why don’t you try some oils & aromas from physalis if it is available in your country. These can have a calming effect on your system and mood. I still use patchouli daily because of its calming & grounding effect. Maybe you can surf and intuitively find something that resonates with you, so you can start somewhere. Maybe you can also check for a crystal against itching. Does your skin feel dry & is there skin degeneration at the moment?

I also heard the body nerve healing audio on patreon is great for verve system recovery.


Drink lots and lots of water! Tons of water…

Eat Cucumber or watermelon or any watery fruits or veggies…

Use Grounding audio!

Go for a long walk in Nature early morning or late evening where there is a breeze.

Don’t use any other fields or subliminals except Grounding for a while.

If u r using any medication or supplements ( No to protein shakes) let us know .


I don’t know what the reason for your problem is, I don’t think it’s just from listening to those fields, but I’m not sure either. How about your sleep and nutrition? If there is something that can cause those symptoms, it is having poor nutrition (a lot of processed food, chemicals, sugar and other toxins) and drinking alcohol and smoking. Also lack of sleep. Please avoid those things, nourish yourself as best you can with fresh foods and sleep as much as you can. 8 uninterrupted hours at least.

You can listen to plasma light beach for general healing and calm the nervous system.

This one can help with problems of unknown cause:


didn’t know it directly calmed down the nervous system? maybe i overlooked


Yes, the plasma field also produces infrasound, which is what has a calming effect. (In my experience it works best if you listen to it in a meditative state or lying down).There is more information in the field thread but here is a fragment that talks about it:


This stops itches for me.


Sounds like the reaction I had to when I had the stupid covid vaccine. Have you tried b vitamins? Aloha lipoic acid if you try that? Also maybe try grounding your feet barefoot outside on grass

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Thanks mate gonna try this

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Yeah actually my body had an inflammatory response after crucible since the food I ate was mostly acidic so I shifted to fruits and water charger for alkaline water


Thank you everyone means a lot you replied


That’s great but it would be handy if you let check your constitution. In indian medicine there are the three doshas. You adjust your diet depending on which doshas are dominant for you. This can be a reason why you suddenly have these reactions. Probably Lucky can say a bit more about this…

Sorry to interfere since you asked Lucky but that’s what came to mind instantly


bro thanks just checked I may be pitta Disha so just eat a lot of raw vegetable fruits and non processsed sugar sweets like jaggery from now on

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Really helped me thanks

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You asked right questions Robby. I recommended above based on his dosha combination now. Warrior boy is super high Pitta and because of that other doshas got vitiated.

@Warrior boy - I strongly recommend again in addition to above

No to spicy foods, deep fried, sugars, oils, butters, breads etc.

If u r getting phlegm too frequently, mind it carefully.

No to subs or fields for a week or 2. Later u can add Hydrogen accumulation + Hgf + Nigella one from PU + inflammation aid from PU.

Take good supplements vitc + d + zinc + mg

If u have access to ayurveda shops take kabasura kudineer (ofc u check with practitioner before using ).

Did u get any infection in last 6 months ? C0vid or something? It’s usually because of this, and not by using internal crucible field imo.


Love this info!!

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This one is free and might help you.

Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine)

It balances, the 5 elements, might help turn down the fire you feel from crucible.
And this one might fully fix the problem because it takes away any energy system that is affecting you right now.

Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning.

It washes all energies from fields so it might be great help.

The Acu-Automaton might help you it works on acupuncture, on all your body to balance and bring inner energetic harmony to your body, which also helps to digest fields, that have burned out people, many people say its one of the best fields to integrate heavy energies…
Also understand that fields, can interact differently with everybody unless it has an intelligence field it will just do its job. It cost money though, but I really think this can help, because it fully balances, your whole body energy.

Also you can try auric body repair since it will help repair your aura and energy body, and balance to the optimal state, in which the crucible might have, over done your energy system. The one at the bottom are free so you can try them out if not then you can try Acu-Automaton and this one.

Hope this helps, if not try this qi gong to distribute your energies.

Any idea why should I do for my hair

Thanks a. Lot for this lucky

Hair fall is an indirect effect because of your sudden increase in body heat + inflammatory factors in your body.
You fix the core issue tackling inflammation & body heat, hair issues will get resolved automatically.

Maintain a proper diet for a while as suggested.
All the best !